Level design project questions

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Level design project questions

Post by VXD »

Good mourning all.

Allright I had some quiestions regarding D3 level design. First I'd like to know what limitations D3 (and its engine) have, like, level size, polygon counts, and detail. Considering the game was made in '98 and where seven years later now...well, I'd figure I could make some pretty amazing and smooth looking levels. I got the insipiration for the level while I was walking outside at night, and where I live we have an enourmous stadium looking over us. I want the level to basically be a dark city (Think Fallout/Fallout 2, new reno) in ruins with a huge tower overlooking. Under the tower will be a large bowl for those keen dogfighters.

So I really need to know:

-What the X/Y/Z limitations of a D3 level are, especially height since the huge tower is a major part of the game.
-How much level detail the Fusion engine can handle.
-If it would be possible to export the whole level as a 3D mesh out of 3DSMAX and then into D3edit, so i dont have the build it with god-awfull D3edit...

Anyhelp will be of great help...
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