Xp raid0

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Xp raid0

Post by Arch »

What do you guys think of XP Pro software RAID0? I have 2 Atlas 10K III drives that need a performance boost.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

don't use any software raid. It will take away from your OS resources and slow down your system.
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Post by Arch »

Yah, I noticed you can't do the Windows boot drive. Thats a bummer. I went ahead and striped the two drives I have here and put my games on it.

For comparison sake I went ahead and ran the Sisoft Sandra benchmark on my regular non-raid drive and my newly striped drives. Before you get all riled up about SiSoft being a bad benchmark, its good for comparison between drives on the same system, specifically the exact same drives running on the same controller.

The stand alone drive scored 31,000 something while the new RAID0 drives scored around 54,000. I did some tests of copying a large file (1.4gig) back and forth on the drives and I never saw the CPU usage hit any higher than 10%, which may have been some OS process. For the most part CPU usage stayed around 4-8%.

Maybe the best bet would be to buy a Maxtor Atlas 15k or a Seagate 15k.3 drive and use that for Windows and then software RAID0 the remaining three Atlas 10K IIIs.

What do you think?
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Post by BUBBALOU »

That might be all fine and dandy.. as long as the games you wish to use are not CPU intensive, otherwise on the occurances were the Videocard is performing "load balancing" (GPU/CPU) then you might be affected (ex Splintercell / dx9 games even SeriousSam TSE on extreme settings)

just something to think about
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Post by Arch »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Xciter:
<b> I've been telling you to put your OS on a 15K drive for well over a year now...


Yah yah, whatever Image You want to buy/send me one and I'll do that Image Seems I can get a Seagate 15K.3 from Newegg for $185. Maybe I'll do that.
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