VPN and accessing other LAN computers

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VPN and accessing other LAN computers

Post by ccb056 »

Ok, I'm living in Indiana now, and I have a few computers back in Louisiana. All of the systems are running Windows XP Professional. I can VPN to one computer, but I would like to access the two other computers through that 1 computer that I am already VPN'd to. How do I do that? The three computers are on a LAN.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

File sharing, share the drives but put PW's on them.
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Post by Jagger »

What specifically do you want to accomplish? Just moving files or actually controlling the other machines?

If just moving files, follow Merlin's advice. If you want desktop control, you could always VPN into one machine and use Netmeeting from that desktop to control the others. Of course, that requires you get the computers configured first, which means you'd have to actually GO to the other computers. :P And it'd be laggy, veeerrry laggy.
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