Haven't seen you for awhile Thorne. Yes, Trump lost. Tough ★■◆● sore losers. Take your lumps and preserve our democracy instead of joining Trump and trying to cross the Rubicon by following him like a Brown Shirt as he tries to perform the first actual military coup in the United States of America at the behest of a crazy lawyer and convicted federal felon. You've got 2024 to take your chances again. A lot of knowledgeable and unbiased people have come forward to say that the election was not rigged in any shape, form or fashion. All the Trump lawyers have claimed voter fraud upside and down, but have never produced ANY actual physical evidence other than conspiracy theories that would even come close to satisfying ANY judge, even SCOTUS, so they were promptly laughed out of court. Even AG Barr has just come out and said there was no fraud. The top Trump lawyer right now is an conspiracy theorist nutcase who sees aliens in her bedroom and deep state pedophilia groups running the government. I'm surprised she hasn't been disbarred. Even Giuliani is kissing Trump's ass right now just to get a pardon for all the crimes the SDNY is about to prosecute him for. The fact is, more liberals, independents and suburban women went out and voted this time than Trump thralls,
it's that simple. We HATE Trump and we got out the larger vote, period. WE WERE MORE MOTIVATED. Trump's own mishandling and disinformation campaign surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic was also a large factor. He screwed the pooch and is paying for it. And I'm betting that most of the sane conservatives either voted Libertarian, third party, wrote-in or didn't vote at all. I'm even quite sure Spidey didn't vote for Trump either because he's got an actual working brain. Trump supporters need to realize that Trump only won in 2016 because the Dems were stupid enough to run one of the most polarizing and hated people on the planet, Hillary Clinton.
You call me a liberal like it's a dirty word. I've got news for you. I'm an Independent who leans left and who hates Trump. I don't follow them like sheep, but this time, they're the ONLY sane party. But Trump and crew calling liberals a bunch of communists is absolute bullcrap, so quit listening to Fox News or other "conservative" junk news sites to get your fix. I'm not particularly happy with Biden, but it was either him or Trump and Biden was the definite lesser of 2 evils. I'd even be willing to vote for a Republican in 2024 if that candidate is a true conservative who doesn't have delusions of dictator-hood, isn't an egomaniac concerned with only his own butt, respects our democracy and the will of the voters, calls out Russia for what it is, a hostile nation-state that needs to have it's ass kicked, has the intelligence to listen to his advisors and make informed decisions for the good of OUR country and not himself or his family like a monarch.