Vote to boost my social life!

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How can Topher become a bit more well rounded?

Learn to roller blade
Learn to fix a car
Learn to sing
Learn something about wine
Trade in comfy stomach for decent abs
Start an online business
Learn to buy some decent clothes
Chew some gum in Wanka's factory
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Vote to boost my social life!

Post by Topher »

Things already accomplished:
Lose lots of weight and have to buy 4 different sizes of pants
Swim a mile
Run a mile in under 6:30
Get toned at the gym
Reengineer social skills to be a nerd AND socialable
Learn to play Texas Hold'em
Learn to play the piano
Learn to ice skate
Learn to dance - in progress

So what's next?
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Post by Vertigo 99 »


and before you do any of those things, you should learn to breakdance first.
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Post by Top Wop »

Fixing cars makes for good social time (and resourceful repairs!)
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Post by Ferno »

Start a business.
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Post by Tricord »

Are you trying to be more like me? :D

I know you T, you're superiorly intelligent. You will know whatever you need to do next when the need arises.

Forget about the e-business and the rollerblades as far as I'm concerned. Also, either you can sing or you can't. If you're not a natural singer, then don't force it :) I'd start buying clothes. I used to care more about street pavement than clothes, but since I have some spare cash and some free time I went for some shopping, quite nice (blew 350EUR on pants, shirt and vest :roll:)..
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Don't listen to these fools.


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Post by Mobius »

War advocat shows his naivete again...

In the list of what girls find most attractive about men, Abs fall somewhere below 20th on the list. Any chick who goes out with you for your abs isn't worth having. Plus, you don't think for a second, do you, that it's possible to retain a washboard over the age of 40? o_O

No.1 on the list BTW is a good sense of humour. I think a cute butt is number 6 or 7 on the list and is the first physical attribute.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Mobi, don't spout statistics w/o linkage to your sources. You know better than that :)


I don't see "develop a cute butt" or "learn a sense of humor" on his list.

So your post is relevant how? Did you take time out just to flame lil old me? <3

edit: Incidentally, having a 6-pack stomach says a lot about a person. Women know and understand the effort it takes to maintain a 6-pack. While they appreciate the aesthetic qualities, they also react to the time, effort and dedication (or just plain good genetics). Either way, just because a woman can appreciate a good physique doesn't make her a less fit candidate for a relationship. Humans are highly visual. The first step in a courtship is often visual... Why NOT optimize your abs :)
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Post by Topher »

WarAdvocat wrote:edit: Incidentally, having a 6-pack stomach says a lot about a person. Women know and understand the effort it takes to maintain a 6-pack. While they appreciate the aesthetic qualities, they also react to the time, effort and dedication (or just plain good genetics). Either way, just because a woman can appreciate a good physique doesn't make her a less fit candidate for a relationship. Humans are highly visual. The first step in a courtship is often visual... Why NOT optimize your abs :)
Interesting. The point of this thread was to find something new to entertain myself with, but this poses another question almost worthy of a poll. I have a plethora of "friend" women who all told me they like a somewhat soft stomach because it's nice to lay on. Not saying someone flabby; you can be in shape and have a soft stomach. Of course, since they're my "friends", they're all dating some other less than average joe which they always complain about how boring he is, how he doesn't like what they like or how uncomfortable his stomach is to lay on. This gives the illusion that the friend is a perfect male, but since they're with someone else, they can say things like "a soft stomach is OK, you're still attractive, yadda yadda" and not have to put their money where their mouths are.

What gives? Abs good, abs bad?
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Post by TheCops »

i would imagine tight abs would also imply "endurance".
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Post by Robo »

Online business gets my thumbs up :)
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Post by Dedman »

Go ugly early. That is the best advice you will ever hear.
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Post by JMEaT »

Get rid of the gut! :P I've lost 50 pounds since Sept. through diet and exercise. Such a great feeling to know you can do it too. :)
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Post by Mr. Perfect »

You'd also probably gain some confidence by loosing the gut. That always helps.
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Post by Beowulf »

I don't have a six pack and I do just fine.

Its all about the confidence.
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Post by WarAdvocat »


That too.

side note: Abdomens (even the muscular variety) are naturally soft when relaxed, therefore, when in repose they are soft to lay on. If a chick is gonna put her head there, it's good to have muscle to support it so she's not crushing you. And no jelly roll to obsure the business portion of your lower abodmen is good too.
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Post by Topher »

Ok, I don't have a gut. I lost about 45 pounds a while ago (hence the first bullet above). I'm about 6'1" and a conservative estimate is I weigh about 185 at the moment. But I don't have a visible 6 pack either, that's what I'm asking. I can actually flex with a light directly above me and you can see my abs, but it's not the rigid "razor commercial guy" abs.
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Post by Top Gun »

I'm going with the gum. :P
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Post by woodchip »

Coming from me this might sound odd, but think about joining a church and getting involved in some of their social organisations. Might want to scout out some of the local sunday masses and check out the clientel first.
Also try going on a ship cruise. As I understand it some cruise lines will let single male cruise for free as there are so many single women on board for the trip.
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Post by DCrazy »

WarAdvocat wrote:Don't listen to these fools.


Funny, I read this in the "beer" sense. :P
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

DCrazy wrote:
WarAdvocat wrote:Don't listen to these fools.


Funny, I read this in the "beer" sense. :P
I did too. It took me awhile to realize what he meant.
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Post by Topher »

woodchip wrote:Coming from me this might sound odd, but think about joining a church and getting involved in some of their social organisations. Might want to scout out some of the local sunday masses and check out the clientel first.
Also try going on a ship cruise. As I understand it some cruise lines will let single male cruise for free as there are so many single women on board for the trip.
Ok, again, this isn't some cry for help because I can't seem to get in with the women. I have about 8 "plutonic" girl friends at the moment. Granted, it would be nice to have a real girlfriend, but I'm leaving for Seattle in 9 months and I'm not really coming back. So I don't really think my conscience would let me have a girl friend at the moment (in fact I've turned down girls or decided not to hit on them because of that fact).

This is more a self improvement thing. If it gets me chicks, huzzah. But for the most part it's so I don't feel like I have this one track mind of "computers computers computers", so I can deal with being alone when friends/gf isn't around and I can actually be sociable with a wider number of people.

I don't know if it's pregidous or me just being my normal jackass self, but I can't stand the guy that sits around and takes up space or just stares out the window at dinner. It just bugs me and it's not a position I want to find myself in.
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Post by Phoenix Red »

An e-business is not good for the social life, unless you enjoy socializing with packing tape.

The getting the abs gets you into a gym, where you could probably make some friends. Aside from that, knowing your wine is good too.
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

I was going to suggest working out in the gym first, but I see you've already done some stuff in the gym, so I'd say move on. You don't have to tone every part of your body perfectly before you can move on. I love working out. About a year ago I was 17 years old and weighted 110 lbs. BAH. Anyway I've been working out for a little under a year and I gotta tell you it's and awesome feeling. ....though my girlfriend can still pick me up. :)

Like Phoenix said, starting an E-business is a fun and rewarding experience, but that just means you're just going to sink more hours into the computer.

I don't play that much music, but if you don't know how, that's one thing I would recommend. Just learn to play the piano or something, that's fun too.
-EDIT- nm, you already listed that.--

Everyone's having a debate about whether girls like abs or not, one thing I know girls *do* like is somebody who can dance.

You talked about re-engineering your social skills; the best way to develop social skills is to be around people as much as you can.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

heh I can't dance but I do it anyway... Chicks seemed to dig that too. It's all about the confidence. :)

I still say get the gut to 6-packness. It's as much a self-image thing as a chick thing anyway. I was being rather flippant..although my points remain valid.

It's just what *I* would do first, given the choices, for whatever that's worth. If you are at all physically adept, try (club/hip-hop etc) dancing lessons, or martial arts. Either will give you a boost in your physical confidence.

If you want to just be more involved socially, join a club! Depending on where you live, there usually are lots of clubs for all interests, from hiking to scuba to aquariums to stamp collecting. Pick something that you've 'always wanted to try', search out some local clubs (usually best to check w/ specialty shops catering to the interest group) and attend a few meetings and see what you think. They're usually free to attend, at least for a few meetings. You get to meet people in a setting where you have a built-in icebreaker/topic of conversation. As a bonus you can get some good swag too! Lots of club members sell cheap to other members, or outright give stuff away. My GF is a member of a Marine Aquarium club and she gives/gets/trades live coral all the time, saving potentially 1000's of dollars.
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Post by Scratch »

6 minute aaaaaaauuubs.
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Post by Stryker »

Learn to fence! :) It has basically the same effect on you as martial arts, with the side note that you get to learn to whack people with metal objects. :P
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Post by Foil »


I've fenced for a number of years now, and I never felt better about myself than during the period a couple years ago when I was fencing 2-3 times a week. Based on the physical specs you mentioned, you even fit the stereotypical fencing build. It can a bit expensive at first, but most clubs have available equipment for rent if you just want to try it for a while.

...Then again, it doesn't have to be fencing, specifically. Sports in general, especially team sports (I've been playing mostly football lately), can be awesome for improving oneself. Beyond the physical and mental benefits, the comraderie and connections you build can be invaluable.

And of course, girls like guys who play sports, too! (Take it from a very happily married guy, it's not about a ripped physique or ego, it's more about confidence, commitment, and the ability to have a good time with others.)
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Post by Jeff250 »

Either the clothes, six-pack, OR e-business will be a step in the right direction. But clothes is the easiest.
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Post by Boo »

Actually, rollerblading is probably going to be easiest if you know how to skate. It's practically the same motions.
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Post by sheepdog »

Okay, I went with the clothes. By social life you mean meeting women right? Whatever meatpuppet says is probably right in the sex department. I gather he's highly motivated and experienced. I'm looking more at the social part of relationships because even in my younger days when I was much higher libido and much better looking I was always looking for a brain fack.

So I'm going to take it on faith that Tetrad's or was it Tricord's ? point is true. You are a big brain. Now to the right woman that will mean a lot because any woman with a brain herself will know that a smart guy is eventually going to have great potential to be a relatively rich and powerful guy. He will also not be boring and most important, smart guys are usually hilarious. I suggest clothes because if you look dirty or utterly unpresentable most cool women won't look twice at you. Cool women are usually somewhat fastidious. See she has to talk to you. Once she talks to you she'll realize that you are a brainiac and you will have crossed the hump. I'll have to let Meat help you with the bedding part, but I will say that a little bit of booze, dancing and hanging out with friends who admire you won't hurt your cause in that department.

Good luck! :)


PS. One good place to meet the young woman that I once was is in college classes. Male grad student can do very well with undergraduate women. I had at least two flings with grad students in college. Ah... those were fun crazy days!

PPS. LOL! I just totally agreed with Mobius. Mob, I didn't even see your post the first time through. Hee! Hee! You know women dood.
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Post by TheCops »

sheepdog wrote:Whatever meatpuppet says is probably right in the sex department. I gather he's highly motivated and experienced.
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Post by sheepdog »

TheCops wrote:
sheepdog wrote:Whatever meatpuppet says is probably right in the sex department. I gather he's highly motivated and experienced.
:) and you thought I didn't know it was you, dintcha?

also, sorry Topher I skipped most of the middle of the thread obviously. If you have plutonic woman friends you are probably acceptable clotheswise. Sounds like you wouldn't be against havin a girlfriend though. Hell once you find someone you click with conversation is easy.
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Post by bash »

Join a band.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I was going to select the "Play a wider selection of Descent 3 levels" option, but it must have been truncated...
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Post by Ferno »

I wasn't talking abotu starting an E-Business.. I was talking about starting a physical one.

because chicks love a guy with money.
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