Democrat operative arrested...

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Democrat operative arrested...

Post by Nightshade »

...for facilitating threats and intimidation.
A 27-year-old intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has been arrested by the US Capitol Police for posting private, identifying information (Doxing) of several Senators to Wikipedia, according to the USCP, after the personal information of Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch was posted to Wikipedia Thursday during the hearing of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, which included home addresses and phone numbers.

The suspect, Jackson A. Cosko of Washington D.C. has initially been charged with witness tampering, threats in interstate communications, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second degree burglary and unlawful entry.

Cosko, who was fired after his arrest, previously worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

Police have arrested a suspect who allegedly doxed GOP Senators during the Kavanaugh hearing.

His name is Jackson Cosko.

It appears that he works for Sheila Jackson. In the second image, you can read a letter he wrote for her office on Sept. 6, 2018.
— Caleb SkHull 💀🎃👻 (@CalebJHull) October 3, 2018

Looks like he worked for Sen. Hassan up until May.
— Caleb SkHull 💀🎃👻 (@CalebJHull) October 3, 2018

Fox has learned that Senate doxing suspect Jackson Kosko also worked or interned yrs ago w/Dem CA Sen Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Had also worked for Dem Sens Boxer/Hassan & interned up until now w/Dem TX Rep Jackson Lee
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 4, 2018

UPDATE: The staffer arrested for doxxing GOP senators was actually an *intern* in Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's office, according to her chief of staff Glenn Rushing. He's no longer with the office as of today's news.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) October 3, 2018

Rushing noted he wasn't paid by the office, given his status as an intern. Asked if he was concerned about other possible misconduct by Cosko while with Jackson Lee, he added, "We're just cooperating with law enforcement right now."
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) October 3, 2018

Notably, Sheila Jackson Lee handed the attorney for Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford a mysterious envelope right around the same time her staffer was allegedly doxing the GOP senators.

I hope that piece of trash, Sheila Jackson Lee, goes down with her minion as well. I can only hope.
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Re: Democrat operative arrested...

Post by Top Gun »

You actually posted the envelope thing. Dance, puppet!
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Re: Democrat operative arrested...

Post by Tunnelcat »

You know, at this point, more power to her. These GOP pricks in question were seen laughing together in the hallway right after Ford's emotional and very personal testimony. Each and every one of those Senators can go straight to hell. I sincerely hope every woman in this country gets out this November and votes as many of these GOP bastards out of office as possible. ... f2604.html
While critical thinking and due process call us to listen closely to both sides of any such allegation, the facts of this particular case as they stand cast unequivocal doubt on Judge Kavanaugh’s innocence. To ignore these facts is to ignore rational thought for the sake of party loyalty. It sets the implication for society as a whole that perpetrators of sexual violence or harassment can move past their prior actions, even forget them entirely, while the victims must live with the trauma for the rest of their lives.
Edit: Especially Lindsey Graham. He can shove his Trump apologist head where the sun don't shine and keep it there for all eternity until he suffocates on his own crap. ... an-apology
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Re: Democrat operative arrested...

Post by Ferno »

Hey, what was that thing he said about due process and the rights of the accused? Oh yeah..

But the funny tbing about democrats is, if they find out one of their own; if one is found guilty, they hold them accountable and actually do something about it.
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Re: Democrat operative arrested...

Post by Top Gun »

Ferno wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:32 pm Hey, what was that thing he said about due process and the rights of the accused? Oh yeah..
Silly Ferno, thinking TB has any principles whatsoever.
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Re: Democrat operative arrested...

Post by Ferno »

Selective principles. More egregious.

Pretty much sums up a guy who always shits on the janitor.
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