Yeah, I hear you, Baal.... Here about a month ago I spent over $500 to go to the emergency room just to find out that I had "only" severely hyperextended my left pinky finger at the base knuckle. It hurt like hell (like it was broken), but it's almost completely healed now, whereas a break would still be another week or two healing. BTW... Did it playing basketball, when a guy that was defending me decided to try to knock the ball out of my hands and take my finger back with him. Let's just say that he was successful in both attempts....
heh i hate crackly ankles ... whenever i try going downstairs quietly in the middlw of the night for water or somethin, im REAL quiet, so i dont wake my dad .. then theres the stairs ... crack crack crAAAACCCK ... no not the stairs ... my back and ankles 0_o
Actually Baal - you'd have been much better off if you broke something. Sprains are officially classified as worse than breaks: breaks take 6 weeks to heal - sprains can take 6 months depending on how bad they are. Also, repetitive strains result in severe degeneration of a joint's capacity to limit movement, and the ligaments become stretched and buggered requiring expensive surgery, and a very lengthy recovery.
Hey Mobi, tell me something i dont know-----but believe me when i say that i would much rather not have my leg in a cast. Oh and one good thing about being Canadian, free health care is a huge bonus that i am grateful for.
I did the same thing about 6 years ago BAAL. I did it playing basketball. I shredded the damn thing. it was the most painfull thing I have ever had to endure. I hasn't really been the same since.
Ok, a few years ago when I was hanging out with a girl that liked me who is now married and has a kid at a ball park down the block from where I live. When we were messing around I ended up running while teasing her little brother and twisted my ankle. My leg bone actually popped out of it's socket and then popped right back in. I then tried to proceed to walk and every attempt failed so I tried to do a one legged hop clear back to my house until her and her family caught up with me and gave me a ride. The thing took about a month before I could even walk again.
Last weekend my Mom went outside just after I went to work and fell off from the bottom step and she thinks she caught her foot between the steps. She ended up with a compound fracter in her right ankle and had a couple of nasty cracks her left leg. She had to have surgery on her left leg and is currently in the hospital. She drug herself with her arms all the way back up our porch to get my Dad so my Mom is a very tough person. She has had 5 kids includeing myself and said that the pain she felt was worse than going through labor. The doctor also told us that it will be at least 6 weeks before she can put pressure on her left leg and 3 months before she can even use her right leg.
Arbitar wrote:heh i hate crackly ankles ... whenever i try going downstairs quietly in the middlw of the night for water or somethin, im REAL quiet, so i dont wake my dad .. then theres the stairs ... crack crack crAAAACCCK ... no not the stairs ... my back and ankles 0_o
Tell me about it...
Mine pop all the time. Scares the ★■◆● out of me everytime since I pulled that muscle in my neck when I was a junior in HS. Hurt like a MF, and lets just say that Tylenol and a heating pad became my best friends for two weeks straight. For the first few days, I couldn't even move my neck for the first couple of days without experiencing great pain. (It felt like someone took a hunting knife and stabbed me in the back of my neck.)
Ok, my sprain was with my ankle bone and leg bone. My leg bone actually popped out and went to the side of the ankle bone. When I was running my foot went to the inside so that the bottom of my foot was faceing toward my other foot.
Now, the break was not mine. It was my mothers.
A compound fracture is where the bone has been broken more than once.
Hmmmmm..... weird. My Dad must have been confused on what a compound fracture is. I asked him what it was and he said that it was broken more than once. He did say that the bone wasn't pokeing out of the skin but was almost pokeing out of the skin. Maybe I missunderstood what he meant in his wording. I'll double check with him tommorow. I think I heard the doctor say that it was a compound fracture. However, what I do know for sure is that the doctors and nurses said a number of times that she won't be able to put pressure on the leg that's cracked for at least 6 weeks and it will be a good solid 2 to 3 months before she can walk.
I'll double check on what they ment. It's amazeing what falling off the bottom step of a front porch can do.
Zoop! wrote:If it's any constellation, you'll have a fun story to tell your friends in a couple of years.
If an picture of his foot becomes the name of a constellation, I'm sure he'd have a fun story to tell to his friends. (That, and he must be a pretty important guy!) Now... if the story is a *consolation* of what happened, THEN that would be a different matter altogether. Hope you get well soon BAAL! (Oh, and at least if you still play D3, you can do that, as opposed to spraining your wrist/whatnot.)
Thx stu...seems to be healing ok....making sure not to stress it too much.
On another note, i havent played D3 in ages...the urge just isnt there. However, the reduced mobility might cause be to clean off the cobwebs on my ppro
You're welcome to play with III some time, man. They're always looking to play a pickup game someplace. I'm always online fairly late in the evening on the east coast, but check my AIM name in my profile and get in touch if you want in on any action with them.
i transverse fractured one of my wristy arm bones in the morning. and was playing SEGA RALLY with a steeringwheel (console/wheel/game all hired) with my friends that afternoon, with the full arm cast.
HARDCORE!@! (heh).
seriously, computer games are great for getting mobility back after you get knocked around. a friend's gameboy REALLY helped too.