They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

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They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by Nightshade »

...for your "white womanhood."
We all have a stake in each other's liberation. Only by confronting our participation in the oppression of others can we all get free. For white women to be in true solidarity with People of Color, we need to


How do white women participate in the oppression of people of color?

Violence: "Protecting white women" is used as justification of violence against Men of Color. White women using this fear/protection to cause harm to Men of Color.

Universalism: The assumption that white women's experience of womanhood is the universal experience of womanhood, ignoring the lived realities of Women of Color.

Post-Racial Optimism: The habit of ignoring the oppression of People of Color in favor of elevating false narratives of equality

White Saviorism: The assumption that a white person can single-handedly "fix" a Community of Color's problems without following the leadership of that community, often resulting in further damage to the community.

I have a feeling this SJW cancer will eventually eat up and implode the left. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. :roll:
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by TRUEpiiiicness »

do you just really hate white people?
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by Nightshade »

TRUEpiiiicness wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:29 pm do you just really hate white people?
We're being told to hate white people. Yep.
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by callmeslick »

apparently, NS is stupid enough to think that if SOMEONE is calling for something, he has to comply or something........
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by Tunnelcat »

That has to be the most convoluted piece of nonsense I've read in a long time. It's also a new record low for an NS posting about race AND gender issues. Who makes this crap up anyway? A bunch of Fascists out to increase their membership via fear trolling? I think someone has taken a dive off the deep end without water in the pool with this one. :roll:

What I personally should be worrying about is the type of stuff, past and present, that regularly comes out of the mouth of our president and whether men across America will observe Trump's being able to get away with NOT taking a little personal responsibility for HIS sexual dalliances as Carte Blanche to emulate him. Silly me, I thought Bill Clinton was a cad. He pales in comparison and he was almost impeached for doing less. ... ddcb442023

There's also Trump's repeated unfailing defense of wife abusers. Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes anyone? So much defense that he sits in front of cameras expounding his staffer's (Robert Porter) innocence and keeps him in the White House looking at classified national secrets despite that staffer NOT being able to get a national security clearance (because the prig was a wife beater), at least until the blowback smacked him upside the head. ... 21598.html

And apparently, this is also type of stuff he's almost (I say almost because now we know) gotten away with as well, because he's got powerful friends in at his beck and call to bend over and take one for his team. Now, If I were Melania..... :twisted2: ... ith-trump/

Oh, and the bastard still hasn't resigned for his inappropriate sexual behavior towards women like a lot of male Senators already have done. Scumbag.
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by Tunnelcat »

What? No witty repartee in response NS? :P
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by Nightshade »

Tunnelcat wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:03 pm That has to be the most convoluted piece of nonsense I've read in a long time. It's also a new record low for an NS posting about race AND gender issues. Who makes this crap up anyway? A bunch of Fascists out to increase their membership via fear trolling? I think someone has taken a dive off the deep end without water in the pool with this one.
It's real in so far as it's a real SJW group.

What's funny is that ya'll call everything "fascist" the way McCarthy called everything "commie" that didn't line up with his worldview. There's a 'fascist' hiding behind every tree in your view I suppose.
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Re: They're coming after you, Tunnelcat...

Post by Tunnelcat »

They're projecting a problem onto themselves that doesn't really exist and they're taking blame for a set of issues they're really not responsible for. Their whole set of premises is nothing but a straw man argument. It's because women, even white ones, are and really never were, the ones in power in the first place. Men, of any color, still hold that dominance in our society even today, although it's basically white men that hold most of that power. Women, in this day and age, still have to deal with clods like Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein and Bill O'Reilly.

This group also claims that just because they're white women, that singular detail makes white men go out and oppress people of color for any perceived slight or sexual innuendo? Give me a break! Insecure racist white men are still insecure racist white men and they need to deal with it and fix their own insecurities, or hate for that matter. White women deciding to take the blame for it won't change the status quo, nor will it go anywhere positive to repair the current sour race relations in our society. Nothing like falling on their own swords for someone else so to speak. Plus, the definition of "womanhood" that they're putting forth hasn't been around since the 1960's. Most of us are no longer stuck in the house barefoot and pregnant. Maybe it's been so long that modern women have long forgotten what it was really like before the 1960's? We have careers and our own destiny now. Not so then.

Either this is nothing but a group of white women overcome with deluded ideas of racial guilt out to "fix" a problem they didn't create, or it's some subversive fascist group out trying to lure said deluded white women into a guilt trip, making them believe that just because they're white, that's causing the racist actions of white men against people of color, that it's somehow all their fault and action needs taking on their part post haste. Either way, it's ludicrous.
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