Overall impressions - uneven quality across levels, very intricate rooms strung together with rudimentary tunnels, lazy copypasta design in places, still too much emphasis on symmetry, texturing at times very beautiful and tasteful and at times horrendous, bad use of lights, mandatory puzzles too difficult (seriously, you should NEVER make puzzles that hard mandatory to progression), ubiquitous flat doors on walls. All the levels have their strong points, but all of them also have their share of problems, such as the ones mentioned above, which in my opinion disqualifies the submissions. The only level I would be even remotely inclined to fix these problems in is De'Gaffa - even then the entire boss room either needs an overhaul or the boss needs to be replaced by a reactor. Seriously, what were you thinking making such a small and plain boss room for the Tycho Brahe boss? Other than that, this level would still need plenty of love poured into it to make it work, and I just might be assed to do it someday.
The first portion of the secret level was fairly interesting, I also liked the texture use quite a lot, but it went downhill from there with the lazy copy/paste design later on.
You should focus less on confusing trigger mazes and more on laying out a level according to a plan, or at least knowing what kind of area you want to make.
Appreciate it! As for Ceres, I had the idea of it being almost entirely green - one artist's impression of Ceres I saw made me think it would be such. It's actually the image I hijacked and uploaded to dropbox to be used for the briefing screen of Ceres. So yeah, D1 greens and whites - kinda like a D1-only Puuma Sphere. That could look really cool.Alter-Fox wrote: BTW, when I get home tonight I'll 100% commit L'aeeve Installation, Litter Jungle and Ceres Military Perimeter (or whichever that one is)to the mission so we can stop all this horsing around with L'aeeve. Ceres may need a few texture adjustments to fit the theme but I'll let you take a look and see what you think should be done first Xfing.
As for L'aeev - as it is right now, I think it fits better in a Vertigo slot than a Baloris one to be perfectly honest - due to the center hub being texutred in a very D1 fashion, even containing that blue floor and all. It could of course remain a Baloris level, but we'd have to retexture it a bit, at least that part of it, while leaving or adding in some D1 touches as per the design policy. Everything else makes it fit nicely with Baloris so why not.
And as for Litter Jungle - a gimmick level filled with melee enemies only would not only be a nice throwback to level 15 of Descent, it would also be way, and I mean WAY too easy to be placed in the Vertigo portion. So yeah, I think we keep the gimmick and just retexture the level to make it fit somewhere in the Solar System portion.