Would you give a million for this mom?

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Would you give a million for this mom?

Post by woodchip »

I'm sure everyone here remembers the million mommies march against guns a while back. I find the following interesting, as the marchers didn't want you the average law abiding citizen to own firearms, how at least one of their leaders is a scofflaw:

"The president of the Springfield, Ill., chapter of the Million Mom March faces charges of having drugs and an illegal handgun in her home. Press reports said the gun's serial number had been scratched off."

http://www.gopusa.com/news/2005/march/0 ... _mom.shtml

Yup, these are the kind of people telling me I can't own a firearm.
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Post by Hattrick »

"She told a newspaper the gun belonged to her late son, and when she found it, she didn't know what to do with it, so she put it in a drawer."

Put it in a drawer eh? :roll:

I'm sorry, but an exteme activist such as herself shoulda known that it needed to be turned into the police.
"The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) called it a classic case of "liberal elitists" who "cannot walk their own talk."

I fully agree.
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Post by llClutchll »

Heh! That's as good as the BTK murderer hanging on to his position as "President of the Christ Lutheran Church Congregation". (The Pastor confirmed today that he would eventually have to be replaced)

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Post by Krom »

Hahaha, yeah that's rich.
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Post by Ferno »


poetic justice.
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