Have you tried this
IIRC you only use linux but isn't there a way to load windows just to play guitar? IMHO it's the best Neural DSP yet, I've been playing tele like a lunatic again just using the Tone King. Check it out!
** Just a thought. Are there any IR loaders for linux? I have a bunch of free IRs from various companies, one package is called "American Invasion" (the music world is filled with dickhead names for things) and it has Fender Bassman, Blues deluxe, Twin, and Vibro IR captures. I load them from time to time when the NDSP stuff is sounding "too perfect". It adds some nice slob to things.
This impulses are free, all are based on the name of the cab and using a neutral poweramp,maybe with the time i¥ll create more and better impulses, but now this are my work for you, hope you enjoy.
Use with an IR loader like Pulse by Rosen Digital, Recabinet, Torpedo wall of sound and many more.
If you like the IRs and you want to support me and tell you are enjoying the IRs, subscribe to my channel for motivate me to make more and more IR.
"Because a budget bass player or guitar player can sound great using free stuff".
Cabs fully compatible with Helix, Amplifire 12, Recabinet 5, TH3, BIAS AMP1,BIAS AMP 2 Rosen Digital Pulse .
1: Bright tone
2: Medium tone
3: Dark tone
Also these IRs are made with an American mic:
API: API 512 Mic Pre
This proyect always be free, but if you think my work had a value, you can donate a dolar, euro, a cent if you want.
Paypal link:
Estos impulsos son gratis, todos estan badados en el nombre del cab y usando un poweramp neutral, quiza con el tiempo haga mas y mejores impulsos, pero por ahora este es mi trabajo para ti, espero lo disfrutes.
Usarlos con un cargador de impulsos como Pulse de Rosen Digital, Recabinet, torpedo wall of sound entre muchos mas
Si te gustan estos impulsos y quieres apoyarme y decirme que estos IR son buenos, suscribete a mi canal para ver que tengo apoyo y asi seguir haceindo mas y mas impulsos gratis y de buena calidad.
"Porque un gutarrista o bajista con poco presupuesto tambien puede sonar bien"
Cabs completamente compatibles con Helix, Amplifire 12, Recabinet 5, TH3; BIAS AMP 1,BIAS AMP 2, Rosen Digital Pulse.
A:Tono brillante
B:Tono medio
C:Tono Obscuro
Estos IRs estan creados con un preamp de mic "Americano" :
API: API 512 Mic Pre
Este proyecto siempre sera gratuito, pero si crees que mi trabajo vale algo puedes donarme un dolar, euro o un centavo si gustas.
Link paypal:
follow me to check the updates of the new cabs.
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