Kartoon Kanyon

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El Ka Bong
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Kartoon Kanyon

Post by El Ka Bong »

Hi Y'all !

The Havoc levels, number 4 called Kartoon Kanyon has piqued my 5 year old's interest, and he likes to play it alot with me on TCP/IP. So I've been running around in there quite abit, letting him chase with his 200% sheilds, invulnerability and cloaking on, and blowing me to bits ( we usually play hoard games)

And so I've now wondered if anyone has re-worked this level, modifying it to give more room, less weapons etc... I've become "fond" of the colours and the outdoor feel. Is it a big task to do ..? I thought it might appeal to DownUnder; the level could be given a good "DownUnder-style" transformation, and we'd have teleporting and flying birds, and underground passages.. etc etc...? It would be cool to have a few spots where one can fly above the canyon rim too...

Who's permission is needed to Mod this level ?..

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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Yeah, most of the Outrage levels are awesome but people still flock to levels like Skybox and Abend and Stadium. I try to play those as a last resort.

As for the rights, anyone at Outrage I assume.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Let's not forget flocking to BI3, yet another suck missile boat trifusion whore level.
Pink Panther
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Post by Pink Panther »

That's "DwnUndr" you n00b. Image

I don't think Interplay will sure you if you make the level a little bigger. Image
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Post by *JBOMB* »

great things dont happen by waiting for permission from a place it will never be granted. Not because said authority is aganst it but because the lights are on but nobodys home.

If i had the ability i would do whatever i wanted to whatever outrage level i wanted.

Reason being
1) its for this community which it was orignally intended
2) nobody will be making money off of it
3) the WORST that would happen would get a cease and desist letter telling you to have it pulled from servers.

but even that would never happen.
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