the idea of an entropy night sounds good. we have some kind of ctf-sunday from the forum and that is going quite successfull. some sundays up to 18 players showing up in the evening.
here is how we do the organizing:
we have 2 teamcaptains for red and blue, during the week one is posting a poll for the level that should be played.
on sunday evening the poll is done, 3 irc-channels are prepared (1 for team selection, 1 for team red and one for team blue) the server is running (on hidden port) and a ts-server is up.
now a time is given for team selections, the captains choose players from the people in general chat 1 by 1. the teams are usually well balanced cause of the selection. once the teams are done both teams go into the teamchannels and talk about game tactics, positions /roles for the players and so on. if that is finished captians give the server ip/port to the players and player join.
this usually takes 30 mins to 1 hour , then the game starts. after the game is played stats are posted in a special thread and the we start posting fun stuff at each other hehe.
all this works good and provides lots of fun, more and more player coming in for the sunday-ctf. btw it turned out that most time that team losses whos players have a lack of disciplin and dont do what the captain says
so probabyl it would be possible to establish such a procedure for an sunday entropy match? that would rock.