US military wanted 'sex bomb'
By Milanda Rout
January 14, 2005
A "SEX bomb" that would make enemy soldiers irresistible to each other was considered by the US military.
Declassified documents reveal the Pentagon toyed with the idea of an aphrodisiac chemical weapon in 1994.
The gas would have made enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. The weapon's developers said homosexual behaviour among troops would deal a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.
The plans, unearthed from a US air force laboratory in Ohio, were published in New Scientist magazine.
Oh man that is so funny. These ulra-freaky islamic exremists hate homosexuality so much and ... imagine if Allah knew they were pumping each other ... they would have to kill themselves to please him.
man, i live right down the road to what i think is probably the aforementioned "ohio labratory," that is, lockheed martin's weapons lab. i hope that stuff doesnt leak.
It may seem like a good idea in the eyes of some warped military individual, but it takes on a whole new light in the event of our soldiers being captured by the enemy. That's really sick.
Someone needs to get their head out of the mushroom clouds.
kurupt wrote:man, i live right down the road to what i think is probably the aforementioned "ohio labratory," that is, lockheed martin's weapons lab. i hope that stuff doesnt leak.
kurupt wrote:man, i live right down the road to what i think is probably the aforementioned "ohio labratory," that is, lockheed martin's weapons lab. i hope that stuff doesnt leak.
where exactly is that location kur?
Ace, if you know about it in advance, you can not use it as an excuse.
kurupt wrote:man, i live right down the road to what i think is probably the aforementioned "ohio labratory," that is, lockheed martin's weapons lab. i hope that stuff doesnt leak.
where exactly is that location kur?
Ace, if you know about it in advance, you can not use it as an excuse.
lockheed martin has several different buildings in the immediate area. one on massilon road, one on lakeside ave, one on euclid ave, and one on south main st. its the one on south main st that goes pretty far underground that i'm afraid of
very interesting indeed. for this to be considered research material: that would suggest somewhat of a demonstratable or at least conceptually likely result.
...suggesting that they actually have a chemical that makes you homosexual and irrestistably randy.
the mind boggles.
Krom wrote:Now just think if terrorists got a hold of this and made it radioactive, it would be a dirty sex bomb!
the news article shouldn't have said they were "unearthed", they should have said they found the plans in a closet or something .
I wasn't aware that Lockheed Martin dealt with biological and chemical materials. We have 5 Lockheed locations in Arizona. Two Boeing locations, one is just down the street, lol. Most of the Lockheed locations are anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hr drives from where I live.
This stuff is funny though. I'm sure they've messed with all kinds of weird things. Afterall, humankind can think of some of the most inventive ways to either kill you or deal with a problem one way or another The US certainly hasn't come up with some of the best inventions humankind has seen over the last 200 years due to lack of trying new things
Lockheed Martin does lots of things. the one down the street from me specifically concentrates on computer systems for the military. the navigation systems on smart bombs and the like. but its not the only thing they do.
US military wanted 'sex bomb'
By Milanda Rout
January 14, 2005
A "SEX bomb" that would make enemy soldiers irresistible to each other was considered by the US military.
Declassified documents reveal the Pentagon toyed with the idea of an aphrodisiac chemical weapon in 1994.
The gas would have made enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. The weapon's developers said homosexual behaviour among troops would deal a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.
The plans, unearthed from a US air force laboratory in Ohio, were published in New Scientist magazine.
Instead it was bottled here in the States and labeled "Viagra"
KlubMarcus wrote: Hmmmm... can someone turn that into a Descent 3 Weapons Mod?
I'm sure the Outrage crew would just looove that. Fire off a blackshark and instead of destroying everything in range, it makes all the robots gangbang your ship.
.. In Subway Dancer the mega missles seem to do just that: chase you around and around and around like some giant red, explosive supository pill...
...imagining the "Dirty-homo/homer bomb", I envisioned a D3 modified weapon/missle that changes all the robots, ships and weapons into a "homing" mode, so they horn' in on your ship, chasing you all over in some kind of "auto-homing-mode"... Of course the effect would have to wear off. And only a few such rockets are made available per game...
And Stryker; what did you mean when you imagined the "Greek Fire Rocket " ..? in that other post ?..