Good bye Wildcards.

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Good bye Wildcards.

Post by TigerRaptor »

A salute to all those that have served in the Empire.


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Post by HaAGen DaZS »

I tought you guys were big on Kali?

too bad. hope everyone makes a come back! Image
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Post by Capm »

Holy Crap. You can't be serious, they're almost as old as the [MS]

A Sad Day indeed if this is true. Image
I had great respect for the Wildcards, and their loss will only hurt the community.

Salute~ Wildcards
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Capm, I think their older. their older than MOB and Mob has been around longer than MS. At least in Descent 3.

Hey Tiger, if you wanna fly for da MOB, I'll reserve a spot for ya. You're a good pilot and are an inspiration to me. Image Hopefully I can one day re-gain my skill that you saw in the first days of D3 Image
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Post by Capm »

Messenger, MS was founded in 1995... and the Asylum doesn't count, you lan-weasel. Image
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Post by Birdseye »

Kali Klans! So wildcards formerly shut its gates or what?
Unfortunately, The Asylum is still older than MS Image
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Post by TheCops »

X gets Feezik!
by command of the dark overlord of the internet, me.

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Post by TigerRaptor »

Thanks for the invite Mob. But my Descent days have been retired for awhile and I'm no longer in my prime.

Edit: KtheC if it wasn't for you and Higgs and the others keeping things up. There a good chance Wildcards would have perished long ago.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

LOL, I don't have a prime Image Cept for the first few months of D3. I was good then when there weren't so many cable/DSL players Image

You'll be missed pal. I wish you would take me up on it though.

Heh, well for D3, MS came later than MOB as far as I know. First time I remember of ever seeing Midnight Squadron members was when I was in the Infernal Bolt when Roadrunner and another pilot were fighting me. I had a rough night so I was wooping both of 'em that night Image Was fun and was the only time I ever took down MS pilots.

BTW Capm, I thought MS quit or is it still around?

Lotsa cool clans dissapeared, DM, MS, a number of others and now WC.

Even my old nemesis Nexus doesn't play anymore Image My goals are starting to fade out and I haven't gotten my cable yet so I can't fight them anyway Image
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Post by Will Robinson »

I heard Wildcards are so old that Bama was their youngest that's old!! Image
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Post by Capm »

No, MS had a D3 Division ready to go before D3 even came out, and we've only been gone from D3 for only a year or so...
We started the team in 95 after d1 came out, we've only grown since then. Our temporary loss of a D3 division didn't put much of a dent in the MS, actually we have over 100 people in other divisions.

I remember way back when, the Descent Clans had a more RPG theme mixed in than just regular competition, every clan had a legacy story based in the decent world, several clans tied theirs together... there were wars, alliances enemies... It was alot of fun... Back then (d2) there was the big 5 (WC, FlyD, GOP, DMC, MS), and the Wildcards were the top notch... unbeatable. Its sad to see them go. Image
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Post by woodchip »

Curious, when I first hooked on to the net I heard about the Wild Cards...even found their web site. Alas, to a youngling noob like me it sounded like I could never be equal to their requirements so I never tried to hook up with them.
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Post by Gavotte »

Holy crap! This is really too bad... the wildcards were awesome in their day! Image
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Post by JMEaT »

So long. You guys were awsome pilots.
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Post by Nexus_One »

Nemesis eh? I always owned you, no nemesis there. Image
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Post by snoopy »

It's sad to see the community dying- I suppose life goes on, though. By the way, what is the oldest descent clan? I'm guessin its one of the ones that is kali/d1/d2 only- but I wonder what one it would be? And yeah, I remember back what mob was a bran new clan- that was a while ago. Image If i remember corretly, it took a couple months of d3 being released for the tags to start appearing- everyone was flyin w/o tags to get the feel of the game, then busted them out after a little. (man, those were the good days.)
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Post by Tyranny »

hum, am I not on that list because I was only a Cav member for a week? Image I had a little blowup with Zonerie because Diamonddust took my #1 ranking on the Cav ladder without even playing me since it was setup on a points of activity or some bs like that that I wasn't aware of and I hadn't played in only 2-3 days, so I left Image

Warlord had invited me to join WC after DMC and the cards tangled in a clan war so I took him up on that offer a couple years after DMC had disbanded on Kali.

Anyways, I've enjoyed playing and/or associating with WC since 1997. A lof of us had many great FFA Anarchy games in D2 Pulling Teeth and others had brutal 1on1 matches for IDL or just friendly rivalries between opposing clans. There was a time when beating WC members was such a huge priority on my list of goals as a new-comer to the ranks of the Dark Mavericks Collegiate and Descent and those memories I will cherish always.

I'd like to say thanks (in no particular order) to Zonerie, Ender, Bama, Talos, Rainbird, CUDA, Kufyit, Daz, Warlord, Stonewall, Wellie, Whodat, Zappa, Chip, Tenedos, Kanage, Devildog, Lostsoul, Blackjack, TNT, Beanpole, Diamonddust, Smitty, Poohie, Koolbear and KtheC for letting me have the chance to fly, learn and know, if just a little bit, all of you. Thanks again...

It is a shame to see it go, but the time comes for us all. It was an honor having flown against WC and, though short, with WC. I solute the achievements and contributions the Wildcards made to the Descent community. You will be missed.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Nexus_One:
Nemesis eh? I always owned you, no nemesis there. Image</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Heh, get me on a lan or a cable connect and we will truly see what lag decieves. Image

I've grown much since our last fight Nexy. One of my goals in D3 was to compete against you as an equal. I don't ask to beat you. Just to have youre respect as a player with skill. I see you as a skilled player so you have my respect but I want to prove that I have always had skill underneath all the lag.

I mean you as a nemesis in a good way Nexy Image We all have our goals. Everyone wants to be the best. I just ask to be able to prove I have some skill one day. Image You always saw me as a pilot with poor skill. I know I've got it in me, I just need to find it.

Things can change and people change. Consider that the D3-Mob couldn't beat anyone a few years ago and can now hold their own against such great clans as D3K. Image I haven't reached that level being that I'm too laggy at 500-700ms to be of any really good use but if I can drop that down I could be just as good. I know the moves. I just lost the confidence a while back and my connect has kept me out of the light for some time. But my confidence is growing back and in a couple years, I will probably move to where I can get cable.

"Though he be but little, he is fierce." Image

Anyway, I hope to one day own you just once being that you have owned me enough. Image
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Post by Sage »

Good bye. I was never part of any clan.
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Post by ZappaFan »

I've always been of the understanding that the Descent Rangers were the oldest group, founded in April-May of 95. IAmTheGre left the Rangers after about a month and formed the Wildcards. I had always thought MS followed shortly after the Wildcards later that same year. Regardless of the exact dates, they all started out at relatively the same time. I conducted an interview with Sirian, which was posted on my web site when it was still up, and we talked at length about all that.
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Post by Pink Panther »

/me salutes MS

Glad you realised the boat is sinking. Image

Dang, that's sad. I need to start playing more Descent 3 again.
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Post by kurupt »

MS is older than MOB, but i don't think they're older than the wildcards. if they are, they were virtually unknown at the time the cards were founded.

X gets fezzik, D3k gets X...sounds good!
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Post by TigerRaptor »

The Rangers are by far the oldest clan around today.
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Post by kurupt »

gold squad!

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Post by Capm »

Well, actually, the reason most people never heard of MS until later was because we didn't start on Kali, but on Engage Games Descent Online *beta* We didn't move to Kali until 1996.
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Re: Good bye Wildcards.

Post by Swazook »

I was wondering when the Wildcards disbanded. It was a great group. I remember a lot of mines with Gre, Zonerie and Bama.
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