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Top Gun
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Post by Top Gun »

I'm with Thunderbird. I won't go out of my way to kill someone whom I see typing, especially if they're in an out-of-the-way corner of the level; a friendly flaring is always in order, though :P. However, if a missile I fired hits someone who's typing, or if I kill a typer without having seen their icon, I'm not about to apologize. (That completely transparent typing icon can come in handy here :twisted:.) Every time I start typing, I expect to die. It's that simple: type at your own risk unless you're already dead.

As for spawnkilling, I'll usually give the person a second or two to get oriented before I start firing. Besides, there's no point wasting ammo on someone who's still invulnerable :P. The exception here would be a team game like CTF; you're a valid target as soon as you spawn. On the other end, I don't mind being attacked as soon as I spawn; it's just the luck of the draw. Besides, as has been said, your default loadout is good enough to take your attacker out; also, you have a fresh set of shields, as opposed to their potentially weakened state. Concussions make a great spray-n-pray weapon to fend off a would-be spawnkiller :).
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no-skill kills

Post by Sligar »

Personally I'd rather let someone have a chance to get some weapons and get oriented than kill them right off the bat. If I see someone spawning I'll just go right by them unless they attack. I'm more interested in having a good fight than in racking up meaningless kills. But if the other people in the game are spawnkilling right and left, yeah I'll play that way. That's the way people play in games like Halo. Its considered normal there to hang out with a tank at a spawn area and kill people who don't even know where they are yet. That's one thing I like about the descent players I usually meet online, they're usually more interested in having a good scrap that in racking up 'no-skill' kills.

Its the same thing with typkilling, to me. If someone is using the typing icon as a shield (or if they're being obnoxious) then they are obviously going to be fair game. But if someone is hiding in a corner doing their typing, I'll usually pass them by. I'm not really that interested in a no-skill kill like that. Anyway, its just common sense to get out of high traffic areas to do your typing, not everyone is going to take the time to determine whether you have a typing icon above you or not - if you're fighting someone as good as you are you don't have time for complicated rules of engagement.
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I wish

Post by SuzyQ »

They wuld ban me, so I would even go to that level anymore. :evil:
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Post by Sage »

This one time I got kicked (not banned) from a D3 game because the admin killed me and I said "well that didn't count because I wanted to die." and I was kicked! JOY!
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Sergeant Thorne
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Was "this one time" in 1st/2nd grade? That's a pretty juvenile thing to say. :P
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Post by Birdseye »

I typekill in all cases. It helps if you change the typing icon to a bullseye

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Post by Ferno »

Typekill Jbomb Birds. It's funny ;)
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