Keyboard bootup Problem

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Keyboard bootup Problem

Post by Avder »

Hi all, this isnt a huge issue but its annoying all the same.

For the last month or so, whenever Ive had to reboot or power off my Athlon XP machine, Ive always had to power it off twice. The reason for this is that after a soft restart from windows, the keyboard acts as if it isnt there and the POST hangs because of this. Pressing keys on it during early post confirms that the computer is not recieving signals from the keyboard. A hard poweroff fixes it 99% of the time. Additionally, the computer does NOT have this issue if its a restart from the reset button.

The keyboard is hooked up to a KVM switch that serves two other computers, but neither of the other two comps have any problems with the keyboard on restarts of any kind. Strange problem, huh?

Anyone have any idea, from profound to mundane, as to why this happens?

[spoiler]And Ace, if you post, please have someone back it up as factual for you, thanks. /preemtive_ace_strike[/spoiler]
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

The switches we have at work act up from time to time. What we do is power off all PC's, thn boot them one at a time. This solves the problem. NO idea why it happens but it does. You may try changing the order of the PC's on the switch itself.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

I had the same issue with an older machine, the older motherboard did not like the new PSU that came with the new case. Put in the old PSU problem solved (something to do with the intergrated power/fan management on the PSU)
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Post by Avder »

Hm, I'll try your idea later tonight Merlin. ive actually been meaning to reorder them anyway.
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