How/When did you decide your job/life aspiration?

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How/When did you decide your job/life aspiration?

Post by BigSlideHimself »

At what point in your life did you decide you wanted to be a _________ ? What is it that you wanted to become?
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Heh! I still havn't decided what i want to be when i grow up!!
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Post by Avder »

I'm in training to become a network manager, but something tells me im not going to be very happy with my work.
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Post by llClutchll »

6th grade... The teacher handed out some information on basic electronics (Electromagnets and such) He then proceded to do a crappy job of instructing us on the subject. When all was said and done, I was the only one who passed the test (I aced it, it just came naturally to me.)

Anyways, I wound up being an electronics technician, and am pretty sucessfull at it. :)
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Post by Will Robinson »

When I realized Eddie VanHalen got to fill the last opening for Guitar God and I wasn't going to out do him I decided to turn my day job into my career.
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Post by TheCops »

i started masturbating when i was 12.
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Post by JMEaT »

Since I was a kid I was fascinated with electronics as I got older I started tinkering with PCs, then networks. It always just came naturally to me. Now it's my career. :)
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Post by Tetrad »

I thought working on games would be an interesting career around high school or so.
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Post by Testiculese »

6th grade programming class on an apple 2e
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Post by Lobber »

When the real life begins I will contemplate what I want to do with the rest of my life, one century at a time.
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Post by Dedman »

Growing up I always lived in the approach path to a major commercial airport. First it was San Francisco until I was 3 then San Diego until I went to college. As a result I developed a passion for airplanes and all things aviation. I wanted to know what made them tick, and aerospace engineering seemed the best way to accomplish that.
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Post by Tyranny »

Started drawing around 3rd - 4th grade. Found I enjoyed writing stories too. Art or Design seemed the right choice for me my whole life. Sadly I haven't been able to turn that into a career just yet. Even with a degree in visual communications.

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Post by Unix »

9th grade Spanish made realize that I did not have to try to learn a foreign language. I just hear and remember. So naturally, I'm a linguist. Right now it's Russian, but probably in the next year or so I'll be learning Kurdish.
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Post by Mobius »

I turn 40 on April 6.

I still haven't decided...
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Up until the end of high school I wanted to drive/operate locamotives. Then I was lost until about 4 yrs ago when I ws like "wtf, I fix everyone elses PC problem, might as well get paid for it." So I'm in my last sem of Computer System Technician which includes Network Admin, CCNA, A+ and Linux.
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Post by Foil »

Mobius wrote:I turn 40 on April 6.

I still haven't decided...
I'll be 28 on monday, and I haven't completely decided, either... :P

Basically, I'm trying to narrow my list, which is currently down to either actuarial work (statistics), or education (high school or college math instructor).

As to when I made the decision to head in a Mathematical direction, it was during my Freshman year in college, when I had a particularly good Calc 3 course, and a couple of pretty frustrating Physics courses.
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Post by Jeff250 »

I'm just a'takin' math and physics and computer science until something becomes more obvious.
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Post by Vindicator »

I liked playing with Legos as a kid, so I'm going for a degree in mechanical engineering (where hopefully i'll get to play with big, expensive legos :D).
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Post by Lobber »

I liked playing with Legos as a kid as well. I also liked drawing, and I like making pictures. I also delved into science books for fun when I was a kid, learning about nuclear chemistry and physics. I also enjoyed creating cardboard city layouts for my matchbox car collection, and I made spaceships with egg cartons.

So naturally I am in a dead end job as a sales / driver.
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were supposed to decide?....
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Post by Zoop! »

I wanted to be a lawyer, but I didn't no what to take for a Bachelor's degree, so I picked Economics in the Business college. After I took macroeconomics and microeconomics, it made me cry. While taking said courses, I started taking accounting courses and found it both challenging and somewhat interesting.

Therefore 2005 is the year of the accountant.
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Post by Top Gun »

I've always loved science; in fact, one of my most beloved books as a child was "Little Golden Book of the Solar System." :P I've also always done well at math. As a result, I'm currently a physics major. I hope to eventually wind up in research, maybe even work for NASA someday. :)
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Re: How/When did you decide your job/life aspiration?

Post by Verran »

At what point in your life did you decide you wanted to be a web developer? What is it that you wanted to become?
I wanted to be a commercial/graphic artist, which also translated into a 3D modeler/animator. However, working on the Descent Ranger's website (yeah, yeah, hasn't been updated for years)... I ended up becoming a web developer. Now I'm at 10 years experience with contacts at DreamWorks, Lands End, Blue Cross, Healthnet, Sony, Health Network, Quark, and MapQuest. I'm currently working at Orange Glo (makers of OxiClean - leading the rebuild of their ecommerce sites - and yes, I've met Billy! :P).

Its crazy how much D2 made an altogether different path in my life! Heh, even met my wife playing D2! :P
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Post by ccb056 »

I plan on skipping the whole job thing and jump straight into retirememnt.

Mechanical Engineer -> Legos, K'Nex, etc
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Zoop, I took accounting in 89-90 and liked it but my teacher said that all accountants get burnt after about 10 yrs of doing it.
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Post by kurupt »

Lobber wrote:When the real life begins I will contemplate what I want to do with the rest of my life, one century at a time.
and what if it turns out you were a pizza man in the life that was actually the real life? would you have any regrets? there has to be something you want to be in this one.

for me, its nothing. i would like to do nothing. wake up, sit around. maybe watch some tv or play some video games.
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Post by Top Gun »

kurupt wrote:for me, its nothing. i would like to do nothing. wake up, sit around. maybe watch some tv or play some video games.
Ah, if only...
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Post by Wang_Lo »

well i like messing around with computers (specially after vindi's influence) i enjoy programming alot, so therefore i am doing Computer Science, i also enjoy business too. So i am doing my Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science and then my MBA
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Post by Tricord »

I hate making engaging descisions like that. Lazy as I am, I tend to follow the path with least resistance.. Graduating at university is easy compared to working, I think. At least for me it is. You can pretty much be lazy all year round save for two exam periods. I do work part time, only not to have a problem finding a job later due to lack of experience. Plus, I needed something to pay for my stupid hobbies.

I graduate as Master in Computer Science in a few months. The easy choice is to go for another degree, which is exactly what I'll do. First a Master in engineering, because it's very valuable here and it'll only take me two more years. After that, we'll see. If I'm up to working, I'll have plenty of career opportunities. Otherwise, I might try another degree, drugs, or suicide :) One has many options.
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Post by Zoop! »

CDN_Merlin wrote:Zoop, I took accounting in 89-90 and liked it but my teacher said that all accountants get burnt after about 10 yrs of doing it.
Eh. If I get burnt out, I can use the degree to get into a more-business-less-accounting field. :)
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Post by Topher »

I discovered our IBM PC jr had BASIC on it when I was about 7. Made lots of neato animations (the fill rate was really slow, so when you fill a bunch of lines it looked really cool).

A decade and a half later I got a job offer.
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Post by Foil »

STRESSTEST wrote:were supposed to decide?....
Hmmm.. that's actually a good point. For someone like me, whose major interests seem to change almost by the year, maybe "deciding" on a life-long career would just doom me to a career of boredom.

Whichever direction I choose, I don't really see myself staying there for more than 5-8 years at the most. I'll probably jump around somewhat, if I can do so without too significant a drop in pay. Heck, I took a slight pay cut for a transfer to a better department just a few months ago. :P
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