Some info From Cheney's favorite website

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DBB DemiGod
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Some info From Cheney's favorite website

Post by Birdseye »

Check out's recent article:
Bush Ad Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq
Selective use of Kerry's own words makes him look inconsistent on Iraq. A closer look gives a different picture.
Whether or not you agree, it's damn funny that Cheney is sending voters here.

Even funnier, is this:
Cheney's "First Time"

Cheney claimed Edwards has such a poor attendance record in the Senate that he was just meeting Edwards for the first time during the debate, even though Cheney visits the Senate every Tuesday. But the Kerry-Edwards campaign quickly documented at least two instances in which Cheney had met Edwards previously. Edwards escorted Elizabeth Dole when she was sworn in as North Carolina's other senator on January 8, 2003, according to Gannet News Service. Cheney administered the oath.

Cheney also was present with Edwards at a National Prayer Breakfast on Feb. 1, 2001, when a transcript shows Cheney acknowledged Edwards among those at the gathering:

Cheney: (Feb. 1, 2001): Thank you. Thank you very much. Congressman Watts, Senator Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I are honored to be with you all this morning
There was also the problem that he said, which was redirected to an anti-bush website after the owner didn't want the traffic. Oops. Nice one, dick. On policy I agreed with Edwards, but Cheney probably had edwards on style in terms of sticking on message, staying focused and not appearing agitated. After this screw up though, I'd have to throw the debate to edwards.

Of course factcheck does a good job of going after innaccuracies in the Dem's campaign as well.
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

I think if you consider the *point* Cheney was making about Edwards not being in congress during a majority of actual sessions....

OK, so he was at a ceremony to swear in Dole...and he made it to a breakfast...
That still doesn't put him in the congress when they are actually in session.

All you've done is identify the charge as being packaged in hyperbole but you haven't discredited the substance of the accusation.

Edwards has been running for President since he bought his seat as a Senator, he's a one hit wonder who will soon be back chasing ambulances. That's why the people of North Carolina wouldn't re-elect him, that's why they call him 'Senator Gone' and that's why Cheney came up with his one the sensationalist press would repeat it to stupid attention deficit dimwit voters with hopes they would remember the point.
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Post by Birdseye »

I was more interested in the funny part of cheney directing everyone to things that disputed his own comments.

Cheney is either caught in a lie about it being the "first time" they have met, or he is growing old and forgetting.

Anyway, I was more interested in why Cheney would direct everyone to this website.
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

Birdseye wrote:I was more interested in the funny part of cheney directing everyone to things that disputed his own comments.
Well if you want to take him literally then, yes, he has in fact met him before.
However, if you want to take Cheneys comments in context then he was not disputed by the website because he said Edwards has a terrible record of attendance *in the senate* ie; showing up at work! The web site only points to a few times where he had been in Edwards presence but those times were *not* in the senate which is in fact the location that is the whole subject of Cheney's comment. :roll:
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Post by Zuruck »

so what other things did Cheney say that we should look at in context?
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Post by Mobius »

I love the fact Cheney sent millions of people to which is being redirected to George Soros' web site - a strong anti-bush campaigner.
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Post by bash »

Yep, the left gets a couple *snicker* points for Soros' *foresight* to squat on the .com TLD and redirect fact researchers to a non-factual site but that doesn't change that Cheney clearly dominated the debate. :P Remember, he who snickers last, snickers best. ;)
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Post by Will Robinson »

Zuruck wrote:so what other things did Cheney say that we should look at in context?
Why not all of them?
In fact, if everyone would look at the whole war on terror in the context it belongs we would all be better off!

You can still hate Bush for any legitimate reason you want, but don't sacrifice common sense at the alter of the democrat party just to be able to join their anyone-but-Bush chorus. At least hate Bush for your own reasons and leave the very legitimate struggle against islamo-fascism out of it.
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Post by Birdseye »

Bash, Soros didn't squat. Someone redirected their non political webpage to Soros'

Let the republican spin machine continue ;)
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Post by Lothar »

Cheney is either caught in a lie about it being the "first time" they have met, or he is growing old and forgetting.
Or, he had no particular reason to remember Edwards from the first two times they'd met. If you'd met Edwards once in early 2001 and once in early 2003, and you'd also met hundreds of other congressmen and state lawmakers, would you particularly remember him? I don't think I would unless there was something remarkable about him.

I agree, Cheney got caught in a mistake.

I disagree that Cheney got caught in any sort of intentional lie. And I don't think "growing old" have anything to do with his not remembering. I think the fact that he's only ever met Edwards twice, while he's probably spoken to most other senators dozens if not hundreds of times, makes it reasonable that he might not recall meeting him.

And yeah, it's good that factcheck goes after mistakes, lies, inaccuracies, etc. in both campaigns.
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