Poll time. Your favorite Descent

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What is your favorite Descent

Descent 1
Descent 2
Descent 3
Descent 4 (Sage)
No votes
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Post by Drakona »

Oh, D1, all the way. I subscribe to Deimos' analogy--D1 is chess, D2 is Checkers, and D3 is Hungry Hungry Hippos.

I tried to pick up D3 at the Chicago LAN, and it was kinda fun. I can't get over the fact, though (and this is going to sound weird coming from me) that everything looks so girly. Between the swirly pink candy fusion and the tiny speedy plasma, well... it's fun and all but it's not for me. Give me D1 any day. That fusion is PURPLE, and it shakes if you hold it too long, and gosh darn it HURTS if it hits you! Oh, and the clang. D1 ships go CLANG. :)
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Post by Xamindar »

It was a toss up between D1 and D3. But I voted D3 because I like the story more :P
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Post by Hostile »

D2.....I didn't get to play D1 in multiplayer besides modem until after D2 came out and I figured out what Kali was. 2 things I remember the most....

Chipmunk whooping my newbie ass and getting me to play without a stupid ass throttle, and countless one on one battles with Epoch (AKA Birdseye which I didn't know at the time biatch).

Of course......Wavetrades lives forever......

They all pretty much rule in their own way though......
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Post by MD-2389 »

Tricord wrote:Ah, UES.. Where are the days.
"Who the **** blew up the reactor???" lol
I did a fair bit of marker-camping in UES.. That absolutely ruled :D
lol UES was a blast back when I played on Kahn. The "Who the ★■◆● blew up the reactor???" bit happened alot whenever newbies hopped in. :D Everyone else would chew out the guy that did it, and he'd be like "wtf did I do wrong?!" :P Then theres the people that didn't know what coop meant and just started shooting at anything that moved. ;)

*sigh* Those were the days. :(
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Post by kurupt »

i always thought d2 was a downgrade of d1. they weakened the good weapons, added a bunch of bull★■◆● ones, and overall the pluses it did add didnt outweight the minuses. shakers were cool, gauss was cool, and mercs were sweet. but were they worth castrating the fusion? making the spread a joke? totally eliminating the vulcan from online play (cmon, who used that in d2 when there was gauss instead)? having an afterburner you had to pick up?

well, gauss maybe. gauss was a badass addition to descent. i just never thought d2 held a candle to d1 for those reasons above.
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Post by Destiny777 »

D1 was what got me addicted. D2 kept me addicted. D3 is what addicted me to Online Descent. Each one special for different reasons. Like them all. :P
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Post by MehYam »

No vote for Forsaken?

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Post by Infamous Ingus »

heh, what d3 soundtrack :P
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Post by Sage »

Of course I would vote for D4, but since there aint an option;

agrees with ferno

D1 for the gameplay, D2 for kickass weapons and/other.

The only D I've played online is 3. and i suct
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Post by MD-2389 »

Sage wrote:Of course I would vote for D4, but since there aint an option;
There is now. :)
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Post by Duper »

I use the D4 Pyro GX model in D3. It's really a nice break from the GL which imho was a sad exuse for a pyro. ;)

THE one thing that alyaws bugged me about D3 was the size of the plasma projectiles. They're only about half the size they should be. The sound was/is kinda odd, but not terrible. The model of the blobs is fine too. They just needed to be bigger. :\
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Post by Hostile »

Duper wrote:THE one thing that alyaws bugged me about D3 was the size of the plasma projectiles. They're only about half the size they should be. The sound was/is kinda odd, but not terrible. The model of the blobs is fine too. They just needed to be bigger. :\
I made a few levels and so did Otherone that had a much more D1/2-esque plasma. Try it out.....Pulling Teeth and Athena come to mind....
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Post by Duper »

MD informed me that the plasma bolts are indeed the same size per Kevin. It's the FOV that has been widened. LOL, oddly enoughI hadn't noticed that at all, but the D3 FOV is a good bit wider than D1 or D2.

btw, I think i'll get back on the Chaos conversion to D3. might take a bit of time tho.
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Post by Clayman »

D1 had a great MIDI score, but the D2 soundtrack was absolutely brilliant. There's a particular song where the rhythm actually matches the ship bobbing. Add some lava noise in the background and the adrenaline is there.
Indeed. The MIDI scores for D1 and D2 are fabulous (and this is coming from a musician's perspective). D2's in particular perfectly suited the dark, "you know something's just around the corner" atmosphere. I used to play D2 on my laptop with headphones on all the time, and playing it was almost, "scary." :) The Redbook audio tracks from Type 0 Negative and others were excellent too. I still sometimes pop in my D2 CD and listen to it.

As for degradation of weapons in D2, this is true, but I was never any good with fusion until D3. Some people would still contend I'm not any good with it. ;) I was always a gauss/plasma guy in D2. I speak only from experience in SP, as I didn't know enough to figure out how to get into MP back then. I primarily liked the feel, look, and level design of D2. Perhaps if I could get D1X to work D1 would seem better, but the contrast in graphics between D1 and D2 made D2 a clear winner back when I played them.
Oh, D1, all the way. I subscribe to Deimos' analogy--D1 is chess, D2 is Checkers, and D3 is Hungry Hungry Hippos.
haha, word!
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Post by Tyranny »

Started with D2 but I've decided D1 holds my heart hands down. Nothing beats some f00zin fights in that game. Anyways, Drakona said it all pretty much :)

I'm surprised that D3 holds the most votes when most of the people who have posted have said either D1/D2 have been their favs. Must be all the PD n00bs that are shadow voting ;)
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Post by Top Wop »

Right, D3 didnt have a soundtrack. It was just some guy playing on an electronic keyboard while sitting on the john.
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Post by Top Gun »

I'm not quite a PD noob, but I play one on TV :P.

I voted for D3, simply because it was the first of the three games that I got into online. My family had an old computer with no Internet access up until 2000-2001 or so, so I was too late to get into D1/D2 in their heyday. As it is, I kind of missed the peak time of D3, but I'm one of the die-hards sticking with it :).

The first game I saw/played was D2, at a neighbor's house. We played a few LANs, even though I had no clue what was going on :P. I asked my parents for it on my next birthday/Christmas/whatever (I have a bad memory :P) and, fortunately for me, they happened to pick up the Definitive Collection :). I wasn't able to get D1 working completely until a few years ago, when I heard about D1X. I played through D2 and Vertigo singleplayer a few times, and that was it until I first saw D3 at the same neighbor's house. The first image I have of that game was the new shield orb; compared to the old D1/D2 sprite, it was awesome-looking :D. What also blew my mind was that you could go outside. I bought D3 soon after, but my old computer wasn't even able to run it (16 MB of RAM :P). I got as far as the opening movie, which left me begging for more. Meanwhile, I played through the first few singleplayer levels at my neighbor's house. I'm proud to say that I solved the Priest's Icon puzzle before him and without the help of any strategy guides :). Soon after, we got a newer computer and Comcast high-speed Internet, and I started playing D3 online. I got introduced to the D3 online community by searching for Descent sites online. I visited the old D3 Community a few times, and I saw that they were going to merge with a site called PlanetDescent. Unfortunately, my school's web filter didn't let it through. (Damn you, Bess! :P) When I finally had home Internet access, I registered at PD, got a PXO login, and became part of multiplayer Descent :).

Sorry for the long-winded post; I got carried away reminiscing :P. As a whole, I like D3 the best out of the 3 games. The singleplayer, though far from perfect, at least features more variety than the key/reactor hunt of the first two games, which I found to get tiring after the twelfth or so level. I will agree that the D1 and D2 MIDIs were better than D3's music, and that the D2 Redbook was the best of all. (It's still one of my favorite music CDs :).) However, I do like the D3 music; tracks like levels 5, 9, and 15 are some standouts. Multiplayer-wise, I think D3 has a greater variety of strategy than the two earlier games, due to the greater variety in weapon types. I also find it hard to see other ships in D1/D2, due to the size of the weapon sprites and the dull colors of the ships. Overall, I've had more fun playing D3; however, I enjoy all 3 of the Descent games. May they live on and prosper :D.
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Post by snoopy »

W00t for Hungry Hungry Hippos!!!

All I know is, whenever I jump in D1 I get pwned.
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Post by SolidAir »

Holy crap

Reminiscing is so much fun. I soo remember the UES and Gigadeth days. I used to be a pro at shaking those huge missiles (I forgot what they are called .. earthshakers?)

I absolutely loved playing Ultra Earthshaker and Gigadeth. Some mornings I would jump into a Gigadeth game and play until I had about 80-100 kills. It was so much fun and sometimes I wish I could still do that.

But I liked D1x multiplayer as much as I liked D2 single player. D2 Single player is awesome.
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Post by Mikael »

Definately Descent 2. Descent 1 is almost as good. I'm a big fan of singleplayer and haven't played much multiplayer in Descent 1/2/3, mostly because my pals suck at it. Anyway, the reasons I don't like Descent 3 looking at it from a singleplayer perspective are many:

- Music really, really sucks
- Boring enemies
- Boring graphics
- Not even remotely the same kind of mood as D1/D2
- Outdoor areas? No thanks...
- Lame cutscenes

Basically, Descent 3 didn't feel like a Descent game. It felt like a whole other game, which made it loose much of the appeal.

EDIT: Just noticed this thread was kind of old. Sorry for bringing up the dead stuff, guys. :)
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Post by Lothar »

The full quote from deimos (which I had as one of my Kali chat macros for years) is:
It's like this:
D1: chess. Beautiful.
D2: checkers. Limited and weak.
D3: hungry hungry hippos. Frantic.
As you can imagine, I voted for chess. Er, I mean, D1.

I'd vote for D-zero if it was done.
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Post by BfDiDDy »

D3, I've never played the other 2
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Post by Sirius »

You're missing out dude. ;)
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Post by Duper »

Hostile wrote:
Duper wrote:THE one thing that alyaws bugged me about D3 was the size of the plasma projectiles. They're only about half the size they should be. The sound was/is kinda odd, but not terrible. The model of the blobs is fine too. They just needed to be bigger. :\
I made a few levels and so did Otherone that had a much more D1/2-esque plasma. Try it out.....Pulling Teeth and Athena come to mind....

YEa, I've played those and Love the mod. I gotta crack that open and see how you did that. P-T was always a great level back in the day on Kali.got really crazy.
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Post by Ferno »

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Post by Mikael »

Nice pic... :roll:

I was using the search function to find info about Descent 1/2 music and when this thread turned up. I found it interesting and wrote a reply and forgot to check how old the thread was. So, don't make it too big of a deal. I'll try to be more careful when using the search in the future. :)
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Post by DigiJo »

d3 is my favourite, with d2 and d1 close behind. the only thing i miss in d3 is a better weapons balance for the primarys (lasers / plasma to weak, md / fusion to strong) and the darkish creepy cavestyle d1/ d2 had. but other then that d3 beats d1 /d2 in any aspect. ah well and the music was better in d1 /d2.
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Post by Tyranny »

wow. major thread necromancy.


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Post by Top Gun »

It's not even two months old. Cut the guy some slack :P.
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Post by Mikael »

Tyranny wrote:wow. major thread necromancy.


Funny. I've said I'm sorry so give me a break , okay? You may post this jokingly, but it's not getting any funnier.

Also, I've got to say that of all the forums I've been a member of, not a single one of them is this unforgiving.

As said, I'm sorry, and if you want this thread to die again my best tip is to stop spamming it with this off topic crap.

EDIT: Ohh, and thanks for the support, Top Gun. :) To the others: I'm gonna do my best to be a good boy in the future, okay? :wink:
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Post by Tyranny »

meh, it gave me an excuse to unveil my revised retard award. Don't take things so seriously around here or you'll be eaten alive :P

As far as spamming with offtopic junk. The topics been out of topic for months so...a mod will probably come around and close it ;)
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Post by Mikael »

Tyranny wrote:meh, it gave me an excuse to unveil my revised retard award. Don't take things so seriously around here or you'll be eaten alive :P
No hard feelings. I just thought that the mummy pic was enough. Also, if all first time posters are greeted this way if they make one mistake, it might scare them off...
Tyranny wrote:As far as spamming with offtopic junk. The topics been out of topic for months so...a mod will probably come around and close it ;)
Funny, I didn't see much offtopic until after my first post...

Anyway, on topic, to you guys who voted D3: Was it because of the multiplayer or because of the singleplayer. Just curious... :)
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Post by Tyranny »

Ontopic: Mostly for multiplayer. Sadly it didn't live up to D1/D2s multiplayer.

Offtopic: Most of the new people are greeted this way only if they do something that allows anyone to take a shot at them. Most of it is done in good fun but you'll notice that there are plenty of regulars here and probably about a handful everyone picks on.

The rest learn to pick their fights wisely ;)
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Post by Mikael »

Tyranny wrote:Ontopic: Mostly for multiplayer. Sadly it didn't live up to D1/D2s multiplayer.
If I only had some friends that weren't crap at Descent or just hated it... :( I would have played over the net, but I have dial-up, so that's not really suitable.
Tyranny wrote:Offtopic: Most of the new people are greeted this way only if they do something that allows anyone to take a shot at them. Most of it is done in good fun but you'll notice that there are plenty of regulars here and probably about a handful everyone picks on.

The rest learn to pick their fights wisely ;)
Yeah, well, I guess I got a little pissed that after thousands of posts on Futuremark's and PCGamer's forums (my interest is mainly computer hardware), I come here and make one mistake and immideately gets contacted by mods and jumped at from left and right. I guess I've grown a bit too used to being a forum old timer... Anyway, I'm certain that I'll have lots of fun on this board! :)

EDIT: And I even got my first thread locked! That's my first thread ever that got locked. Heh... I've got to admit that it's kind of funny how bad my DescentBB adventure started out. :lol: Go ahead and have your fun, 'cause I've kind of deserved it! :P
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Post by Sirius »

Probably is still the most tight-assed forum on the planet. But you kind of get used to it. :]
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Post by MD-2389 »

Guys, I already dealt with the thread necromancy issue the day he bumped it. Leave him alone, and let the moderators do the moderating, mmmk?
Sirius wrote:Probably is still the most tight-assed forum on the planet. But you kind of get used to it. :]
Oh no, there are FAR worse. Trust me. (Ask Sky if you don't believe me. ;))
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Post by JMEaT »

Descent 2 for Single Player, and got my vote.

Descent 3 for Multiplayer.

Don't feel bad Mikael my 1st thread here, way back in '99, was locked too. :P
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Post by Spaceboy »

d2- d3 multiplayer
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