/me instantly recognizes 3 chip voodoo2 design. * Reaches over into shelf, pulls out Diamond Monster 3D II 8 MB card, yep, thats a Monster 3D II, gotta see the back to tell if its a 8 MB or a 12 MB tho. 8 MB only has 4 memory chips on the back, 12 MB has the full 12 memory chips on the back.
IIRC the two upper chips are the texture units, the lower chip is the pixel unit.
Wicked - thanks guys. I've never owned a 3Dfx card - so I had no idea what it was. Yeah - it's the 8MB model, only 4 chips on the back of it. I wondered about the "floppy cable socket" too!
FYI, it was wired through an S3 Virge 2D card in a box with a Pentium 200 in it.
My first 3D card was the Matrox G400 and prior to that I had some crappy 2D thing with 512KB of RAM in my 486 DX66! HEH.
I wonder what original purchase price was? Musta been hella expensive yeah? Must have been someone's pride and joy at some stage. My buddy was gonna chuck the box in the skip - but when I saw it was a Voodoo (I knew *that* much!) I figured it was a great piece of history for my Technology Museum.
Who cares what kind of card it is. I'm too busy looking at stresstest's avatar! Yes I know, worthless, pointless post that doesn't contribute anything but I couldn't help myself. Sorry Mobi.
Ace, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me. The Voodoo3 cards dont have SLI, they are single chip cards. We arent talking about Voodoo3s here, we are talking about Voodoo2s! Voodoo3 2000 != Voodoo2 8MB.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Krom:
<b> Ace, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me. The Voodoo3 cards dont have SLI, they are single chip cards. We arent talking about Voodoo3s here, we are talking about Voodoo2s! Voodoo3 2000 != Voodoo2 8MB.
Um... Krom?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Honest Bob:
<b> Hey I got one of those!
I tried to chain it with my Voodoo 3 2000 back when I found it. Cant remember if it worked or not though.</b></font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
no one answered my question about those 4 chips on the bottom right that have "100MHz" written on them, are those the Bus clock chips or what are they?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Krom: Yeah I noticed that right after I posted, but didnt feel like changing it because its still true and I'm a lazy bastard.</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
They are RAM chips, just like all the others, just happens that the Voodoo2 in question uses two different types of RAM chips instead of just one kind for them all like mine. The stepping on the actual chips differs on my Voodoo2 also.
In SLI mode Onboard Ram on the second card was disabled and ONLY the Frame/Texture buffer was used on the Second card
V2 in sli = you doubled Frame/texture Ram but maintained 8/12MB onboard ram
the stuff at the top is for the single Pixelfx 2 and two Texelfx 2 units. The rest is on the bottom right and on the back is SDRAM MEMORY( 25ns 100MHz )
V2-1000( 12MB ) by 3dfx was the card designation when the V3's came out the only card that supported SLI from the 3dfx branded line
V3 2000 was a PCI card V3 no SLI