Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

The single biggest ignoramus of a President in U.S. history may have just committed treason???, the most unpardonable violation of U.S. law and national security that even a president is not above, by mishandling sensitive nuclear weapons information and other extremely sensitive intelligence documents. So far, no information has been released to confirm WAPO's reporting about this, but if Trump actually took super sensitive documents from the White House that contained ANY INFORMATION dealing with nuclear weapons or intelligence and proceeded to stash all of that at his Mar a Lago residence like some prize, he's now in deep, DEEP treasonous ★■◆●, which comes as no surprise given his stupid intellect frankly. And if true, what in the hell was he planning to do with that information? Give it to his buddy Putin in exchange for those unflattering golden showers videos? :P

https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/11/politics ... index.html

Not only that, but all his Republican lapdogs in the House and Senate who threw a fit the other day and demanded full accounting by the Justice Department and even called for investigating Merrick Garland and defunding the FBI, may now be heading for the hills leaving him hanging in the wind if any of this is proven true. Up until this revelation, Trumptards everywhere were decrying the raid on his residence as a Dem political power play. His MAGA wingnut fringe was calling for everyone to take up arms and start a revolution. One of those January 6th rioters even went out and acted on it by trying to break into a Cincinnati FBI Field Office, but was chased down and shot dead in a cornfield standoff with local authorities. Good ★■◆●ing riddance.

https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/202 ... 401082007/

Not once did any of these congressional Trump mouthpieces or his MAGA fringe wingnuts understand that there was an informant at Mar a Lago, who had indicated that Trump STILL had government documents in his possession sitting stored in his home. So the government KNEW he still had sensitive documents, (government property by the way, not his in any way shape or form) which had been requested be returned and even subpoenaed to be returned months ago prior to this raid. I'd say the government had too much patience before performing the raid. So did Trump think he was above the law? If either you or I had any of these types of sensitive government documents in our possessions sitting in our basements, you can bet your sweet asses we'd be hauled off to jail thank you very much and charged with treason BEFORE being read our rights. Fact is, we'd even face the firing squad for this one. I hope Trump's merde has finally hit the ventilateur, that this will be the final act of the Trump Circus and we won't see his stinking orange carcass holding ANY government office ever again. In fact, I hope he's now poison to the whole Republican Party. Thank you to that Mar a Lago informant, Merrick Garland and the FBI.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Darth Wang »

Treason is defined in the Constitution specifically as providing aid to a nation that the US is actively at war with. Whatever this is, it can't be treason.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

I guess you're right.
Article 3, Section 3 wrote:“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
But since he appears to have had those documents in his possession, and not the government's, he did A crime. Too bad it ain't treason. So what did he intend to DO with those documents by the way, hmmm? And for some Schadenfreude for every Trump hater everywhere AND Hillary Clinton, Trump's own presidential actions may seal his fate. :lol:

https://www.businessinsider.com/law-tru ... 022-8?op=1

But even then and despite all this crap, Trump may STILL get to run for president again, although I don't know why any true citizen patriot would vote for someone who violated the law in this fashion and may have put our national security at risk.

https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/09/politics ... index.html
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Vander »

It’d be cool if this fucker faced consequences for something. Anything. I’m not holding my breath, though.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by woodchip »

Tell me TC. were you this inflamed when Hillary had a unsecured server in her house loaded to the gills with national secrets and not a thing was done to her? Or when Sandy Berger stuffed security papers down his socks to sneak them out of the national archives?
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by woodchip »

Vander wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:24 am It’d be cool if this fucker faced consequences for something. Anything. I’m not holding my breath, though.
Tell me Vander, do you know what the word vendetta means?
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Vander »

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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

woodchip wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:46 am Tell me TC. were you this inflamed when Hillary had a unsecured server in her house loaded to the gills with national secrets and not a thing was done to her? Or when Sandy Berger stuffed security papers down his socks to sneak them out of the national archives?
Not even close in comparison and there's even more damming evidence of Trump's mishandling of documents. Hillary's scandal pales in comparison. I'm also betting that the email scandal that eventually tanked Clinton's presidential run will not affect the deluded Republican Trump base's love of their orange despot or his future presidential aspirations, unless the bastard is charged with a crime and he is barred from running for office. Hopefully those charges will come from a new law he signed into creation while he was president. Sweet revenge I'd say and a vendetta of his own creation.

https://www.politifact.com/article/2022 ... ald-trump/
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Vander »

were you this inflamed
Were you this chill? You should go back and read some of that discussion.
woodchip wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:56 am
Vander wrote:What should Clinton be in prison for?
Maybe having classified documents on a personal server. You might want to check around about it.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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I don't give a ★■◆● about Clinton either way but the fact that we are still on "B-but her emails!" in 20-★■◆●ing-22 is hilarious.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Put it this way woody. Hillary's emails was her "stupid racoon" moment. What Trump did was his "trash panda" moment. It was far far worse. And since Clinton lost the presidential race partly because of "her emails", it's only fair that Trump loses any possibility of EVER being elected to any political office for his mishandling of secret government documents, especially the presidency. In fact, he should be banned from ever getting into politics ever again and just go hide from public view in his little palace.

I voted against Hillary BECAUSE she was a crooked arrogant queen ★■◆●, her mishandling of government emails being one factor in my voting for someone else. Are you going to vote for Trump even after all his blatantly irresponsible sensitive document handling, some of those documents rated 2 steps ABOVE top secret? That's pretty damn serious. Do you love our country enough to send this slimebag to jail based on potential charges that may stem from his violating his own damn law HE signed while pres? Are you going to call for defunding the FBI after you railed on and on about BLM wanting to dedund the police? Well? :roll:
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by TheWhat »

Ok. Enough of the “whaddabout” all my fellow dumbfuck citizens participate in. That is the behavior to be expected of children, and even then you tell them to “zip it because you can’t just start the house on fire because your sister tried to.”

Enough. Regardless of your political affiliation do you really think it’s acceptable for a former president to take dozens of banker boxes full of secure government information to his house? Because of Hillary’s Server and this and that didn’t happen to her?

You should be outraged.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

No, it's not. But since Trumpie hasn't ever taken personal responsibility for anything bad he's ever done in all his life, I'm guessing he's going to go the "some liberal dirtbag in the Justice Department or FBI had a vendetta and planted all these boxes in my home to frame me" route. Wanna place bets on that? :P

But the real burning question we common plebes will never get an answer for is what was Trump going to DO with the contents of those boxes, hmmmm?
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Ferno »

woodchip wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:46 am Tell me TC. were you this inflamed when Hillary had a unsecured server in her house loaded to the gills with national secrets and not a thing was done to her? Or when Sandy Berger stuffed security papers down his socks to sneak them out of the national archives?
But hER emAIlS!

Nobody cares about that, even after the ungoldly amount of investigations.

Anything to deny what's staring you in the face. Because if you did accept the reality, you'd have a mental breakdown.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

I think it's time that Trump and his MAGA supporters be listed as domestic terrorists, along with most of the brainless Republican Congress men and women sitting in office right now screaming about how Trump is being politically railroaded. They're stoking hate and violence with their unhinged crazy support of a lying vile crook of an ex-president, who in all likelihood violated the Espionage Act and put our country's national defense at risk by taking Top Secret and TS/SCI documents from the White House and keeping them in unsecured locations in his personal residence for anyone to peruse, which video from Trump's own security cameras showed may have happened after being reviewed by the FBI. Despite Trump claiming he had a standing order to declassify anything that left the White House, he's WRONG and he does not have the power to do that. All documents are government property, classified or not and cannot be removed from the government's possession or archives anyway. Top Secret and TS/SCI documents are NEVER supposed to leave a compartmentalized special room, period. Mar a Lago does not qualify as such a room either. So those right wing idiots threatening violence in support of Trump are aiding and abetting a criminal who violated our national security and are a threat to our democracy, our country and the rule of law by targeting law enforcement, judges and government officials and also threatening violent revolution. If they think they're patriots, they're seriously dead wrong. If they think sensible American citizens are going to join up and follow their lead, they're also very dead wrong. They're considered traitors once they make war against our own government, especially since their reason for war is based on unhinged conspiracy theories and the love of a lawbreaking despot and not because that government has become repressive and needs to be overthrown.

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/g ... fbi-search

https://www.businessinsider.com/right-w ... 020-7?op=1
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by TheWhat »

It’s so tiresome. First it’s “how do you know they didn’t plant something?” then it’s “he declassified all the documents”. Well which one is it? How many talking points do you have BEFORE anyone knows what’s in it? And if the ★■◆● is super ultra top secret how in the hell do you know what it is and are able to defend someone who shouldn’t have it at a private estate?

I thought all you great American patriots don’t trust those pesky chi-coms that can now MORE EASILY have access to top secret information being shuttled around in god knows who’s van like your old baseball cards.

Pick a lane assholes, although it appears you’ve made up your mind already because you always have an answer for this stuff.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Ferno »

We both know the answer to that. It's because they enjoy the hypocrisy. They see it as a virtue.

I'm just waiting for them to blame Obama, Antifa, or both.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Krom »

It is the Trump standard defense, just spew lies, totally flood the discussion with lies, they know its all lies but they do it anyway because all that matters to them is drowning out everything else. Conservatives love poisoning the well; it is what right wing personalities/fox news have been doing for decades. Trump just ran with it and jumped the guard rails.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Ferno »

And calling them out on it does nothing. They don't feel pity, they don't feel remorse. The only thing they feel is dread when someone is coming after them, and they start crying.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Ferno wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:39 pm We both know the answer to that. It's because they enjoy the hypocrisy. They see it as a virtue.

I'm just waiting for them to blame Obama, Antifa, or both.
Oh Ferno, Ye of Little Faith. Of course little kindergartner Trump had to blame Obama, specifically Barack HUSSEIN Obama, icing his bull★■◆● with a little Muslim Obama fear icing for good measure to give his idiot supporters a little boner. It's even a Pants on Fire lie. You can bet your bottom dollar that Mar a Lago's UNLOCKED and UNGUARDED basement is NOT a secure government archive.
Baby Trump wrote:"President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!"
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... kept-33-m/

Which does bring us around to the treason question again. If those TS and TS/SCI documents somehow were allowed to be viewed by a hostile foreign actor or state while in Trump's possession (which may have happened), who then use that info to make war against the U.S. or it's agents, THEN Trump is liable for committing treason. I'd love to see that damn bastard hoisted upon his own petard.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by TheWhat »

Can someone (politician, press, feds) call for a moment of clarity on this? Instead of turning it into a fight can we collectively agree that people with access to this information are no longer allowed to just “bring it home” and throw the boxes in the spare bedroom?

Like day zero from this moment forward it is understood that you can’t just shuttle around files about our intelligence resources in the back of your Honda Civic, bring it into the man cave only to have your drunk Uncle Dave rest his empty Budweiser cans on the file folder?
“Hey Dave, It might be frowned upon if these pages about satellite tasking reeks of stale budget beer when I take it back to the office.”

I mean what the actual shucks are these people defending? It’s really baffling how far out the rationalizing is going. Say it out loud to yourself it makes no sense!
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Vander »

I'd even cut Trump some slack if he took a bunch of stuff with him on the way out. Just as like a farewell gtfo glad that's over with gift. But when the Feds come to you and say "hey, those aren't yours give them back" and you don't? Patience gone. And when the Feds show up and take them back, you say you were unjustly raided and the FBI planted stuff they're coming for *you* next and stoking all that same bull★■◆● that caused a mob to ransack Congress? Get fucked you POS, you're not immune from prosecution anymore.

And that's all aside from what actually might be in the documents Trump wanted to keep.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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I realize CNN is not a fan favorite but the guest presenter said the magic words: “You don’t have to take my word for it.”
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Once a crook, always a crook. This slimebag may make the Guiness Book of World Records for having the most investigations and litigations initiated against one man in all of U.S. history. He deserves the title "Teflon Don" more than Bill Clinton by now.

https://www.justsecurity.org/75032/liti ... ald-trump/
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Ferno »

Tunnelcat wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:10 pm
Oh Ferno, Ye of Little Faith. Of course little kindergartner Trump had to blame Obama, specifically Barack HUSSEIN Obama, icing his bull★■◆● with a little Muslim Obama fear icing for good measure to give his idiot supporters a little boner. It's even a Pants on Fire lie. You can bet your bottom dollar that Mar a Lago's UNLOCKED and UNGUARDED basement is NOT a secure government archive.
Baby Trump wrote:"President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!"
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... kept-33-m/

Which does bring us around to the treason question again. If those TS and TS/SCI documents somehow were allowed to be viewed by a hostile foreign actor or state while in Trump's possession (which may have happened), who then use that info to make war against the U.S. or it's agents, THEN Trump is liable for committing treason. I'd love to see that damn bastard hoisted upon his own petard.

HAH! ★■◆●ing called it. Dude is as predictable as he is malicious.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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The burning question with the Republicans and Trump himself is: Who was the snitch? I can guarantee you that THIS is the reason why Trump wants the actual affidavit unsealed so he can figure out who tattled to the FBI. :lol:

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... patriarchy

Yet another Trumptard, Lindsey Graham, has also been ensnared for doing Trump's bidding and trying to find a weasel way to throw out valid absentee votes just to manipulate the election results in Georgia to favor Trump. What a twisted web of corruption Trump has woven. :twisted2:

https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/15/politics ... index.html
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Krom »

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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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What does it say about Trump supporters and "Republicans" in Wyoming that they voted out Liz Cheney because she told the truth about Trump and refused to kiss his ass just to win. What does it say about "Republicans" when they'll vote for a man who definitely and recently broke federal espionage laws, in all probability putting our national security at risk, in the days just before that Wyoming primary. As much as I disliked Dick Cheney, I think his daughter has more character, principles and conservative values than Trump EVER will. I can only hope that in the next general election, everyone else with a brain and a love of our democracy will vote against Trump and any of his backed cronies who won primaries recently, because Repiblicans right now have gone off the deep end of sanity right into the black hole of psychosis.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Krom »

You don't have to feel sorry for Liz Cheney, just because she opposes Trump doesn't mean she isn't still a horrible conservative ghoul who voted with him close to 9 times out of 10.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Vander »

Liz Cheney just wanted the minoritarian rule she worked to entrench and further have the appearance of legitimacy. Her big disagreement with her party is masks on or masks off.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

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Make no mistake. I wouldn't ever vote for her because of her dad, Darth Cheney and as you both pointed out, all those votes of support she previously gave Trump. The only credit I give her is finally waking up from her Trump love stupor and fighting against his bull★■◆●, IF she actually found her backbone and conscience. To even support that bastard AT ALL is a sign of slavish devotion without thought, so maybe she does have a brain of sorts. If she's suddenly "found the conservative light", that's great, because anyone going after Trump for any reason will most certainly split the Republican Party into multiple competing factions, making it far more likely they won't win in any general election. One can only hope her fight will damage Trump and the Republicans in general in the long run. Otherwise, this country will end up in a despotic toilet under repressive rule like Russia or Turkey.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by woodchip »

Tunnelcat wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:36 am . One can only hope her fight will damage Trump and the Republicans in general in the long run. Otherwise, this country will end up in a despotic toilet under repressive rule like Russia or Turkey.
You do realize she lost to a Trump backed candidate. And she lost hugely to him. Think other candidates haven't noticed? Like her opponent said ,"If she would of show concern for what matter to voters like inflation or drugs flowing across the border instead about Trump, Trump, Trump, then she might of done better". Kinda like you Trump haters here. Arguments based on hate and emotions get you zip.
As to despotism, were heading there already and those of you who can't see this are what Marxist call "Useful idiots"
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by vision »

woodchip wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:43 amAs to despotism, were heading there already and those of you who can't see this are what Marxist call "Useful idiots"
F'ing LOL!
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Oh, yes. A Trump-backed election denier candidate who used to rally against Trump until her desire for power and glory made her toss aside any and all Republican principles she may have held in the past. So she jumped on the Trump bandwagon to infamy, hoping it was for the win. Listening to "Republicans" on the morning talk shows was very revealing. NONE of them would talk about all those recently elected "election deniers" and Trump's little espionage problem or abortion and how all that MAY actually cost them in November. All they kept harping about was how everything the Dems did was going to cost us more, WITHOUT providing any actual solution for inflation right now. It was sickening. Oh, they had a plan they said, but ABSOLUTELY NONE of them would tell the hosts any details about that plan except for the tired old saw of blame the Dems, cut taxes, cut taxes, cut taxes and drill baby drill and crime is rampant because the libs defunded the police. Never mind we just came out of a worldwide pandemic that started under Trump's watch which threw everyone's economy into the toilet and upended societies all over the world. Never mind that as they ★■◆● about crime that they're violating their own law and order tenet by calling for defunding the FBI and vilifying Christopher Wray, who was a Trump appointee by the way. I guess the law doesn't apply to MAGA people does it? Never mind that we're still running under those BIG tax cuts they gave us under Trump and why that hasn't helped. Never mind that drilling for oil is NOT the problem, lack of refining capacity and Russia IS. They had NO solutions for any of that. I guess if they win in the next elections, they can throw Ukraine under the bus in a self serving move and let Russia invade the country (Trump would definitely do it for his best bro Putin), which would solve the gas price issue for the time being. They wouldn't even discuss abortion that's so toxic right now, because whether they like it or not, women everywhere are PISSED OFF and they're gonna VOTE, in numbers. Since a lot of these MAGA asswipes tend to be Neo Nazis and White Supremacists who are forcing their ★■◆●ing Christian values into actual repressive Sharia-ish laws and are now going after anyone LGBTQ, I will NEVER AGAIN vote for a Republican in their present state. One vote down and I'm not alone.

You do realize that MAGA supporters only make up around 35% of voters in this country don't you? If elections were held today and everyone eligible voted, Republicans would LOSE solely because they are outnumbered. And surprise, people are now starting to worry about the continuation of our democracy instead of inflation issues. MAGA supporters are starting to become the political equivalent of rotten mold to anyone who loves democracy and retaining the ability to vote for who they choose, have it certified without controversy, threats or whining and WITHOUT INTERFERENCE. You worry about Marxism? Hell, we ain't even close to that here. ★■◆●, Social Security and Medicare is considered Marxism to Republicans right now. Believe me, I would no more vote for progressives than you would. But the reality is, we are much closer to Fascism under Trump and just perhaps, most people are waking up to that fear. So if Republicans want to win elections fair and square, and God knows the Dems have given them plenty of ammunition, they need to put forth a rational slate of conservatives who will stick to some sane principles, keep religion out of politics, put forth policies that are palatable to most people and not the fringe, be fair and respect our democracy and the will of ALL the people and will divorce themselves from MAGA, the tea party and that despotic moron called Trump forever.

By the way,I fully understand WHY Trump is loved by his supporters. You can read it summed up in the link below. But sticking with a moron who is clearly mentally unstable, a crook and possibly a traitor, infantile, power hungry and would screw over his own mother and kids to get what he wants is not a winning choice for your party, such as that is right now.

https://www.zawya.com/en/opinion/econom ... p-imjlk5iy
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Spidey »

"WITHOUT providing any actual solution for inflation right now"

Sounds exactly like the "inflation reduction act"
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Spidey wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 1:21 pm "WITHOUT providing any actual solution for inflation right now"

Sounds exactly like the "inflation reduction act"
Yep, politics. They can't explain what it does or who it will benefit either, some of it years down the road. However, if you're going to ★■◆● about what one political side did, at least come up with a better solution and be up front about it. So far, nothing of substance forthcoming from the conservative side of the aisle but the same old trickle down BS. The Dems DID put in 2 things that were needed. A 1% excise tax on all corporate stock buybacks and something that has been missing for years since ol' Bushie partially privatized Medicare. The ability of the government to negotiate drug prices and cap out of pocket drug costs for seniors. The Dems managed to get a $35 cap on insulin in Medicare too, but not for everyone else with private insurance, thanks to Republicans. And every time you see one of those nauseating expensive drug ads, thank the politicians (both parties) who allowed them to spend every person's blood money when they bought their needed expensive drugs which financed those insipid, stupid ads.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/in ... r-AA10AWhs
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Krom »

The Republicans will not fix inflation or debt, historically they have pretty much always made it worse. And it is because they actually make it worse on purpose. The reason is pretty simple: The overall republican message for the last 30 years has been one of distrust, anger and bigotry. Well happy voters generally just don't go for messaging like that, but it is extremely effective and reliable when the voters are unhappy. So the Republican elite make sure their base is not happy by always economically sabotaging them and then use the propaganda machine that is right wing media to blame it all on Democrats.

The Republican party literally depends on government dysfunction and economic stagnation to exist, there is no way they could ever actually bring real solutions to the table.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by Ferno »

Krom wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:52 pm The Republicans will not fix inflation or debt, historically they have pretty much always made it worse. And it is because they actually make it worse on purpose. The reason is pretty simple: The overall republican message for the last 30 years has been one of distrust, anger and bigotry. Well happy voters generally just don't go for messaging like that, but it is extremely effective and reliable when the voters are unhappy. So the Republican elite make sure their base is not happy by always economically sabotaging them and then use the propaganda machine that is right wing media to blame it all on Democrats.

The Republican party literally depends on government dysfunction and economic stagnation to exist, there is no way they could ever actually bring real solutions to the table.
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Re: Holy S#!t Trump may have screwed the pooch.

Post by woodchip »

This is the same ignorant BS that you were saying about Reagan before he was elected. Sad it is being repeated once again.
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