Spider-Man 2

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Post by Duper »

* a pinch of corn
* a dash of Action
and 3 Parts romance




I loved it. really a great show. Just the right amount of comic book corn, like that gal that screams into the camera! LOL

Couple of questions tho:


1) It would seem that Mr. Fantastic lives next door to Aunt May. There was a car that was parked between the 2 houses and had not more than 6" to either side. There was no way anyone could have gotten out. LOL[/spoiler]

[spoiler]2) Way was it that at the end when the 2nd "sun" was pulling in cars from across the city those 4 cranes RIGHT NEXT to the experiment didn't look anymore affect than by a light breeze?????[/spoiler]

[spoiler]3) I smell a side story. That little girl that "pulled" Peter up in the fire. Although, that might have been symbolic of the his powers lending to themselves when someone needed/believed in him. (Go Tink!) .... this is your area of expertise Mobi. ;)

Anyways. .. that just seemed interesting.[/spoiler]

Over all, I thought the show was well rounded with a very interesting ending. Makes me wonder what's going to happen in the next one. I also wonder [spoiler] if said villain has indeed met his fate or if those arms save him eventhough they have appeared to shorted out. (there are back-up power supplies and auxilory circuitry :twisted: )[/spoiler]

I'll be seeing this one again.

Oh. P.S.
[spoiler]I was thinking at first when I was watching the movie that Hank or whatever his name was that is the son of whats-his-name .. greenGoblin. That he would have thought that Doc. Ock had tricked him into making Peter looking like Spiderman to get what he wanted. This possiblity was immediately spoiled when Spiderman asked for help from .. that guy .. dang .. why can't I remember his name? ;)[/spoiler]
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Post by Krom »

I thought it was excellent, just as good as the first one if not better.
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Post by Asrale »

Duper, it's "Harry Osborne"! :P

James Franco really did a great job in this one.
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Post by Duper »

LOL :lol: Thanks Asrale. And yes he did.

I love that little take off on the Matrix. LOL Peter does a "Neo" ;)
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Post by Avder »

I saw SM2 this weekend and I loved it. [spoiler]And yeah, the next movie will definatly feature the hob goblin, but not nessecarily as the main villain. I think what theyre gonna do is slowly develop the hob-goblin on the side, giving him the depth needed to be spidermans arch-arch-arch rival while peter dukes it out with other villans, and then later in movie 4 or 5 we'll see an all out spiderman/hob-goblin brawl that will ALMOST bring peter to kill harry, but he wont be able to. Theres gonna be a lot of inner-demon slaying on both sides.[/spoiler]
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Post by Tyranny »

Just for the record, all movies based off a book are going to suck in comparison. There are much more dynamics to a novel that are ultimately left out in feature films. Movies just can't cover it all.

The whole scene where Lestat elevates Louis into the air while draining him of blood in their first encounter of the film is trivial IMO. If looked at properly it could have been a visual representation of one of the elements of what it felt like to have your essence drained by a vampire if it wasn't depicted so literally.

There are always going to be little quirks due to the personal views of the directors. They always seem to want to take something that is vividly written and pretty much set in stone as the novel goes and change it to what they feel it aught to have been. Sometimes it just doesn't jive.
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Post by Asrale »

Um, Vader...Harry was never Hobgoblin in the comic books, but GG #2.
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Post by Duper »

Asrale ... check THIS out.

A bit of history concerning the Greengoblin. Nice site too. :)
Got curious and went looking. Didn't Flash become the hobgoblin for a while? Can't rememember where he fits in. I know it was a good bit later in the Spiderman series.


Ah found it HERE on the same site. ... cool! :D
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