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Post by snoopy »

Yeah, you know it really isn't about genere at all. I mean, I can pretty much enjoy any genere. (You should see my music collection- it's about the most random I have ever seen.) The issue I take is generally with 2 things: 1) I generally don't like remakes. If I want to hear a song, I'll listen to the artist's original make of it. This doesn't apply all the time- sometimes an artist can make a really good remake. Usually what makes a remake ok in mind is this: they don't make their singles remakes (the remake only supplements their own work) and it's good music. 2) I like music that had both an original melody, and original lyrics. I consider the first necessary, and the second not 100% necessary. So, instrumental stuff works for me, but words to a beat, without a melody doesn't. If you use either one without the other, I'll look down on you as an artist. (And, if you are always using both, I'll still look down on you- see #1) That's where rap in particular seems lacking. The few rap songs that I have heard that actually have a catchy melody don't have an original one. Other than that, the ones with little or no melody just personally grate on me.
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Post by Beowulf »

Rap and modern rock are in the same boat to me. Punk rock is the worst, Creed/Nickelback are the worst, and bands like Evanesence are no better. Emotionless talentless hacks who can't sing and whine all the time and think that the ability to play the same 3 power chords over and over again makes you a good band.
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Post by Phoenix Red »

I believe the correct genre for RAtM is "funk metal".

I remember the first time I heard that tupac song that he completely stole from Bruce Springstien. It was a WTF moment. Until then, the extent of my knowledge of tupac was third hand recitals of greatness and worth.

On Evanescence, while I am loathe to support the attempt to mainstream-ize things that had value in their original form but lose it in the process, I don't mind this band. Chiefly because Amy Lee is an extremely good singer which is both rare and worth some respect.
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

snoopy, they're hard to find, but a lot of underground hiphop artists depend heavily on a mix of melody, lyrical content, and the beat.
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Post by TheCops »

Phoenix Red wrote:I believe the correct genre for RAtM is "funk metal".
i call em one trick ponies.

"whaacka-whaacka-scream-whaacka" and then complain about the injustice of the world with a name like "rage against the machine" while comfortably signing with SONY records.

more hacks!
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Post by Will Robinson »

TheCops wrote:....and then complain about the injustice of the world with a name like "rage against the machine" while comfortably signing with SONY records...
lol so true
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

YES thecops. I ★■◆●ing hate people who hate on "the system" even though "the system" is what got them where they are today
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Post by Phoenix Red »

TheCops wrote:
Phoenix Red wrote:I believe the correct genre for RAtM is "funk metal".
i call em one trick ponies.

"whaacka-whaacka-scream-whaacka" and then complain about the injustice of the world with a name like "rage against the machine" while comfortably signing with SONY records.

more hacks!
...which is why Zach got pissed and walked out on the contract. RAtM hated ignorance more than "the system".
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Post by TheCops »

yet, cashed the checks.
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Post by Sirius »

If you're going to complain about the status quo, at least make it sound half-decent while you're doing it. RAtM was just plain annoying. At least stuff like Linkin Park has some kind of coherency to it...
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Post by Clayman »

This is all precisely why the future of music is in the past, in authentic jazz. :) I don't mind much of the stuff on the radio, but progressive and melodic death metal bands have made far more interesting material than pretty much anyone else in the past decade.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

A very wise man once said

"99% of EVERYTHING is crap"

I only mention that because I have yet to find a genre of music where I didn't find something enjoyable, and lots lots lots more that I hate.

It's a purely subjective judgement, but even the biggest hard rock fans will admit that the large majority of rock sucks.

Ditto hip-hop fans, country music, baroque classical or new-age music fans.

Given that, I think the Hip-Hop crazy train is an interesting re-interpretation of a Rock and Roll classic, and anyone who "hates it" should really loosen up a bit.

Let's stop the h8!
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Post by Hattrick »



seriously, I like at least some of all types of music.
I'm careful to not harp too much on music I dont like as so I dont start sounding like my parents. ;)
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Post by Sirius »

It's genres like hip-hop that made me realise all those 'backward' parents out there really had a point. ;)

Curiously enough, there isn't much new-age I can think of that I dislike... sure, a huge amount of it I don't like all that much, but it seems to me unusual to have a simply sucky song.

They do exist though.
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Post by roid »

"...but i keep my enemys closer".

i doubt RATM would have signed with Sony if it didn't afford them the opportunitys for the great publicity they gave to their causes. we can all testify to that, they got a HELL of a lot of publicity. every one of their songs and videoclips has always held a powerful message or told a story.

RATM's site is still going well, seems quite the antiestablishment stronghold indeed.

(wtf, one hit wonder? i was rocking out to "Killing In The Name Of" 12 years ago. is that the hit you are referring to?)

i'm a fan :)

and seriously, zack considered them to be hip-hop. who am i to argue.
from what i've read about it, what's so great about spoken word (like hip-hop i spose) is the greatness of the message within. if the message is non-existant then what's the point: it simply sucks.
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Post by Phoenix Red »

as an extension to Roid's post, I invite anyone who thinks RATM are morons, fad-riders, or shouting the same old same old without knowing what they're really talking about, to go to RATM.com and check out the reading list. I'm not saying it's neccecarily all good stuff, but they are telling their fans they should know this stuff to understand the music, and that's a lot of stuff.
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Post by DCrazy »

I don't have a problem with Rage Against the Machine... they are obviously intelligent (despite my complete disagreement with them) and they're good musicians. I do have a problem with people who spout political rhetoric without any clue as to what they're talking about; case in point: the "Vote or Die" campaign. Suuure, of course it's non-partisan... :roll:
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

i dont particularily hate RATM i just dont like people in general who seem to always want to destroy the system but never offer a way to fix it.
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