Pocket PC questions

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Pocket PC questions

Post by ReadyMan »

I'm new to pocket PCs (just got a HP IPAQ 4355)...so sorry for the stupid questions below:

My home LAN (3 machines)is set up on a 16 port switch with static IPs for each machine. All the machines are older (2 years or so), and so are all using usb 1.
I dont have a whole lot to transfer to the IPAQ, so is it really worth it to upgrade to usb2? (I'm assuming I can do that with a pci card?)

My IPAQ has bluetooth, but since I dont have a wireless setup, how can I connect to the web with it?
My desktops dont have bluetooth...

Anyone have any recommendations for good games for the pocket pc?

any input at all on any subject for a ppc noob?

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Post by CDN_Merlin »

USB 1 will work fine and be fast enough for the stuff you transfer to it. As for games, there are tons. If you do newsgroups, they have groups just for pocket PC's.
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Post by roid »

hey i'd get one of those nifty little bluetooth USB adapters for one of your desktop PCs. they are cute as buttons :D

(i'll try to find pic...)



you can also get ones with a greater range, they are a similar size and have a little fold out antanae that sticks up. they look like horny smurfs.

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Post by ReadyMan »

I've seen those adapters....but I'm unsure of what it does.
Does it send out a blue tooth signal that my ppc can link up to, and thereby accessing the internet?
I think I saw one at comp usa or circuit city for $39.
if so, that's a pretty cheap alternative...

thanks for the newsgroup idea merlin.
Anyone here have a preferred ppc game?
I'm amazed at the poor graphics for some of the games, while amazed at the graphics from others...
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Post by Bonz »

newegg has them for around $20
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