Copying program/procedure?

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Copying program/procedure?

Post by Sligar »

My hard drive is going bad, some files are unreadable - I get 'crc' errors when I try to look at them or copy them. I've gotten a new hard drive, and I'm trying to copy everything over, but the copy stops every time it hits a bad file. Now half the files are copied, but I don't know which ones, and don't care really. I want the copy to just copy what it can and leave the rest without having to be babysat every step of the way. Any suggestions? Is there a better file copy program out there than the microsoft one?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Run scandisk on the drive. Maybe it will be able to mark the bad files as bad and windows won't try to copy them.
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Post by MD-2389 »

That, or make a list of the ones that are giving you CRC errors, and just avoid them when copying your data over to the new drive.

That being said, when you get what you can copied off, I suggest you low-level format the hard drive, and then partition it however you want, and see if the CRC errors resume. If they do, then its a damn good chance the drive is going south.
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