Time Travel Scam?

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Time Travel Scam?

Post by Tunnelcat »

My father got this little gem in the mail last week and asked me about it. He doesn't even have a computer either, so clearly someone is phishing for suckers. Judging from the the pitch, it's either been floating around in the mail since the 1990's and finally got delivered, or it's a really clueless scammer who doesn't realize how obsolete both of these 2 browsers are. Netscape Navigator, IE 4.0, phffffft! :lol: At least they know about SSL and SET. However they made no mention of trackers, beacons, supercookies and other nefarious methods that people or companies can use to track your browsing habits.

Anyone know anything about Anonymizer.com? It's sounds crooked and has a few complaints registered on various ripoff forums. Not that I would even remotely think of using some service that pitches helping you with private internet browsing using their software, on browsers from the last millennium. :roll:

Cat (n.) A bipolar creature which would as soon gouge your eyes out as it would cuddle.
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Re: Time Travel Scam?

Post by Sirius »

It sounds familiar, but from the probable age of the text, it might be as relevant today as AltaVista.
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Re: Time Travel Scam?

Post by Tunnelcat »

Cat (n.) A bipolar creature which would as soon gouge your eyes out as it would cuddle.
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