Aight guys, time for you to join me in blizzard's new crack MMORPG. I'm rerolling on Central server 6 as a priest, send me an in-game mail or tell when you get there sign up
edit: dur, my name is Jhov
edit: dur #2, I'm Horde side
If you like RPGs and have never played the MMOG versions, take my advice and stay away.
Scary, scary. FFXI sucked up too much of my life before I quit, and it sorta spoils the single player RPGs for good. I got an invite to WoW awhile back and deleted the email.
Vertigo wrote:well, WoW seems to be more geared to casual players, so it's time consumaton should be way more controllable...
very true. ive been in the beta since the beginning of august, and ive put a TOTAL of 50 hours into the game, which, all things considered, is not a lot, especially for an mmorpg...
however, that may just be because i dont like the whole "mmorpg" thing.
Not all of it was play time, a lot was sitting in bazzar mode selling crap or just letting the game run overnight, but still. It had to stop, and it did, for good.
Gooberman wrote:I'm gonna go with ignorence is bliss on this one. $15/month is just B.S.
Good choice- I went over to a friend's a played for about 4 hours last week- got a mage up to lvl 5, and left sure that I could get myself really addicted to the game, and that I shouldn't buy it. (my GF agreed with the second part- she almost got mad at me for just considering it)
JMeat- when I stopped Camelot I think I had about 17days on my main, and probably another 17 across my other characters.
Ohh, I've been in the Final Stresstest since last week. And oh god. What JMEaT says is true. I just can't stop lpaying it. It's sucks up your life and shits in back out in the form of feelings of guilt and regret.
The scary thing is, I'm actually considering buying this game. BUT I MUST RESIST THE TORTURE! OH JESUS GOD!!!
You know, it's just a matter of time before they get rehab type programs for obbesssions with games like this.
And I'm on Test Server 6 under the name....... Sage!?
sage: I'll drop you a line when I'm on next. I'm leveling all out, I only have 5 hours played on the new priest but he's level 11. If you are around my level, I'll take you for a ride through the quests
I got a level 15 mage. But I still need to do a load of the beginner quests.
What's your name in the game btw?
I must admit these games are VERY fun. I've never played an MMORPG before this, and this is one of the funnest games I've played. That's why it's so addicting.
Will there be monthly fee to play the game?
Yes; however, we are still investigating our business model and have not yet determined what the fee will be.
Traditionally MMOs are between 10-15 dollars. Although given that it's blizzard and they've run for free for years now, that figure may drop down to even 8 or so, but I doubt it.
Blizzard wrote:
After the initial free one-month subscription ends, players of World of Warcraft will be able to continue playing under one of three different subscription plans. The month-to-month subscription plan costs $14.99 per month, the three-month plan costs $13.99 per month, and the six-month plan costs $12.99 per month. World of Warcraft subscription fees can be paid by major credit card, PayPal, and pre-paid game cards, which will be available in stores where World of Warcraft is sold. World of Warcraft has received a Teen rating from the ESRB.
"too much" from the guy who will blow $150 on paintball AMMO every time he goes out for an afternoon of fun? It's not free but it's not expensive either.
Anyways, sage you're alliance. I'll have to kill you instead of quest with you sorry.
Agreed. If you play games much, it's not that big a price to pay.
I'm no marketing expert, but it does strike me that they could lower the price a little and get a higher adoption rate (i.e. 10/month, 8/month for 6 months, etc). Or maybe it's better for the real fans of the game to pay a little more and keep the servers less crowded.
Still on the fence about buying it... not just because of the price, but because it was so damn addictive.
Mehyam more people = more servers = more money, lowering the price adds people but it doesn't add profit. The monthly fee isn't really profitable anyway, it goes to GM staff, bandwidth, hardware maitenance, and "free" new content, the balance team, bughunters etc.
OB signups are closed. Yall flooded our servers and it's unplayable :p
I've played 2 different characters to level 8 so far, and I have to say I like it a lot more than FFXI. They seem to be really liberal when it comes to leveling up just in general. Very little failure when it comes to job abilities, it's just you can't buy the better stuff until you are more skilled, which is really nice (nothing more annoying than mining for a while then losing it because you "failed" making something).
Also seems very conducive to soloing overall, unlike FFXI. Only time I joined a party was because there was a group of us trying to kill a boss for a quest, and by banding together we wouldn't have to do it one at a time.
And just overall the quests are good. Or rather, there are a lot of them. So far there hasn't been a single time where I was walking around looking for something to do, I've always had quests to keep me busy and to slowly move me from town to town.
And damn the game looks pretty.
If I'm not bored with it by the time it goes retail I'm going to have to pick this up.
Currently I'm playing a Troll Shaman (Horde of course) on Central Test 28.