DBB members personality profiling study: The Results.

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DBB members personality profiling study: The Results.

Post by roid »

hi guys, long time no see.

i was looking through some old statistical data on the HDD and noticed some unfinished data from i made a promise that i yet hadn't delivered on.
namely that i would do a writeup on the statisical personality profiles (MBTI) on the DBB, that i was talking about in an old thread from the end of February 2004. (edit: http://descentbb.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=679)

so i had a 2nd look at the data, gave the memory a jog, and finished it off into a presentable presentation.

initially i decided to collect and compile this information so that fellow DBBers could better understand eachother, encouraging less ugly conflict and tension. But the info is interesting in it's own academic right.


edit: Image

edit: Image

the Rational group is extremely overrepresented (over half of survey! 400% (ie: 4X) normal population distribution if you average the entire Rational group out). Also it's interesting that whereas there are more Extraverted Rationals (Tom Hanks & Harrison Fords) in the general population, here on the DBB there are more Introverted Rationals (the Einsteins & the Gandalf the Greys).

this overrepresentation of Rationals (especially Introverted Rationals, whom are overrepresented at the DBB with a staggering figure of 4X-17X the normal population distribution. Extroverted Rationals at the DBB are everrepresented too, but only about 2X of normal pop. dist.) are over at the DBB can be explained by many compounding factors: for various reasons Rationals are often found online, they also arn't as bedazeled by shiny new things, they seem to flock to things that are percieved as intellectually challenging and stimulating (descent would fit into this catagory).

also, the ISTP group (Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, Burt Reynolds, Keith Richards, Frank Zappa) is WAY overrepresented at the DBB (%20 of survey, 400% (ie: 4X) normal population distribution).
All introverts seem attacted to the internet, and the movie "Top Gun" should be explanation enough for this type's attraction to shiny flying games like descent ;).

ESTJ (George W. Bush, Harry Truman, John Rockerfeller, Queen Elisabeth the 1st) & ESTP (Madonna, Lucy Ball, Bruce Willis, Eddie Murphy, Dorris Day, Michael J. Fox), are EXTREMELY under-represented here, (normal population has %13 of each of these 2 types) but the DBB has none of either.
The relative (to normal pop. dist.) lack of ESFP (Bob Hope, Goldie Hawn, Kathy Lee Gifford, Woody Harrelson, Tim "the toolman" Taylor) is alarming too, but slightly less so. It could probably be explained that while introverts are attracted to the internet, extroverted types prefer other things.
(this is especially true for the Extroverting Sensing combination (ESxx types). I'm not sure why ESFJ is standing out alone among the other ESxx types, with a respectable DBB representation).

to summarise: The DBB is dominated by 3 personality types:
- INTP (Socrates, Albert Einstein, Rick Moranis, Tiger Woods, Dwight D. Eisenhower),
- INTJ (Dan Aykroyd, Jane Austen, Donald Rumsfeld, John F. Kennedy, Hannibal Lecter) and
- ISTP (Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwoods, Burt Reynolds, James Dean, Keith Richards).

stats from somewhere around May 2004.

Code: Select all

ISTJ  2  mr perfect, sage
ESFJ  2  tetrad, kurupt
ISFJ  1  jmeat

ESTP  -	
ISTP  6  archaeloidic, scorch, testiculese, vader, dcrazy, bash?
ESFP  1  vertigo

INFJ  1  top gun
ENFP  -  
INFP  1  roid

ENTJ  2  lothar, mobi
INTJ  5  lars, meathead, tyranny, thecops, xciter
ENTP  2  admiral thrawn, vertigo 99
INTP  6  flabby chick, phoenix red, jeff250, dedman, wolf on air, flatlander
Some revelant sites for further reading:


http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp (a good myers-briggs online personality profiler questionnaire, i used this test in this DBB psychology study)
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Post by Flabby Chick »

......i thought it'd been a tad quiet round here!! ;)
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Post by Top Gun »

Get...out...of...my...head! :P

There may be some things that are better left unknown. The mental state of DBB members is one of them :P.
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Post by Avder »

Now, you should go find a quake board and see where they sit so we can feel that much more superior to them :)
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Post by Skyalmian »

Why was I mentioned? I hardly post.
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Post by Krom »

Because you took the test. I took it also, but I didnt tell anyone that I was a ENTJ.
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Post by Tricord »

I took the test and was ESTJ (*gulp* that puts me in the same basket as Bush :roll: )
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Post by Robo »

I'm an 'INTJ', Rational Mastermind. Makes sense.

Now where did that guys nose go? I was enjoying that...
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Post by Tyranny »

um....can't believe I'm in the same group with lars/meathead/thecops but um....since Jim is there with me I don't feel so bad :)
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Post by Starken »

Not really surprising there Roid. More than a little self selection going on there. Introverted types are the most likely to care enough to take the test, for starters. Rationals are more likely to report their results too.

<-- INTJ (go figure)
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Post by roid »

well that's 4 more results, anyone else want to tell me their type before i revise it? better sooner than later.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

INTJ, Mastermind.
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Post by Bess »

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Post by woodchip »

I got the "ENTJ". Why does this worry me?
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Post by Drakona »

INTP here. That's what I usually come out as on these things. Figures, really--a lot of programmers and mathematicians end up in the INT* groups. They're good analysts. I think a lot of the internet--at least on forums, maybe not in chat rooms--leans that way for the same reason.
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Post by Lothar »

One thing I'd be curious to see is just how far to either side people's results were.

I was ENTJ, but I don't think any of those were very strong -- the E was by something like 1%, and the J by about 10%. It's almost misleading to include that result, since I could take the test again an hour later and be an INTP, simply due to a slight change in the way I read a question or even a slight change in mood.

Others might test as INTP where their smallest margin is 80% -- they're *always* INTP, no matter what. I'd be curious to see how that breaks down.

I'd also be curious to see how the DBB compares to the internet at large.
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Post by Cougar »

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Post by roid »

to survey the internet at large, it would have to be an opt-in survey. which is imposable.

eg: if you look out there at the MBTI and other profiling related sites, and look at the stats they collect from their sites' surveys, you'll see that whatever results they get are commonly skewed towards the "NF" or "self seeking" personalitys.
Cougar wrote:INFP
omgomgomg, tell me do you find the INFP description fits you better than any other type description? ie: this and this etc compared to descriptions of any of the other types.

it's just that it's very rare to find INFPs.
/me clings
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Post by Top Gun »

Calm down and breathe, Roid :P.
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Post by Tricord »

I read most of the personality profiles and I found that INTJ is about the only description that does not contain something I don't identify myself with...

The radiobox-test isn't all that accurate, it seems... I really don't identify myself with the description of ESTJ like the test said I was.

I personally find it quite important to have control at all times. This means that in order to feel well and at ease in a situation (in my life), I need the knowledge that I have the power to influence things (and people), should I want to. As a result, I don't like doubt and uncertainty, I have to know what developments, however improbable, can arise. Usually I have forseen (or at least thought about the possibility of) something unexpected happening, when others are surprised. This means I am not often surprised, but when I am I'll be completely baffled.
I am a natural planner, though I don't need an agenda. I am never late, though I don't wear a watch because I can usually tell the time within a 10 minute margin. I don't mind having my personal stuff in utter disorder, as long as I know where everything is located.
I can live with my own mistakes because I have the knowledge that it was within my power to have made another choice at the time of the mistake.

If that makes any sense to anyone. It actually captures that particular aspect of my mind quite well.
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Post by DCrazy »

I'm quite the opposite... ISTP fits me to a T (and an I and an S and a P, but that's besides the point :P).
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Post by Testiculese »

NF's are also the most emotional (and sometimes, most irrational)

For instance, Ace would be an F, probably an N as well.
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Post by Lobber »

I am INTeliJentay
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Post by Sirius »

I got INTJ as well, although only moderately. But the synopses are actually very good descriptions of my personality, so I don't doubt it's accurate enough.
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Post by Top Gun »

I just looked at the synopses linked to in the old thread, and INFJ doesn't seem to fit me very well :P. I don't know how that one questionnaire interpreted my responses, but it didn't seem to do a very good job (or maybe I screwed up). The synopsis says that INFJs are supposedly able to be known and know others intimately, as well as having a knack for communication. Also, jobs like service, counseling, and even politics are supposed to be suitable. That's as far from me as you can get :P.

I'm an extremely anti-social, introverted person. I dislike talking to other people, both on the phone and face-to-face; in fact, I find bulletin boards/chatting online to be my most comfortable means of communication. I have trouble reading other people's intentions/true meaning. I have no ability at detecting the "inner workings of the mind," which really sets me apart from the INFJ profile. I'm not aware of the consequences of unbridled candor; I express my very opinionated self to many other people, especially in this forum :P. I definitely don't fit in with Martin Luther King or Mother Teresa; I see myself as more of an Albert Einstein (without the genius) :P. I will admit that I hold deep convictions about life, and that I am humanitarian in outlook, both of which fit the profile. I also enjoy "poetic justice," particularly in the cases of some of the real sick bastards out there :P. I'm also very conservative in my viewpoints in opinions.

Does anyone else have a better idea as to where I fit in? Personally, I would enjoy it most if I didn't fit one of these categories, since I consider psychology to be a load of hogwash :P. Last time I checked, to be a science, something has to have theories that can be rationally proven. The human mind, or at least mine, is very far from rational and predictable :P.

Edit: The funny thing is, in the other thread, I though the description fit me. I must not have read through the whole thing properly. Even then, though, I still thought psychoanalysis was pure BS :P.
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Post by Ferno »

INTJ baby
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Post by Lothar »

I just retook it and got INFJ (11 - 67 - 33 - 22 for the strengths.) It describes that as a "counselor" type -- which I suppose is somewhat appropriate, since I'm going in to teaching this year. But I'd definitely put me more at the "thinking" than "feeling" end -- a lot of the questions that contributed to the feeling score were "never" or "always" questions that would've been different if they'd been "usually" or "rarely". Last time I took it I was ENTJ. I've also been INTP and ENTP dozens of times. Never, never had an F before -- and I still haven't had an S.

Further evidence that yes/no questions don't generally give a good picture of me.
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Post by roid »

Top Gun wrote:...
The synopsis says that INFJs are supposedly able to be known and know others intimately, as well as having a knack for communication. Also, jobs like service, counseling, and even politics are supposed to be suitable. That's as far from me as you can get :P.

I'm an extremely anti-social, introverted person. I dislike talking to other people, both on the phone and face-to-face; in fact, I find bulletin boards/chatting online to be my most comfortable means of communication.
all of what you said in that last paragraph is common amongst introverts (I types).
I have trouble reading other people's intentions/true meaning. I have no ability at detecting the "inner workings of the mind," which really sets me apart from the INFJ profile.
this is probably your introverted function having more strength and therefore more influence on your life than your NF and J functions. NF types (idealists) are a combination of intuition (N) and Feeling (F) preferences. The intuition preference means that we seek knowledge and possabilities. The feeling preference means that we prefer to make desisions with other people in mind, we dislike impersonal desisions. "everything effects someone".

the NF combined generally makes for people who are inherently intuitive about other people. motives, intentions, hidden emotions, these things are easy for the NF to spot.

with introversion mixed in, it becomes an internal tug of war between the Introversion (I) wanting solitude, and the NF wanting to help people. also the J complicates matters to no end, seeking closure, prefering to make a desision and move on rather than (what the P does, which is:) waiting /procrastinating to see what other options arise.

this is why INFJs are often seen as the activists of the NF idealists. because their J function becomes frustrated with situations/people/things not meeting their seemingly inattainable (ie: idealistic) NF ideals. so they go to work, attempting to change aspects of their world to be more in line with their ideals. to strive for the closure that the J function yearns for.
I'm not aware of the consequences of unbridled candor; I express my very opinionated self to many other people, especially in this forum :P. I definitely don't fit in with Martin Luther King or Mother Teresa; I see myself as more of an Albert Einstein (without the genius) :P. I will admit that I hold deep convictions about life, and that I am humanitarian in outlook, both of which fit the profile. I also enjoy "poetic justice," particularly in the cases of some of the real sick bastards out there :P. I'm also very conservative in my viewpoints in opinions.
"deep convictions" and "humanitarian outlook" are the strongest pointers to you being an NF type. your unbridaled candor would be from your J function: NF types DO know how their actions effect other people, but NFJ types would be more inclinded to turn a blind eye to their feeling (F) function, and DO/SAY WHAT THEY FEEL NEEDS TO BE DONE/SAID, for the sake of their J function's yearning for some kindof closure. basically dealing out tough love, NFJ types would be more inclined to take the stance of "this hurts me more than it hurts you" than the other NFP types.
Does anyone else have a better idea as to where I fit in? Personally, I would enjoy it most if I didn't fit one of these categories, since I consider psychology to be a load of hogwash :P...
hehe. this is a very J thing to say.
as i said in my private message, just going by this post of yours that i'm quoting, you are definitely IxxJ. it seems you are also NF, but i'd need to know more about you to make that call.

the thing that makes the NF preference hard to spot, is that you are young still. when going through adolescence our personalitys are quite influx. it takes time and life experience to solidify our personal value systems. the NF internal value system is extremely complicated, constantly taking in new life experience information and "running it through the filters". as a J type you will be theoretically quicker at solidifying your values though.

that's my take, on the info that i have infront of me from that one post. tell me a little more about yourself :)
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Post by kufyit »

I got INFJ too.

Introverted = 11
Intuitive = 56
Feeling = 33
Judging = 1
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Post by Suncho »


Introverted: 67
Intuitive: 100
Thinking: 22
Perceiving: 33
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Post by roid »

ok currently i have 44 results, the sky's the limit,
here's the take on the new numbers so far.

Rationals %61 of DBB -- 5X normal world pop (previously only 4X)
there are many more INTJ than before, which will point to theoretically more purely logical opinions being put forward/argued than from previous estimates.
ENTJ is abit stronger too, as an NTJ it is similar to the previously mentioned INTJ so points to a similar thing: more purely logical opinions being put forward/argued than previously.
the INTP & ENTP (both are P) rationals are looking a little weaker.
More J types means more Arguements: J types are generally quite opinionated. they are unlikely to procrastinate and are always keen to make desisions and take actions. beware :P

there are a few more idealists (NF) than previous estimates. meaning more... uh... idealists. the word is a good description in itself, basically instinctual Humanitarians.
INFJs are more robust arguers than their INFP fellows, the INFJ being more keen to actively change the world to better suit their humanistic ideals.

since there have been no more ISTP numbers, this means that their percentage has significantly dropped. it's still way higher than normal world population, but it's now pale in comparison to the numbers in the member types of the rational group.

it is quite interesting how it seems that only rationals and idealists have been comming outof the woodwork for this 2nd round.
i have an explanation:

the first time i posted this topic and got a bunch of numbers, i posted it in the CAFE. whereas this time it's in E&C. functionally the E&C is an inherently suited environment for deep discussion, so it's no wonder than Intuitive N types (NT Rationals being knowledge seeking, NF Idealists being self seeking) are the types that prefer E&C.

an alternative explanation could also be that ALL the various types are just in a more intuitive N mood while in E&C, with their intuitive functions being right at the surface (at least, while in E&C). they know that they have to put their thinking caps on to participate in E&C. so when tested in this frame of mind, they test as intuitive N types.
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Post by Krom »

We have to think to post in E&C? Coulda fooled me... ;)
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Post by roid »

edit: Image

ISTJ 2 mr perfect, sage
ESFJ 2 tetrad, kurupt
ISFJ 1 jmeat

ISTP 6 archaeloidic, scorch, testiculese, vader, dcrazy, bash?
ESFP 1 vertigo

INFJ 3 Bess, Top Gun, kufyit
INFP 2 roid, Cougar

ENTJ 5 lothar, mobi, krom, woodchip, inquisitor
INTJ 12 lars, meathead, tyranny, thecops, xciter, robo, starken, Darktalyn1, tricord, lobber, sirius, ferno
ENTP 2 admiral thrawn, vertigo 99
INTP 8 flabby chick, phoenix red, jeff250, dedman, wolf on air, flatlander, Drakonia, suncho

total 44
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