Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

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Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Nightshade »

So all you white people can go to hell.
“As against our gauzy national hopes, I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible,” the law professor argues.
“When they ask, I will teach my sons that their beautiful hue is a fault line. Spare me platitudes of how we are all the same on the inside. I first have to keep my boys safe, and so I will teach them before the world shows them this particular brand of rending, violent, often fatal betrayal.” ... trump.html

So yes. More racism is the cure for "white supremacy." ...Right?

(Guess slick is one of those white men I should watch my back for.) ;P
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Tunnelcat »

It's kind of a sad state of affairs, but as long as large groups of whites keep throwing this kind of hateful stuff around, long after we fought to end Fascism in WWII and long after the passage of the Civil Rights Movement, I don't blame Blacks, Latinos or Jews for not even wanting their children to make friends with white people. I'm willing to bet that even if the children of most minority groups tried their best at friendship, it wouldn't change the minds of the white nationalists types shown in this picture. I'm even willing to bet that these people shown in the picture probably wouldn't even allow their children play with non-white or non-Christian children.

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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Spidey »

The problem with this concept is…it assumes racial guilt, a concept that needs to be eliminated from society.

Shame on you “progressives” which seem to be the most likely to continue this type of thinking.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Tunnelcat »

I guess we have a chicken and egg thing going. Who stops being racist first? The White guys who walk around in a mob with torches and/or white hoods yelling anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant or racist words while throwing Nazi salutes, or all those who're not white or not Christian watching that theater and then having to stretch their imaginations far enough to forget the history of all those nasty symbols and they're not really being thrown around as symbols of hate but just of White pride?
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Nightshade »

Tunnelcat wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:59 pm It's kind of a sad state of affairs, but as long as large groups of whites keep throwing this kind of hateful stuff around, long after we fought to end Fascism in WWII and long after the passage of the Civil Rights Movement, I don't blame Blacks, Latinos or Jews for not even wanting their children to make friends with white people. I'm willing to bet that even if the children of most minority groups tried their best at friendship, it wouldn't change the minds of the white nationalists types shown in this picture. I'm even willing to bet that these people shown in the picture probably wouldn't even allow their children play with non-white or non-Christian children.

Do you honestly think that most white people are hostile to minorities?

If so, should I assume that I'll get stabbed in the back by slick, Top Gun or even you TC?

I highly doubt it. However, racism is alive and well in your 'white guilt' and perpetuation of 'they're different, let's be separate and treat people differently because of their race.'

As long as you look at people and judge them by their race rather than just as human beings, whether to oppress them or to 'help them,' you are part of the problem.

So yes- slick, you and Top Gun are part of the problem of racism. Shocked?
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Top Gun »

I like how you try to deflect from your raging biases by criticizing people who have the eyes to see issues that need addressing.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Tunnelcat »

Nightshade wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:30 pm
Tunnelcat wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:59 pm It's kind of a sad state of affairs, but as long as large groups of whites keep throwing this kind of hateful stuff around, long after we fought to end Fascism in WWII and long after the passage of the Civil Rights Movement, I don't blame Blacks, Latinos or Jews for not even wanting their children to make friends with white people. I'm willing to bet that even if the children of most minority groups tried their best at friendship, it wouldn't change the minds of the white nationalists types shown in this picture. I'm even willing to bet that these people shown in the picture probably wouldn't even allow their children play with non-white or non-Christian children.

Do you honestly think that most white people are hostile to minorities?

If so, should I assume that I'll get stabbed in the back by slick, Top Gun or even you TC?

I highly doubt it. However, racism is alive and well in your 'white guilt' and perpetuation of 'they're different, let's be separate and treat people differently because of their race.'

As long as you look at people and judge them by their race rather than just as human beings, whether to oppress them or to 'help them,' you are part of the problem.

So yes- slick, you and Top Gun are part of the problem of racism. Shocked?
No, I don't. Personally, I try to not judge people until I get to know them, no matter what race, religion or creed they may be. I don't even judge you because I've never met you personally. However, I most certainly wouldn't want to go out into the public streets while holding a torch or wearing a white hood or showing any symbol of racial hate as some sort of twisted excuse just to blame minorities for my plight. Maybe that's me, but I think it's insulting and nothing but blame casting. Maybe that's the way some people, black or white, see as a way to feel better and vent their grievances because they feel powerless, but that's them. But as for white Americans doing that stuff, they have NO leg to stand on. They've been repressing blacks and minorities for centuries. They were the slave owners and the ones guilty of repressing and mistreating an entire race of people. If white people are NOW taking exception to no longer sitting at the top of the heap of power as alphas, tough. Time to get over it and move on with their lives.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Nightshade »

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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Spidey »

Wow TC, right back to racial guilt, you could make any rubber band proud.

And no...white people never "oppressed an entire race of people" most Negros were still in Africa, being oppressed by their own people and the Arab slavers.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Tunnelcat »

So what? It doesn't matter what the Arabs did. One evil doesn't justify another. What matters is what the people of THIS country, white Europeans, did to the ancestors of the African Americans who were forced to come here as slaves. That stain is ours and ours alone. If you want to sit there and justify the rise of White Nationalism, anti-Antisemitism and Fascism that's going on in this country right now by claiming racial guilt, be my guest. That's your opinion, not mine. I want nothing to do with it.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Spidey »

Wow, are worse than that guy TigerAssault when it comes to understanding what someone is trying to say. But he had an excuse because he was from another country...what the hell is your excuse.

No, I'm not trying to justify racism by claiming racial guilt, you are the one trying to tie me into that racist crap for simply being white.

I'm going to try to make this as clear as possible.

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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Tunnelcat »

Spidey wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:40 pm Wow, are worse than that guy TigerAssault when it comes to understanding what someone is trying to say. But he had an excuse because he was from another country...what the hell is your excuse.

No, I'm not trying to justify racism by claiming racial guilt, you are the one trying to tie me into that racist crap for simply being white.

I'm going to try to make this as clear as possible.

I'm not accusing you of that. I know you don't have a racist bone in your body. Of course you're not responsible for the actions of our white racist forbears long ago. Neither am I. But you and NS keep accusing me of having some sort of white guilt. Maybe so, in your minds, I don't really give a damn one way or another what you think. But better words to describe my reactions to racism would be sadness, remorse and irritation for the actions of some of my fellow white citizens, that they in this day and age, long after the Civil Rights Amendment was passed, are still hateful bores, who are proud of it enough to march in the streets in solidarity like a bunch of arrogant fools while blaming everyone different from themselves for their situations. We're a nation of immigrants, all different religions, races, colors and creeds. That's what's made us a strong nation, that diversity. That racism is still going on today is like someone constantly picking at a scab on purpose, so that the wound never heals. The fact that the wound never heals is why many blacks harbor those thoughts in NS's OP, that their black children may never be able to be friends with other white children, because like it or not, many of those white parents are still racists today. The only question is, who has to stop being a racist first? The Whites or the Blacks? If one side DID stop first, would the other then follow suit out of respect? Somehow, call me defeatist, I don't think so.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Spidey »

It’s when you use statements like this that implies racial guilt.

“That stain is ours and ours alone.”

You need to understand/learn the difference between…

White people had slaves.


The white race had slaves.

But...perhaps is just me, perhaps I misunderstand just what "our" means.

And your last question also implies an entire race, and implies we are on different sides. Different sides of what?
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by Tunnelcat »

As humans, aren't we all a little tribal? Don't most whites see themselves are part of a white European tribe, either consciously or subconsciously? So by extension, doesn't any tribe usually get blamed for the sins of the whole tribe, even past sins, especially if some reminder of that past sin keep rearing it's ugly head today in the form of White Nationalism and anti-Semitism? Also, if people in this country see themselves as part of a white tribe and black people see themselves as part of a black tribe and Latinos see themselves as part of a Latino tribe and Jews see themselves as part of a Jewish tribe, doesn't that automatically constitute taking a "side"? You know that's normal human psychology.
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Re: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Post by callmeslick »

Spidey wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:14 am It’s when you use statements like this that implies racial guilt.

......But...perhaps is just me, perhaps I misunderstand just what "our" means.

And your last question also implies an entire race, and implies we are on different sides. Different sides of what?
you make a good point here. I always puzzle over that. Specifically, white English and to some extent Spanish and Portugese people, owned African Slaves.
Some white person of Scandanavian, North European or some other ethnic types of caucasian peoples(including folks from the Caucausus Region) had not
a damn thing to do with the matter. Even among the American old south stock, some families never got involved in slave ownership, others bailed out of agricultural
methods that utilized slave labor pretty early. Now, at this point in time, the normal intermixing a gene pools has the 'guilty' bloodlines and the 'victim' bloodlines
pretty well spread through the populace, so a lot of racism is simple tribalism.
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