I'd put a bit more variation in the trails or whatever they are, subdue the lens flare a lot, and save it so there isn't a massive amount of jpg compression everywhere.
Sharpen foreground.. out of focus detracts.
Do something with the ring. Like go for galaxy or something, right now i tlikks *looks like rainbow.
Lens flare need less glow, more rings, lens artifacts etc
Might want to do something hidden in it like in the stars, y'know make it something differnet.
New one looks good, but I still think you should sharpen the foreground, and also the stars are only on the right hand side of the sky. I know there's supposed to be clouds on the left, but I think it would look better if they extended all the way across.
The foreground is blurred because it (the terrain and the trees) was done in 3ds Max. The trees are not very good and look quite... stupid... when sharp
The blurriness of the foreground is really distracting. It makes it look like it exists behind the planets and stars because that's simply how blurriness works - things in the distance generally appear blurry, not things close to us.
Yeah - Those Nebula additions create the illusion your staring through clouds on one side into a bright day, and the other side onto a starry night. It looks more like a swallowing effect rather than a nebulas traditional outward-style. And the planets are way too close, pictures and estimates of the distances between moons such as Io, Ganymede to the planet Jupiter are usually a lot further out.
Made this fun little bit of photoshop'in awhile ago.. thought I would post it. It's like 1200 x 1400, very large, 900kb. You can see it over on Deviant Art:
Nah, try it yourself. Take some peeling paint texture, turn it B&W (or limit it to 5,6 shades of grey for a dirter look) so you only pick up the colours of your backround theme and then blend. Use things like the eraser, spray brush and clone tool to get the desired effect. It's quite easliy done... It's all about the blending.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Darktalyn1: Very nice. Are you a Graphic Designer (professionally)?</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Dt, your my new best friend.
And... no, just a causal hobby.. all self taught no classes, books.. ect. Thanks though.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by kurupt:
<b> all i could get out of that was a "subscribe today!" page
edit: nevermind, i'm a dork. but im also regretting figuring out how to look at it. its nice work, but really freaky, in a non kinky kind of way</b></font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
K, I understand. It might be a little too graphic for folks... it's not for everyone.
i like the first one better, maybe coz it's more sparse, and that's what space is more like (very uncluttered), the thin rings work great with that. but the clouds on teh other one do look pretty good.
Dude... you are a very dark and twisted individual. Obviously you have a severely morbid and disturbing mind. And damn can you make creepy artwork! I gotta hand it to you; every one of your pieces has made me feel vaguely uncomfortable. Good job