Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

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Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Do_Checkor »

If you don't know what Vortex is:
What is Vortex? Vortex is a tool very close to the old "Gate" or "GLMax":

-> includes a IRC-Client to connect to Descentforum.NET, Shadowfire, Gamesurge and every other IRC.
-> includes a Buddy-List with online-detection (independant of which chat you're in)
-> includes a Server-List of the Descent.CX tracker by esa (thank you very much man)
-> includes a mission-downloader with broken-link-detection and auto-extractor.
-> includes a mod-downloader with broken-link-detection and auto-extractor.
-> includes auto-updating (of Vortex).
-> includes a commandline-switch-creator (used when games are launched by Vortex).
-> includes a lan-server-list.
-> includes a relay function to support online servers (even filtered) to be displayed ingame.
-> includes a direct join-into-games feature.
-> includes feature to launch D3 into games by website-links like d3:// and much more

Already posted the following about six years ago but as people say they can't find Descent 3 online games anymore, I thought I'd post a quick write up about how Vortex works today:

The latest (not quite official) Version of Vortex is

As this Version has been modified (without an official permission by Skorpion) to cover some tracker issues and I needed a way to distinguish that release from the original, I called the Version

You can download the build from here:

http://www.descentforum.de/download/Vor ... .2.3.1.zip

It is possible that Skorpion accepts this Version and uploads it to the original web site as well, along with an update to the version tracker file.

So this is a warning: Not impossible that some of you receive an update message after all those years and YES: It's legit! :-)

If you already got Vortex installed and only want to update to the latest build: It is sufficient to download the new Vortex.exe and simply overwrite the existing one (Vortex needs to be shut down for that moment):


Adding the following tips as per 2021:

Windows 10 might display a warning message that it would have blocked the Vortex.exe --> hit "more information" (or similar) in this warning message, and select "run anyway" (or similar).

Windows might display a firewall / defender message --> You can select "private and public networks " and accept.

Vortex launcher hangs in "looking for an update" --> Just wait for the magic ;-) Seriously: Just wait for the ~70 seconds. (I am trying to sort that issue -- Dec.2021)

Mission download from server list displays an error message like "Zip.dll / UnZip.dll missing" --> You need to run Vortex as Admin once - it will work after this. (Right click Vortex.exe -> run as admin)

Any questions? Gimme a shout!
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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by akula65 »

Are there any current public discussion, development or release announcement URLs for Vortex (regardless of language)? It's pretty obvious that http://www.slyclan.de/ no longer serves this purpose given the age of the last Vortex update mentioned there. And I am referring both to Skorpion's and your work.

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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Do_Checkor »

The official forum is:


However: There are no plans on any updates for Vortex. The "update" mentioned above is a hacked version of the latest beta that was available (with a fictive verion number) only.
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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Do_Checkor »

Do_Checkor wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 6:04 am However: There are no plans on any updates for Vortex. The "update" mentioned above is a hacked version of the latest beta that was available (with a fictive verion number) only.
Taking that back :-) An update / new build is in the works but is not likely to be released before autumn - however: Never say never ;-)
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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Nosferatu »

I wish it would be possible for someone to fix the fact that it checks for an update for 3 or so minutes and eventually gives up, since the original developers are no longer there. :-x :roll:
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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Do_Checkor »

I got the original developer bei the hair ;-) The issue you describe was solved in the upcoming version! Keep fingers crossed!
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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Nosferatu »

Do_Checkor wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:46 pm I got the original developer bei the hair ;-) The issue you describe was solved in the upcoming version! Keep fingers crossed!
WTF O_O !!!!!!!!!!!!


Vortex now comes up immediately.

I NEVER thought I would see THAT again.

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Re: Vortex - tool for server list, mission downloads, chat, etc.

Post by Do_Checkor »


Skorpion got a new server running and fixed the update thing for now.
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