Someone did try to make AI-controlled ships. While the effort was good, the result was ships that were on par with a 3-week noob. AI is hard to script out, I know. But it would be stellar to have ships that chose weapons based on the surroundings and/or the other persons weapon(s), and also that could path the level and was able to determine 'best guess' cut-off points. (So if pilot A went down a tunnel that intersected another, bot A could go down that intersecting tunnel and try to ambush/surprise the pilot. Prediction patterns of any sort would be nice too, for dogfighting. The SP bots only move out of the way of your crosshair, they don't actually dance. Also, different styles of play (preferrably selectable), so you could fill a level with a pack of noob misslewhores, or some down and dirty plasma fights. Actually, I can go online any time and play a pack of noob misslewhores, never mind that part..
I'd love this. I play UT and UT2k4 with bots all the time. I configg'd each bot to prefer a certain weapon, so that when I load up an eight-bot game, it's not all losers with rocket launchers, and all the other weapons go unused. Much better than playing online. The bots are killers too at the highest skillset.