End of conversation sonny, although I do enjoy your creativity.
I lost sight of the fact that I'm just throwing rocks here. Hell I actually googled

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I think I speak for all of us here when I say, if you're that convinced why don't you go into scientific circles and prove to the people that really matter.Stryker wrote:Seriously.You guys haven't produced one shred of evidence that the religion of Evolution is true. Until I see evidence, Evolution is hereby classified as a religious faith.
Faith: Definition: "Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence."
For the record, ID isn't creationism. More correctly, creationism is ID. ID is a larger idea that can include creationism, theistic evolution, and directed panspermia. It basically says, "someone made [life on earth/the universe/this feature of life on earth] happen." The only idea it logically opposes is naturalistic evolution: "Nature/nobody made life on earth happen."WarAdvocat wrote:Ford, from what I can see, Stryker (and possibly some others) have fallen victim to the media, in the form of "ID", which is short for Intelligent Design. ID is creationism wrapped in pseudo-science for the explicit purpose of generating controversy (ahem: "presenting an alternate viewpoint").
Hey cool! I invented math! Yeehaw!WarAdvocat wrote:You asked for something remotely similar. I gave it to you. You spent the last umpty posts inventing reasons why I am wrong.
While not the main point of the article, I must correct this: what is said there is 100%, pure, patent BS. Radioactive dating has thousands of variables including but not limited to the evironment the rocks being dated have been previously exposed to, how the rocks were formed, what type of rock it is, what type of isotope is being used, etc etc etc. Atomic bombs have one main variable: the isotope involved. Radioactive dating is imprecise at best. However, there are several other dating method available. Date something using all of them and average the results, and you'll get a better idea.And here we come to the point: if an A-bomb is capable of exploding, then radioactive dating is correct. There's no way the two can be separated; they're based on the same theory and the same information. Either both work or neither does. There's no other choice.
Using the same chart means literally nothing other than the fact that God made one chart, liked it, and decided to use it in more of His creations.The reason that genetic engineers can use E. Coli to reproduce human insulin is because E. Coli interprets DNA exactly the same way that a human does. Suppose that E. Coli had a different chart. In that case, while that genetic sequence could be inserted into the E. Coli, the E. Coli would interpret it entirely differently and produce something else entirely -- probably something completely useless, but whatever it was, it wouldn't be insulin. It's like that cook who only speaks Russian trying to work from a Spanish-language cookbook to try to make that chocolate cake. Maybe he won't make anything at all, maybe he'll make a mess, but he's not going to make that cake because he won't understand the recipe.
LOLbet51987 wrote:Since you guys are too complicated, I came up with this....
But the point is, I'm not guilty of anything. I prayed to him more than any other person I think, and I never did anything to God. I'm not guilty of any wrong except in God's eyes who condemns me by association. If that's the truth then I have no use for him even if he turns out to be real. I rather just die and be dead than live with a bad role model with that attitude.
In plain English, God became a man and died, so that he might prove to us--as mankind--that death is something that can be overcome, which we don't have to fear. He became a man in order to be our high priest--someone who could speak to God on our behalf, as one of us, and someone who could speak to us for God, on his behalf, as God himself. That is, he became an intermediary--that's what priests are. He became a man because having suffered the same things we do, and having gone through the same temptations we do, he's able to help to us when we suffer. And of course ultimately, he became a man in order to die on our behalf.The author of Hebrews wrote: Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil-- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. . . . For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
You can hardly call it 'something gone wrong' when it was planned from the beginning, in a plan prophesied hundreds of years in advance. Nor can you suggest that it was a back-prophesy--something written after the fact. Isaiah is a Jewish book; it was verifiably around hundreds of years before Jesus was born.Isaiah, in chapter 53, wrote: Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
And who can speak of his descendants?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was stricken.
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
John, in chapter 16, beginning in verse 7, wrote:
[Jesus said,] I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment....
I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
edit: I should really preface this with "IMHO..."... Adam willfully gave up his perfection through disobedience- ... yadda yadda
No no, it has a reason. Humans fear what they don't understand. Religion provides an explanation for a complex and often frightening world. Moreover, it provides hope, a reason for life, a reason to live. It provides structure to a chaotic existence, guidelines to follow, and the promise of a reward for proper behavior. Religion provides many things humans instinctively need, hence we are willing to overlook the flaws in the logic. We don't care if the explanations don't always make sense, because that isn't usually as important psychologically as having an explanation to believe in.And by the way: if Evolution is correct, then Christianity is a religion without a reason.
I see, so all modern biologists, paleontologists, and their ilk are all godless atheists.Stryker wrote:Of course, evolutionists refuse to acknowledge any modern Bible-believing scientist as a "true" scientist, so there's absolutely no point in even trying to name them to you.
Therefore, what an evolutionist defines as a "scientific circle" cannot by definition have a Christian in it. Therefore, they can say that their Scientific Circles have no Christians in them, therefore Christianity is wrong.
Perfection in the Bible means that Adam was without flaw - and thereby existed in complete harmony with God's purpose for man, and had the prospect of living forever because of this. Being flawless does not remove the possibility of acquiring flaws at some future point in time. To remain "perfect" Adam had to continue living under the guidelines established by his Creator. By rejecting God's authority Adam sinned; he lost his perfection by willfully going outside the boundaries set by God. Sin is lawlessness - Adam broke the law, and the corrupt world we live in is the result. How so? By accepting Satan's authority, Adam made Satan his god, that's why Satan is called the ruler of the world and the God of this world in the Bible.scottris wrote: If he was "perfect" he wouldn't have done that, now would he?
As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts to Bettina, God's justice must let it continue until there can be no doubt in anyone's mind that Satan was wrong in his accusations. And "anyone" includes all the angels. If God had wiped out all the rebels from the start, that would only have proved that God was more powerful, not that he was right. When any accusations are brought against anyone in court, evidence must be presented from both sides before a decision can be made based on fact. When Adam sided with Satan, thereby insinuating that he did not need God, justice demanded that he be given an opportunity to prove himself. Adam eventually died. But Satan is still alive, and it was he who proclaimed that Man did not need God. So God is allowing Satan enough time to demonstrate the validity of his argument; enough time so that in the end their can be no doubt as to who is right, because once the final verdict is in, it ramifications will be everlasting.Clearly, God screwed up. His creation failed to do as he intended. But instead of fixing the problem, he decides to let it continue?
Man cannot redeem himself. God sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for all of Adam's imperfect children. Contrary to your opinion that was direct intervention from God. God did not need to do that, but he did, out of love for those who never knew perfection; for those who never had the same choice Adam had.He allows generations of "imperfect" children to be born and insists that they "redeem" themselves with no direct intervention from him?
Why does that possibility exist? Surely God has the power to prevent that. Unless he doesn't want to.Being flawless does not remove the possibility of acquiring flaws at some future point in time.
What defines what is "right"? If "right" is what God says it is, then obviously he is right. That would go without saying. Why should God need to prove that he's "right"? Who does he need to convince? Are you saying that I get to judge God? Well then...If God had wiped out all the rebels from the start, that would only have proved that God was more powerful, not that he was right.
Then what are we still doing here? Apparently Jesus' sacrifice wasn't enough.Man cannot redeem himself. God sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for all of Adam's imperfect children. Contrary to your opinion that was direct intervention from God.
I find this an interesting argument. Will post more on this later..God didn't create humanity to have a race of beings that would blindly follow his will; that doesn't allow any meaningful relationship to develop...
Why not? Just click Delete and start over. Millions of people are suffering while God stands by and watches this scenario play itself out. Guilt by inheritance? Please. What kind of kind and loving God would allow children to suffer for the sins of their parents?God still loved humanity dearly, but things could never go back to how they had been, at least not while this world last.
Call it what you want, but no god is going to blame me for something I personally didn't do. Your god is not anybody I want to know.Shoku wrote:Guilt by association? Not by association, by inheritance.
This doesn't prove a thing. If enough words are written, some of it is bound to fit. Take nostradamus for example.Drakona wrote:the reason for his coming and death were prophesied 700 years before.
Kiss for you...Ford Prefect wrote:Stop being sorry for offending Bettina. This is an internet forum, people expect to be offended.![]()
Glad you have a place to express yourself. It is hard to be in a dependent situation that restricts your freedom to be who you want to be. Here you can vent anytime you like and we will just roll our eyesand post snarky rebuttals.
Prejudice is based on ignorance, on belief in twisted facts. . . so is slander directed at God. Humans have a tendency to think they know better regarding just about everything, but what we think is sometimes irrelevant when more facts are complied. And this is especially true regarding God.bet51987 wrote: Call it what you want, but no god is going to blame me for something I personally didn't do. Your god is not anybody I want to know.
LOL - never may that happen! By the way, there is a proverb in the Bible that says: "The taking of offense is with the stupid ones." And we know that no one who posts on the DBB is stupid.Sorry to offend anyone
You missed my point. I wasn't trying to prove to you that God exists, through prophecy. I was saying that the existence of the prophecy--and its Christian application to Jesus--undermine your suggestion that Jesus death was a mistake. My full sentence was,Bettina wrote:This doesn't prove a thing. If enough words are written, some of it is bound to fit. Take nostradamus for example.Drakona wrote:the reason for his coming and death were prophesied 700 years before.
I was telling you that you didn't have your facts straight. You were making fun of Jesus' death being unplanned and not making sense. I was telling you that from a Christian perspective, it was planned in the extreme. It was an event important enough to prophecy about centuries before. Far from making Christians look rediculous, then, what you said makes you look rediculous to Christians!Drakona wrote:Likewise, you can't say "something goes wrong and Jesus is crucified" when, at least according to Christian tradition, the reason for his coming and death were prophesied 700 years before.
Understand that death was introduced into creation when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a type of "illness" that now exists from a single act.Shoku wrote:We are guilty, in God's eyes, of being imperfect. We inherited this lack of goodness from Adam - you are correct, it's no fault of our own, but it nevertheless is here, in every one of us.bet51987 wrote: .....Call it what you want, but no god is going to blame me for something I personally didn't do. Your god is not anybody I want to know.
LOL sounds like a few conversations i've had with my daughter lately if you substitute christians and evolutionists with almost any other subject.Drakona wrote: Almost any time an entire worldview seems rediculous to you, you can be sure you're distorting it. People are intelligent, and though they make a lot of mistakes, the things they think generally make sense to them. And though it feels good to distort things--to tell yourself that Christians are stupid or evolutionists are liars--it doesn't help you learn anything. And worse, it guarantees that if that side is right--or if not fully right, if it even has a thing or two it could teach you... you'll never let yourself see it.
That's, um... well, it's not a good way to live. That's all I'm saying.
So, God wanted other beings with which he could have a relationship of some sort? Not unlike a father might want to have with his son? Hello, how have you been? How are the wife and kids? How's your new job? What's wrong? You did WHAT?? How many times have I told you...God didn't create humanity to have a race of beings that would blindly follow his will; that doesn't allow any meaningful relationship to develop...
Thank You Scottris. This is exactly the way I feel only I couldn't put it as nicely as you and the quote above I like the most.scottris wrote:to be born into a world that is often very cruel seems at best shortsighted, and at worst shortsighted and spiteful!
Great reading Ford....and the above quote to me is more like "Maybe Nirvana, God, Allah, Krishna, etc. are just human attempts to create a saviour that will give them life after death".Ford Prefect wrote:Maybe Nirvana, God, Allah, Krishna etc. are just human attempts to describe the
Yes, in some ways, and no in others.Ford Prefect wrote:Question: Since the old testament is the history of the Jewish people and Jesus was a Jew are the books I would find in the Torah of the local synagogue identical to the books of the King James version of the Bible? If not why not
Question: Why King James? and how long ago? Current or the New King James. Really, the whole argument about the accuracy of the Bible is antiquated. There are 10's of thousands of people, Christian and "non" alike that watch this very closely.Ford Prefect wrote: (Question: Since the old testament is the history of the Jewish people and Jesus was a Jew are the books I would find in the Torah of the local synagogue identical to the books of the King James version of the Bible? If not why not)
You know what's funny about this... the old testament is not terribly flattering to the Jews. Through the whole thing, the people are corrupt, unfaithful, immoral, and incapable of doing anything right. And the priests are worse--extremely corrupt, leading the people in unfaithfulness, completely immoral. And the kings are WORSE! The history stops, actually, right about the point where (if it kept going) it might start to get flattering for the Jewish people.Ford Prefect wrote: And please don't refer me to the Bible for information. Written by Christians hundreds of years after the events (new testament), translated by Christians and edited by Christians all you get is Christianity. The writings of heretics didn't make the final cut did they? So all there is in it, is self referenced philosophy. And the old testatment, well I sure don't go for the first book so the rest are just more religeous writings edited to say what the priest class wanted.
Ford Prefect wrote: Duper you ask why the King James version- Simple I am 53 years old and raised in the Presbyterian church. I am shockedwhenever I read a bible that is not King James, it seems like Shakespear done as rap. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Ahh, you refer to the "Apochrypha." Some of these books were considered canon in the very early church, but by the time the issue of canon was settled in the 4th or 5th century, none of them were. Nonetheless, the early church saw them as valuable--useful for instruction in spiritual things, if not actually scripture. Though they were distributed, often with the canon, they weren't scripture. Though some of the books are of Jewish origin, to my knowledge, the Jews never even considered them for admission to their canon.I do know that the KJV does exclude 7 or so books that were originally part of the Christian scriptures and are included in the Catholic Bible