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Post by Tunnelcat »

Bravo Cory Booker! Now, I watched Cory Booker's little rant against Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and yes, it was passionate, it was emotional and it was heated and yet, it didn't insult me or anyone of my gender at all. It's not "mansplaining" or "woman bashing" one little bit to lecture a powerful woman like that when she's clearly lying and obfuscating her answers while in the performance of her duties. However, the RNC would like all us simpletons to believe otherwise and make their nutty base happy. Nielsen's a grown, professional woman, she holds a top cabinet position, she's in a position of power and authority and doesn't need coddling or hand holding. So when she had the gall to sit in front of a Senate Committee, give them the cringe worthy testimony she did and repeatedly lie to them while under oath, just to protect the president from the huge blowback of his own creation and then gets a heated lecturing from a senator about it, she doesn't have the woman card to play. Senator Lindsey Graham pretty much corroborated what Senator Dick Durbin claimed, that Trump DID say "s***hole countries" during that little immigration and DACA meeting. She's nothing a Trumptard to her very core, showing absolutely no scruples or principles towards the nation she's sworn to work for and protect. Frankly, she deserved the dressing down Booker gave her. So the fake RNC outrage against Booker is nothing but a blame-shifting diversion, all to hide the deliberate lies of one of their own and a putrid president's foul mouth and loathsome unpresidential behavior while executing his duty in office. What the Hell happened to taking some personal responsibility? Did it get flushed down Trump's toilet in one fell swoop after the election?

https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/ ... 041035001/
Cory Booker wrote:"It’s a little insulting to say I should be treating Cabinet secretaries one way or another depending upon their gender. I’m standing here as a United States senator in my official capacity, challenging a Cabinet secretary who’s lying before the Senate on an issue that affects my state as well as this nation."
Cat (n.) A bipolar creature which would as soon gouge your eyes out as it would cuddle.
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