The photo is taken on the roof of a car parking building. My buddy (and image compositer) is "driving". The tunnel runs between Christchurch and Port Lyttleton. 10 hours work in at apparently.
Heh! I was going to ask that but i was too embarrassed.
Fancy cut and paste? If you use a hmmm what do you call it... an expensive media program with lots of bells and whistles (like Adobe photoshop or somesuch thing) and you cut out a picture of a car and layer it(paste it) on a picture of a tunnel, then "voila" you are compositing. This is especially true if you fiddle around with distortion and shadows and all that goood stuff to make the car that is photographed on the parking garage look like it's in a tu.... well you get the "picture."
Oh thanx Margo. I'm doing the same thing with my 18 month old at the moment. I cut out a really cute sheep for our farm scene. Got a load of white wool and sticky back plastic to get the texture right. All we need are a few ducks and some blue cellofane for the pond.