what do you think of psychology?

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What are your feels towards psychology and stuff like it?

do you kindof like it?
do you kindof not like it?
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what do you think of psychology?

Post by roid »

what are your feelings towards psychology and stuff like it?
do you like it? do you not like it?

(it makes a good poll, but i DO want to encourage people to fully tell me their opinions/feelings on it. type away)

i have a theory, but i need to see answers to this question above to see if the theory is valid.
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Post by roid »

i was reading a very interesting article that was talking about the prevalence of various personality types in organisational chains.
then i looked at an old survey i did of personalitys here at the DBB. and got thinking...

the theory is as such:
there are people with personalitys shared by the majority of the american population (ESTJ) or very close to it (those only having 1 letter different: ESTP, ISTJ, ESFJ, ENTJ). these people therefore getting along rather well with the majority of people out there, and compromise a full %46 of the american population.

someone who is a "shadow type" is the exact opposite personality to you, and generally one generally considers their respective "shadow type" to be the antichrist, and happily uses them as a scapegoat for problems. however it's called the "shadow" because it is actually a part of us all, we all have a bit of our shadow in us and it DOES come out (generally the worst of times) and is quite ugly.

ok... the shadow type for the most common personality type in america is INFP (yes, me, but whatever).
this type, and the genre of types closest to it, often take to the field of PSYCHOLOGY.

it is theorised that the majority of people do not really like psychology much, and this is because it basically represents the shadow function of the majority of people out there.

i wonder if this could indicate that not many of these types of people OPT IN to personality tests and things like it - things that deal with psychology.
i did an OPT-IN test of personalitys on the DBB a while back for example, and i found SIGNIFICANTLY few of the (supposedly) major personality types. since it was an opt-in test, it could be that these types just didn't think much of it all.
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Post by Krom »

I wouldn't think of psychology as something you can "like" or "dislike" in general. Probably because I don't have to pay any attention to psychology most of the time.
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Post by Will Robinson »

It's like guns are for me.
I'm comfortable using it myself.
It makes me uncomfortable when I see others use it because you never know if they're going to screw up and hurt someone.
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Post by TheCops »

i see psychology in theory as a fascinating attempt to put behavior in a tangible box... some way to put a number on the impossible.

i see psychology in practice as a way to train the outsider to conform to "the way things are" in the pop culture sense of the term, not â??realityâ?
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Post by Beowulf »

I plan on being a clinical psychologist or psychoanalist someday so I'd say that I like it, yeah

The more I learn about it though, the more I can safely say that humans will never under any circumstances understand who we are and why we are.
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Post by Lothar »

I like psychology, but I dislike the misuse of psychology. In that way, it's much like every other hard or soft science.
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Post by Avder »

Psychology is psychobabble. We really have no freaking idea how peoples moods work. We can have profiles and the like, but youre never gonna be able to have every single possible mood or action become predictable, so to heck with it.
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Post by Robo »

Roidy, you didn't tell me you posted this :P I thought you'd mention the dot and square concept, oh well.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

All humans have some common traits. We all get a bruised ego at some point in our life. We all get shot down. This is where physcology builds the pieces of our existence together by showing us how many "traits" are recognizable to us.

That paragraph might not of made sense. You tell me.
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Post by Stryker »

Other. Psychology is mostly a bunch of bull--there's a few parts that aren't, and they are actually quite useful, but they're not as common as some people think.
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Post by Mobius »

I seem to recall being an ENTJ last time I tested. But I have absolutely no idea what it means. :P
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Post by JazzyJet »

Wow I didn't realize. I'm the oppossite of the general american population. INFP
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Post by Top Gun »

Stryker wrote:Other. Psychology is mostly a bunch of bull--there's a few parts that aren't, and they are actually quite useful, but they're not as common as some people think.
I'm with Stryker. I find psychology to be mostly babble and hot air. If I went to a psychologist right now, I'd probably be diagnosed with something like social anxiety disorder, but I'm not going to have some quack shoving drugs at me or telling me I have a "problem." Every single human being on this planet is different, thinks differently, and reacts differently to events. Tryig to form generalizations and treat "psychological disorders" is absurd.
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Post by Drakona »

Psychology is useful. Though I think sometimes it thinks it knows more than it does.
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Post by Beowulf »

Now you're confusing psychiatry and psychology. Psychologists don't prescribe medication; psychiatrists do. And you're making broad generalizations due to preconceived notions, which isn't fair.
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Post by TheCops »

yes beo, you are right. i had an electra complex before my mother told me i was a male. then i switched to an oedipus complex just to have a complex.
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Post by DCrazy »

Your obsession with the caulk leads me to believe that you haven't yet exited the Oedipal stage... :P

--Sigmund "Sometimes caulk is just caulk" Freud
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Post by whuppinboy »

psychology is bull★■◆● imo. no one really knows what anyone is thinking regardless of how much you learn from a textbook. that's what makes humans unique, individuality. granted some people are easier to read than others but that's because they're pathetic excuses for free-minded peoples.
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Post by Tyranny »

I like it personally. The reason why is because it is interesting to me how people work and I think a lot of people have a problem with that. I think for most it feels like an invasion of privacy to consider that someone else might understand you better then you understand yourself sometimes.

There are those of us that need people to understand us to feel like we're not alone or not crazy and then there are those that just don't care what other people think and don't need them to know anything about them to feel comfortable.

It also gives some insight into the "human condition" which is very interesting to me. I don't care so much for the psychobabble though.
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Post by Top Gun »

Beowulf wrote:Now you're confusing psychiatry and psychology. Psychologists don't prescribe medication; psychiatrists do. And you're making broad generalizations due to preconceived notions, which isn't fair.
I know about the psychiatry/psychology difference; I just didn't know which was which. Either way, it's all the same to me. And yes, I am making broad generalizations, but the question is "What do I think of psychology?" not "How should I think about psychology?" :P
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Post by Mr. Perfect »

Psychology is what people major in when they have no ★■◆●ing clue what to take. That's the only use for it.
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Post by snoopy »

I enjoy observing psycology at work, but I don't have any desire to study it formally.
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Post by MehYam »

Psychology saved my life.
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Post by Delkian »

whuppinboy wrote:psychology is bull**** imo. no one really knows what anyone is thinking
The point is hardly to know what other people think but rather to find patterns in behaviour. Those can be found, although it obviously doesn't always work.

People who praise it as the solver of all problems aren't right. Those who say it's worthless are even less so.

Yea, a bit of a bump. Sorry.
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