Flight of the Valkyries

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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

And your party's Russian masters wants the U.S. to quit supplying and funding the Ukrainians so they can go in there and take over a sovereign country that hates them. You DO drink up Trump's crap from his Truth Social platform too. You even posted a thread on it like it was the best thing since sliced bread and the ONLY truth. Uh huh. I don't like Biden. He's too old for the job and is just another old line Democrat sticking to the usual old line politics. I voted for him because Trump is a lying foulmouthed slimebag power hungry despot wannabe and there was no other option except to VOTE TRUMP OUT period! I didn't even watch his State of the Union speech last night either. You revile anything that smells socialistic. But I bet you live on a pension from the military and perhaps social security. I'm sure you like that nice little income, don't you? Even if they're basically socialist programs funded by the citizens of the U.S. that took nearly 2 centuries to get somewhat worked out, even though the VA still sucks.

https://www.history.com/news/veterans-a ... sion-facts

First off, I don't believe everything Biden says. All politicians LIE to bolster their image. However,I see no reason for NORAD or the military to lie about one of their mistakes. In fact, admitting they missed the earlier incursions is an admission of failure, not something the military likes to admit to. I DO agree that the balloon should've been shot down over the Aleutians, over a deserted island or close to land in shallow waters to make recovery by the Navy easier. But we got what we got and as a bonus, it's pissed off the ChiComs to no end. You want to end China's dominance? Start telling every corporation out there to quit making all our products there, period. Of course, Amazon sells way more actual Chinese stuff than anyone else, so why not boycott them?
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Please, please, please Jesus (I do not blame you for the psychotic behavior of your delusional followers who think religion is a salad bar) save us from the godless balloons from the Chinese (even though they can see the polka dots on my undies with satellite space X-ray lasers). Oh please, please, please save the great USA from balloons because I know you care about American flags even though it was another 1700 and 30odd years before the country even existed (but somehow these brain wizards in this great nation are convinced you care about this country when there is really no evidence you would care about any government at all). Save us all from the balloons, oh Jesus.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Darth Wang »

Tunnelcat wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:57 pm And your party's Russian masters wants the U.S. to quit supplying and funding the Ukrainians so they can go in there and take over a sovereign country that hates them. You DO drink up Trump's crap from his Truth Social platform too. You even posted a thread on it like it was the best thing since sliced bread and the ONLY truth. Uh huh. I don't like Biden. He's too old for the job and is just another old line Democrat sticking to the usual old line politics. I voted for him because Trump is a lying foulmouthed slimebag power hungry despot wannabe and there was no other option except to VOTE TRUMP OUT period! I didn't even watch his State of the Union speech last night either. You revile anything that smells socialistic. But I bet you live on a pension from the military and perhaps social security. I'm sure you like that nice little income, don't you? Even if they're basically socialist programs funded by the citizens of the U.S. that took nearly 2 centuries to get somewhat worked out, even though the VA still sucks.

https://www.history.com/news/veterans-a ... sion-facts

First off, I don't believe everything Biden says. All politicians LIE to bolster their image. However,I see no reason for NORAD or the military to lie about one of their mistakes. In fact, admitting they missed the earlier incursions is an admission of failure, not something the military likes to admit to. I DO agree that the balloon should've been shot down over the Aleutians, over a deserted island or close to land in shallow waters to make recovery by the Navy easier. But we got what we got and as a bonus, it's pissed off the ChiComs to no end. You want to end China's dominance? Start telling every corporation out there to quit making all our products there, period. Of course, Amazon sells way more actual Chinese stuff than anyone else, so why not boycott them?
I've never watched a SOTU speech in my life. Just read transcripts later when I heard that something important was said.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Ferno »

woodchip wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:19 am
As to Canada, Trudeau is another socialist that doesn't want to offend the ChiCom's. There's a saying down in Texas that applies to both Trudeau and Ferno, "All Hat and no Cattle"
Shut the ★■◆● up. She's talking to me. You don't know a damn thing about what we're saying up here.

Trudeau's the only one who saw trump for what he was during that handshake. He straight up dominated your idol. And you can't stand that.
Tunnelcat wrote:Ferno, what is everyone saying in Canada? It traversed your country for quite a distance before entering ours.
Not a lot, really. Just that they would pursue talks through proper channels. We believe in discussions first. Because the alternative is a lot nastier, as Russia is about to find out with our challenger 2 tanks we just sent to Ukraine. We're going to absolutely wreck russia's ★■◆●.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

Nothing important is ever said in most SOTU addresses. They're all political shine-the-turd-of-my-accomplishments speeches. I think one of the most important ones was given by FDR during WWII however.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Please, oh please, please oh great one. Save us from the spy balloons that are of utmost importance0 because you care so much about our made up government and society. I know you wring your hands worrying about some human creatures on the planet earf inside of made up borders when there is a vast universe of little green ones and blue ones a million light years (186,000 miles per second) away sending their balloons over the other ones territory that you have enough time to care about our great american pride and honor or whatever other bull★■◆● words people use to rile up the masses in between their burger king whoppers. Oh please, oh please save us from the balloons.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Ferno »

We get it, edgelord Meatpuppet.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by woodchip »

Tunnelcat wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:57 pm And your party's Russian masters wants the U.S. to quit supplying and funding the Ukrainians so they can go in there and take over a sovereign country that hates them. You DO drink up Trump's crap from his Truth Social platform too. You even posted a thread on it like it was the best thing since sliced bread and the ONLY truth. Uh huh. I don't like Biden. He's too old for the job and is just another old line Democrat sticking to the usual old line politics. I voted for him because Trump is a lying foulmouthed slimebag power hungry despot wannabe and there was no other option except to VOTE TRUMP OUT period! I didn't even watch his State of the Union speech last night either. You revile anything that smells socialistic. But I bet you live on a pension from the military and perhaps social security. I'm sure you like that nice little income, don't you? Even if they're basically socialist programs funded by the citizens of the U.S. that took nearly 2 centuries to get somewhat worked out, even though the VA still sucks.

https://www.history.com/news/veterans-a ... sion-facts
Are you that envious of me you now play imaginary games of how my retirement is paid out? Here let me give you a lesson in enlightenment. First off I have no military pension. I did my required 3 years and got out. What pension I do have I saved from the business I started. Social Security I get the max amount as I waited until I was 70 to collect. Social security I and you paid into. We would have done a lot better if we could of had the money go into a private investment plan. Socialist lovers like you approved SSA under FDR so don't give me any crap about me liking socialism because you and your fellow liberal lovers think it is great. As to the VA like I said I gave 3 years so now I get my medical bills paid and a disability check. As I see it I paid in spades while people like you and Ferno skated
Tunnelcat wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:57 pm First off, I don't believe everything Biden says. All politicians LIE to bolster their image. However,I see no reason for NORAD or the military to lie about one of their mistakes. In fact, admitting they missed the earlier incursions is an admission of failure, not something the military likes to admit to. I DO agree that the balloon should've been shot down over the Aleutians, over a deserted island or close to land in shallow waters to make recovery by the Navy easier. But we got what we got and as a bonus, it's pissed off the ChiComs to no end. You want to end China's dominance? Start telling every corporation out there to quit making all our products there, period. Of course, Amazon sells way more actual Chinese stuff than anyone else, so why not boycott them?
I see we shot down another Chi Com balloon. Guess Biden finally read the polls.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Vander »

Typical Joe Brandon folding to the jamoke mob.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Ferno wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:55 pm We get it, edgelord Meatpuppet.
Please, please, please dirty undies hippie Jesus save us from the balloons and the acerbic Canadian video game master. Please use all your power to save us from these insurmountable obstacles in the vast universe that make it harder for we, the great Americans, to spread our way of lyfffe with our fat whhhyyyffffeeess.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

Woody, you were stupid to wait until 70 to start getting payouts from SS. You never know how long you're going to live after age 65 and my attitude is it's better to grab the lesser amount for as long as possible. And since I assumed you were a military vet, you got a military pension. My bad. As for investing SS privately, it's too risky since that fund would have any market losses to deal with and payputs to make. Not a good situation. The market doesn't always go up and to the right. Last year it pretty much lost value and did poorly. It would be far better if the FICA payments went up so that those rich people with high incomes start paying into the fund. Heaven forbid the rich pigs pay into a socialist program to keep it solvent for all our country's working slobs.

We also don't know WHAT the object was that our military shot down in this second incident. It wasn't a large balloon, instead was something the size of a car, was cylindrical in shape and was only at 40,000 get up, right within the level the airlines routinely use. It landed on an ice sheet once it came down.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Ferno »

Y'know, meaty. It was kinda funny back in the day but now that act is just so played out and... "cringy". Time for something new.

Oh hey, TC... have you heard? Boomers' choices are starting to finally hit home. They no longer have enough money saved up to go through retirement. And the people who they kept electing are now making efforts to gut Social Security and Medicare, they can't count on that either.

https://www.barrons.com/articles/baby-b ... 1675271205
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Ferno wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:49 pm Y'know, meaty. It was kinda funny back in the day but now that act is just so played out and... "cringy". Time for something new.
Cringy like you immediately typing “shut the ★■◆● up” to Woodchip in response to his OP? You know what you need? You need some churchin’up, Ferno. Please, please, please oh great one shut this monkey pox spreading remote control dungeons and dragons don’t fear the reaper spilt bong water carpet having head injury the ★■◆● up. Church him the ★■◆● up
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Ferno »

Oh I absolutely love it when people post their photos of them playing a bass guitar like it actually means something.

Anyone who's half a monkey can play a guitar. People who think they're better than they are play bass. Have you seen how many 'great' guitar and 'great' bass players are on youtube? Too many to count. And where are they now? Anyone who's worth any salt can take a guitar, bass, write a good song and master it so people will listen to it more than once. But you? Twisted Sister you are not. :D You fell from grace. Your best years are way behind you. I'm still climbing, and my years are only getting better. I think you forgot that lesson along the way - always work on yourself.

Since you were so kind to show us all what you did, I'll do the same and show you what I do Google took a good photo of what I was working on not too long ago.
https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2804555 ... 384!8i8192

Tell me something, puppet of the meatman - Do you know what it's like to face down one of those Freedom Convoy people? The ones that talk about how our lockdown was so unconstitutional? The ones that blare their horns at everyone to get their attention? The ones that promote dangerous and deadly lies, all because they wanted to buy their big mac n side of biggie fries? Because I do. One of them came onto the very same site that I posted the google maps link. Came in with his decked-out F150 with a vinyl that looked like it cost a few thousand dollars. Drove up and down, actin a fool and honkin like he was president of the clown car club. I remember the face. I remember the anger. I remember the rage. And all this while he was behind the wheel of his truck. I was out there in front of him. I was with four other guys, staring him down, telling him to get the hell off our site. He could have easily ran us over. All he had to do was press that gas pedal down just a bit. But in the end, we forced him off. And he never came back. Remember that the next time you want to say I'm just a virtual lazermaster canadian whacker.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by woodchip »

Ah yes, Ferno the self imagined intellectual because he listens to Ted Talks programs.
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If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by woodchip »

Tunnelcat wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:19 pm Woody, you were stupid to wait until 70 to start getting payouts from SS. You never know how long you're going to live after age 65 and my attitude is it's better to grab the lesser amount for as long as possible. And since I assumed you were a military vet, you got a military pension. My bad. As for investing SS privately, it's too risky since that fund would have any market losses to deal with and payputs to make. Not a good situation. The market doesn't always go up and to the right. Last year it pretty much lost value and did poorly. It would be far better if the FICA payments went up so that those rich people with high incomes start paying into the fund. Heaven forbid the rich pigs pay into a socialist program to keep it solvent for all our country's working slobs.

We also don't know WHAT the object was that our military shot down in this second incident. It wasn't a large balloon, instead was something the size of a car, was cylindrical in shape and was only at 40,000 get up, right within the level the airlines routinely use. It landed on an ice sheet once it came down.
No TC, stupid is collecting something you don't need and reduces your income in the process. Did you know, if you are divorced you can collect your ex-spouses SS under certain conditions? Now there's smart. Have fun.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

Do you understand the "breakeven point"? Waiting to take SS until 70 gives you more income, but that assumes you are in good health and going to live longer than age 83. Me, I'm taking my lower amount and investing it, growing it much faster than the government can, as you pointed out in your earlier post. Plus, my health sucks. Menopause destroyed my body and it's only downhill from here. I don't think I'll be living beyond age 75, so I'm taking what I can.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by vision »

woodchip wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:25 am...Ted Talks programs.
Someone needs some basic grammar lessons. Whether Ferno is an intellectual or not matters less than the fact he writes coherent sentences 100% of the time.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Ferno »

woodchip wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:25 am Ah yes, Ferno the self imagined intellectual because he listens to Ted Talks programs.
First it's thug, now it's "self imagined intellectual"? Buddy, you gotta pick something and stick with it.

I can't wait to see what sort of smoothbrained response I'll get now. Maybe.. snowflake? Or, I dunno... Woke? That's a good one. I would be flattered if you called me.. the Sweet transvestite from Transylvania.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

Hey, Canada finally got into the action and shot something down. :lol:

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tr ... -rcna70261
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by woodchip »

Tunnelcat wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:12 am Hey, Canada finally got into the action and shot something down. :lol:

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tr ... -rcna70261
They didn't shoot anything down. From your link:
A U.S. fighter jet shot down an unidentified object in the skies over Canada on Saturday on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s orders, Canadian and U.S. officials confirmed.
I guess the Canadians haven't taken their training wheels off their planes yet.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Top Gun »

ITT woody has never heard of NORAD.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Spidey »

More "balloons" I think the commies are just fuckin with us now.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Darth Wang »

So have they recovered the wreckage from any of these yet?
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Oh, I think someone is laughing about all of this somewhere. I hope it’s a pre-teen grey alien going: “Look moms, the stupid humans are chasing my balloons around and telling people to shut the ★■◆● up on video game message boards because I guess that’s what happens years later when you we’re socialized in the Kali chat room instead of having real friends.”
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

woodchip wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:35 am
Tunnelcat wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:12 am Hey, Canada finally got into the action and shot something down. :lol:

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tr ... -rcna70261
They didn't shoot anything down. From your link:
A U.S. fighter jet shot down an unidentified object in the skies over Canada on Saturday on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s orders, Canadian and U.S. officials confirmed.
I guess the Canadians haven't taken their training wheels off their planes yet.
True. We did it. But here's why, or have you forgotten about the North American Aerospace Defense Command? It means that Canada and the U.S. are part of the binational command of NORAD.

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/spy-ball ... -1.6742695

By the way, since we're now so trigger happy with objects flying over the continent, what happens if we happen to shoot down some actual alien space ship? Will we ever know about it either? :P
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Spidey »


Chinese response to being accused of having a global spy balloon network. "No You!"
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

“I intercepted this balloon for you, me lady.”
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Tunnelcat »

"Well, you do it all the time over China, so nyah, nayh, na, nyah nyah." :roll:

https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/13/china/ch ... index.html
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TigerRaptor »

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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Burlyman »

Some of you guys are too immature with your responses, like the second one. Come on, guys.

That balloon thing was a joke by the way. It probably never happened.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Please, please, please oh great one accelerate my maturing process as to appease the all knowing Neo. Clearly he/she/they/them are the bleeding edge of human development with insider knowledge of the universe. He/she/they/them were not socialized in the Kali chatroom so they eventually warsh their undergarments and can appreciate Prokofiev's folk tunes.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Ferno »

Burlyman wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 7:39 am Some of you guys are too immature with your responses, like the second one. Come on, guys.

That balloon thing was a joke by the way. It probably never happened.
We've made it a point to not consider the viewpoints of a person who does not contribute anything.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TigerRaptor »

We should all hang out with Neo at his mansion. We can drink wine while playing hopscotch and have debates about can openers, lawn stripes, Niche, and the Otaku life with llamas with Keke Palmer playing in the background.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Vander »

I just figured it was a bit.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Isaac »

Top the thread for a second.

TheWhat wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:44 pm Please, please, please Jesus (I do not blame you for the psychotic behavior of your delusional followers who think religion is a salad bar) save us from the godless balloons from the Chinese (even though they can see the polka dots on my undies with satellite space X-ray lasers). Oh please, please, please save the great USA from balloons because I know you care about American flags even though it was another 1700 and 30odd years before the country even existed (but somehow these brain wizards in this great nation are convinced you care about this country when there is really no evidence you would care about any government at all). Save us all from the balloons, oh Jesus.

Why does that Jesus look like Charlie from penguinz0?

-⎽__⎽-⎻⎺⎺⎻-⎽__⎽--⎻⎺⎺⎻-★ ·:*¨༺꧁༺ :E ༻꧂༻¨*:·.★-⎽__⎽-⎻⎺⎺⎻-⎽__⎽--⎻⎺⎺⎻-
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Top Gun »

Moist Jesus?
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by TheWhat »

Isaac wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 11:14 am Why does that Jesus look like Charlie from penguinz0?
I don't know. i actually got the image on BookFace from a woman I went to high school with. She became one of those "patriots" that forgot about that whole pesky democracy thing that is getting in the way of what she wants until everything she wants gets turned on her then of course it's treachery.

This is not bashing the historical figure Jesus. I just can't believe some of my fellow countrymen actually think Jesus cares about a flag of some country, and cries over it. It's just a massive assumption.
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Re: Flight of the Valkyries

Post by Burlyman »

I contributed, you just don't get it.
--Neo, the fourth greatest pilot in the universe
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