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HR 10

Post by Zuruck »

Otherwise known as the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act, has a section that was added by John Hostettler (R) that allows for the deportation of detainees to countries that with unreviewable discretion. Which countries are we talking about? Syria, Jordan, Morrocco, and Egypt, all countries known for their "aggressive" interrogation tactics.

Case in point, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen was detained at LaGuardia and shipped over to Syria and then tortured and held for a year without charges.

I'm glad we helped those Iraqis who had to deal with a goverment that tortured and held without charges, I'm glad the GOP thinks differently.
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Post by Ferno »

"Case in point, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen was detained at LaGuardia and shipped over to Syria and then tortured and held for a year without charges."

So this guy is a canadian citizen, yet they send him over to SYRIA? a place where he didn't want to be in the first place because he knew what happens to people over there?

Ford Prefect
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Mr. Arar holds dual citizenship. He was in transit through the U.S. when he was arrested,some say with the assistance of the RCMP and/or CSIS, then deported to Syria even though he has lived in Canada for years. Why not deport him to Canada? Well we are not so good at "extracting" information from detainees. What information did they get? Apparently none since he knew nothing of interest.
Another success story in the " war against terror".
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Post by Lothar »

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Post by Pebkac »

Why not deport him to Canada?
Why not deport him to Syria, the country of his birth?
Another success story in the " war against terror".
That's the nature of law enforcement. Successes are private, failures such as this are public.
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Post by woodchip »

The terrorist that captured the 2 chinese technicians in Pakistan was a released detainee. Too bad we don't just "Have a nice trip, see you next fall" in the middle of the Atlantic ocean these released terrorii.
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

I don't they have the rights of U.S. citizens if they are aren't citizens? If they don't have those same protections who's to say we can't deport them to the moon if we want to? Many countries just shoot foreigners suspected of breaking the law.

If that's too harsh then maybe we should let them have the protections of the constitution even though they are not citizens or not even here when they break the law. But hey! Lets don't do it halfassed, while we're at it lets extend our jurisdiction along with our protections and give them the complete package of U.S. law....yea that's the ticket!

From now on all you bums are under our thumb for better or worse!
Arafat, we're coming for you we've got a warrant...
Kim Jong Ill, we're coming for you we've got a warrant...
Ayatollah Dipshizstani, we're coming for you we've got a warrant...
Jacques Chirac, we're coming for you we've got a warrant...

Yes you'll all get a lawyer, and probably get off with parole or time served but in the mean time you're all guilty of breaking U.S. law so here we come! Not being imperialist or anything just being fair. It no longer matters that you're not citizens because in order to be fair we have to impliment U.S. law everywhere :roll:
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Post by Kyouryuu »

Do the hostages in Iraq get special treatment? I don't think so. Frankly, I could care less about the detainees of Guantanamo Bay. The only people in this infernal war I care about are our own troops. The politicians, the hostage takers, the terrorists - they can all go to Hell as far as I'm concerned.
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Post by Zuruck »

Lothar, I read it in the Chicago sun times, i'll try to find a link somewhere.
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