Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

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Lady Silver
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Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

Descent 3 pilots, Let's really play some Entropy this time. ;)

Date: Friday November 20th
Time: 10:00 pm EST
Place: Entropy in Dementia Entropy: Steel Vapor
&------CTF in Halcyon

Thanks RIP Rooster and Behemoth for helping to choose a level!
We will start with Entropy in Steel Vapor, moving on to CTF in Halcyon afterwards.

Steel Vapor can hold 16 pilots max. Can anyone say 8 vs 8 again? :D

I think I should also mention that many of us like to meet on Mumble in the Descent Rangers channel, and whoever plays is more than welcome to join us!
Link to get to the channel:[url]mumble://mumble.descentrangers.com:31393[/url] (must have mumble installed first)
We don't always use it strategically; sometimes it's just to taunt each other and have fun. But it makes it easier to keep track of what is going on. :)

These games can be found using the Descent trackers (such as http://www.descentservers.net/index.php?show=d3_server), but I will also provide IP addresses later on.

Please let me know if you plan to make it; I like having an idea of how many pilots are coming so I can lure more pilots in with the numbers. ;)

This invite is also being posted on the Descent Champion's and the Descendent Studios forums.

Thanks goes to Krom for once again hosting the servers for us!

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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Foil »

Lady Silver wrote:Steel Vapor can hold 16 pilots max.
I've seen 20 in Steel Vapor, and it was hectic, but not overly crowded. It's a MASSIVE level.
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

Oh, wow!
Edit: I'll ask Krom to change it to 20 players juuuuuuuuuuuust in case. ;)
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Krom »

20 it is, I'll probably toss up the servers a bit early, it'd be good if someone could round up a few players just to make sure they run without crashing as more players join.
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Foil »

I can't make it on Friday, but I can help test this evening if needed.
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Krom »

They are up and running then, let me know if there are any issues.
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

Server seems to be running just fine, thank you Krom!

I'm just trying to decide if I want cloak or not. ;)
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

So far, including myself, we have 8 pilots who are going to try to make it, 2 more who usually do make it without an RSVP, and a few more yet who might come.
So as of now it will be at least an 8 - 12+ player game. Anyone else?

Here are the IP addresses:
Dementia Entropy: Steel Vapor:

See you guys soon!
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Krom »

So do you want the cloak or not? The stealth isn't much of a benefit, especially in steel vapor since any reasonably experienced player will be able to spot you from a mile away anyway, so the actual main benefit of the cloak in that level is that homing weapons won't track you for that 30 seconds. I never counted on actually being able to hide from other players, so for entropy games I'd usually say leave it in for a tiny bit of seasoning and tactical applications. But IIRC d3server defaults to disabling them, so I'd have to configure it and restart the server to bring it back.

(IIRC steel vapor also has black sharks, which are also disabled by default by d3server, so if you really want to kick people out of their comfort zones you could turn those back on too...)
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

Nah, thank you though. I will just remember to specify next time before hand.

Thanks Krom!
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

Game is in one hour. We start in Dementia Entropy: Steel Vapor.

Pilots, Prepare for Descent! 8)
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Re: Let's Play Entropy & CTF! Round #10!

Post by Lady Silver »

Another successful night! Thanks again guys! :D

I think this time we had 10 pilots in Steel Vapor for Entropy.
I'm sorry Dues, I like the black shark, so ::raspberries:: :P . It is only in a very few Descent levels, so I think it's fun to play with once in a while. If it were in Burning Indika it would get old in like 3 seconds.
One thing I really do detest about the black shark, though, is the fact that if you are careless you will also end up causing your teammates demise if they are sucked in along with an angry opponent. I did this to Zero on 2 separate occasions and I felt really bad about it. The second time I was conscious that he was near by and I tried to be careful, firing when I thought he was clear... he wasn't... :( Zero, I'm sorry. You are a patient man, and I thank you.
We played a full round of Entropy and then played another half a round before deciding to move on to CTF.

The Entropy game was fun, but it did lack the heated action that comes with CTF.

I do think most of us probably enjoyed ourselves more after we moved to Halcyon. Even though for my team that meant repeatedly flying into a little room guarded by two, count them, TWO tanks. It felt like an exercise in futility. Fly into enemy base, die instantly covered in purple goo (tri purple goo mind you). Respawn, fly into enemy base, :idea: using the other entryway this time, die instantly, again adorned with purple goo. Maybe this next time will be different! Wash. Rinse. Repeat. :o
Sometimes Descent CTF can really put a pilots tenacity to the test, making them gather every ounce and keep fighting. But I really thrive on those kinds of games. Even if I can't turn the game around, I enjoy every minute of it! I love the challenge! It causes you to celebrate even the little victories. Once in a while our teamwork was fruitful and we were able to score a point. But ultimately the other team won, I think 20 - 10?
Dues you were a good goalie; Zero is just... Zero ;) , not only that, Ryusei was in a tank helping him guard and Max_T was shedding rust like nobody's business and running flags like in the good old days of PXO.
Oh, yeah, we had 8 pilots for that game. :)

Krom, the servers ran beautifully, thank you!

There will not be a game next week because of the holiday. I hope all you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Until next time, I'll see you guys in the mines!
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