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Post by The_Rock »

Hey everyone, long time no talk.. and NO I haven't forgot about everyone that paid for Califest. I had a lot going on in my life. Deaths in the family, and the death of my best friend of 14 years. Things where a tad difficult for quite sometime. However, things are stable now and I'm going to refund everyone that paid their Califest reg fees.

Please email me at:

Subjet Line: Califest Refund

Body: Paypal email account.

My goal is to have everyone refunded by the end of Dec. I was always going to pay everyone back, with my best friend dying, and loved ones dying in my family. It was real hard. But its all good now, and everyone will get their reg fee's back. For those that hate me, I do apologize. Hope all is well in the D3 Community. Look forward to sending out your refunds :)
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Post by Gooberman »

I'll sticky this one for ya Rock.
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Post by The_Rock »

Gooberman wrote:I'll sticky this one for ya Rock.
u da man Goob 8)
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Any of this changed?

Gooberman wrote:Recieved 5-20-04 from The_Rock
My final statement!!

It kinda saddens me when those who I thought where my good friends weren't there to support me. It's kind of sad, when those so called friends talk **** behind my back. It amazes me that after two years of successful lans and people going home with tons of prizes. That you all can't understand that this wasn't my fault. That this was out of my power, yet you still assume that i intended to do this. You assume that it was my plan to take all your money. I can't even express the way I feel over something like this. Yet a lot of you un-greatful people, still want to sit there and run your mouth like you have the slightest idea on what happen. It's quite funny how you get all the praise because you through an oustanding lan. Yet when something happens, and the LAN was cancelled. The same ones that praised, are now being snakes and talking ****. It doesn't really matter what you all think, it's definitely not gonna change who I am. For those that where my so called friends, and yet still talked ****. You can throw our friendship out the door and don't even contact me. For those that have called me, and sent me emails of encouragement, and supported me on this whole or deal. Thank you very much I greatly appreciate it, and shows me what a true friend you are.

I've played this game since the beginning, and have a lot of fun doing so. I've met some outstanding people, and made some true friends. Friends that i'll still keep in contact with, even though i'm not playing. People like Sickone, Bash, Birdseye (well let me scratch that, I thought he was a friend), Venom, JazzyJett, Scratch, Endy, and a few others. They know the kind of hard work i've put into throwing LAN's, for the past two years. Putting up prizes, that no other LAN has done. All that hard work and effort didn't matter, because look at the
results. All I wanted to do, was give back to the community and make it more fun for everyone. Needless to say, I guess there are many fake posers in our community. Ready to pat your back one day, and the next stab you.

About the Refunds!! As some of you know, I lost the whole deposit on the room. I'm still in the process of taking it to court, and trying to fight for it back. The money will come out of my pocket. I will do my best in refund people their $30 dollars, it make take some time, but i'll do it. For those that need it that $30 dollars, because you are in some type of emergency or bind, just let me know.

In closing, I do want to thank those who've supported me in this hard time. Those that contacted me, and emailed me with ecouraging words. I really appreciate it, and I value your friendship to the fullest. I've had many great years playing Descent, and traveled all over the US because of this game. People like J_Oh, who made this community awesome to be apart of, J_Oh a guy I’ll never forget. Sickone an old school Vet, a guy who has an awesome heart, and gave so much to the D3 community. Bash, another class act guy who's been around for quite sometime. Sfuzzi, the coolest down to earth D3 gal I’ve ever met. Am I sad that I'll never play D3 again, or be apart of this community. Yes and No... yes because I’ll miss many people, and miss all the good times I’ve had. No, to all the drama this community brings, and all the fake *** people you'll meet and encounter. With that said, I’m out!


Fern, do you want this open now? You had it closed last night, now open again. Or do we have an admin lurkin? ;)
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Post by Birdseye »

let's not stir the flames bill. if he is giving refunds, good for him.
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Post by BAAL »

Still waiting Dan, think hard about califest2k2...i think u might remember.
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Birdseye wrote:let's not stir the flames bill. if he is giving refunds, good for him.
I'm not stirring anything.... yet

And you said it BTW, "if"
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Post by ReadyMan »

I dont see what the big deal is over $30. $30 is basically a pizza and beer.
In 2001 I paid for both my brother and I ($30 or so each), but we couldnt make I told Dan to just keep it in case someone showed up without fundage...
Anyway, $30 is no big deal...
Give the guy a break....sheesh.
If he's offering to pay now, take him on his word.

Stress: he doesnt owe you any money does he?
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Post by Ferno »

some people lost a lot more than 30 bucks ready.

besides if it's just 30 bucks, there should be no problems with the refunds.
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Post by kurupt »

i lost 300 bucks :(
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ReadyMan wrote:Stress: he doesnt owe you any money does he?

But, RM, leave it at that. If you ask me any questions you will be stirring the flames. Because the reply I give them wont be pretty. I'm trying to keep this flame free for now, so don't add anything to it with debate.
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Post by ReadyMan »

will do.
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Post by JazzyJet »

Anywho....glad to hear ur doing good Rock=) Keep in touch n stuff.
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Post by Couver_ »

JazzyJet wrote:Anywho....glad to hear ur doing good Rock=) Keep in touch n stuff.
Thats what I am talking about. I hope you won your lawsuit Rock. If not you are stepping up and making good anyway.I think anyone who took as much time as Rock setting up and making sure everyone had a good time at Lans did not have some sort of evil plot to rip people off. Friend Rock got caught up IRL and things happen. Yet here he is making good.

Thank you Rock for doing what you did for this community and our game. Everyone should remember Califest 2002 was going to be the last until our friend J-oh passed on. Rock said that night that the next one was going to be in his memory.

So harsh as you will but I see someone who gave a ton to our D3 world and got kicked in the junk for it...

GL Rock and Thank You for all you have done!!
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Post by Instig8 »

I gave Rock my $30 for registration. I'd like him to either keep it for the next LAN (if he'll ever host another) or put it in a pool for the unfortunate souls who spent money on plane tix or hotel reservations. Just my humble opinion.

The Rock is a really nice guy. He may be forgetful at times, but oh well. Producing a LAN is a tremendous resource drain (time, energy and money) and he's always done it without complaining.

I lurb u man.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

WB Rock, I personally would have burned down that place and sold the video on the web to recoup...but that's just me

STRESS"Mr I beat a Dead Horse"TEST,
um STFU and KTHXBYE..Lurb you :P :P cyber me Im ready :oops:
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Post by Grendel »

[MS]Instig8 wrote:I gave Rock my $30 for registration. I'd like him to either keep it for the next LAN (if he'll ever host another) or put it in a pool for the unfortunate souls who spent money on plane tix or hotel reservations. Just my humble opinion.
I'd second that.
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Post by Deadmeat »

Yea, Dan, I'm with Instig8 and Grendel. Help out the guys who lost on airfare.
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Post by Fusion »

Deadmeat wrote:Yea, Dan, I'm with Instig8 and Grendel. Help out the guys who lost on airfare.
Another aggreement here. Send my reg funds to some1 who needs the extra funds replaced.

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Post by Gooberman »

As I told Rock in pm, I plan to unsticky this after a month, so 11/28. If you know anyone that needs a refund and hasn't gotten one please link them here.

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Post by kurupt »

i havent yet, i sent him an email the first day he posted. you guys already got yours?
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merry xmas everyone......
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Post by LunchBox »

I emailed and told him to hang onto mine.. I'd rather the airline give me my money back. Thats the one that hurt

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Post by kurupt »

LunchBox wrote:I emailed and told him to hang onto mine.. I'd rather the airline give me my money back. Thats the one that hurt
same for me. i went ahead and spent my food money for the month to buy airfare.

well, at least i lost a few pounds ;)
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Post by Gooberman »

I'm taking this thread down, we need the room uptop. If you havn't recieved a refund contact Rock.
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