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Post by Gooberman »

Lothar, I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to Suncho, that is why I quoted him and not you.

However, you percieved my second anwser as "weak" because you assumed that I was trying to trivialize it. Read it again, my anwser is your anwser.
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Post by Neo »

heh I wrote my reply but I lost it since I closed the window. I don't feel like typing all that again. ^_~
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Post by LEON »

Religion is so bad. Look at all the wars....etc. Yes i see that point. And it's a shame that people use religions in that way.

So if we gave up on all religions....wars will be gone as well? Don't think so. Why? Cos we have a dominant attitude. We have EGO. And ego use everything to get domination, even religions. War is about politics, power, me!....etc, and proper religion is the opposite of all that. Dedication.

Jesus made the prosses verey simple. When the rich man asked him. "What can i do to get into paradise?" Jesus said. "Take all your money and give it to the people that needs it" (Dedication). He didn't say "Go to war" or "Get a bigger country" And he didn't say "Start to pray, go to a church" either. He gave him the bottom line (dedication).

Proper religion is to look into myself and see what i can do. I can't say what others should do. Everybody is free to do what ever they like.
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Post by bash »

Wow, look at all the tolerant, free-thinking, bigots.
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Post by Lothar »

*applauds bash*
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Post by Suncho »

Neo wrote: I agree. I'm not religious, I just love the Lord Jesus. ;)
I know you're not retarded, so why does everything you say sound so stupid?
Neo wrote: Exactly. This is why the Lord God always makes Himself known to mankind, because faith comes by hearing the word of God. After He created man, He commanded him. It isn't revealed to us by flesh and blood, but by the Spirit of God.
So if someone came up with a biological weapon that made everyone in the world forget god or jesus or whoever the hell, god would come down and tell us about it again? Is that what you're saying?
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Post by Suncho »

Neo wrote: Truth is just that: truth. =P That means everything else is false. Truth is absolute, not relative, and you know that.
Wow, I completely disagree.
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Post by Duper »

Gooberman wrote: However, science usually wins majority opinion and religion usually adapts around it.

Actually, this is what the media reports. Studies that I have read have shown a much different conclusion. People are mostly emotional and typically make decisions from that level. Marketing will tell you that.
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Post by Suncho »

Lothar wrote: I don't think I'd know the name "Christian", and I might not have nearly as advanced or subtle understanding of God if I didn't have the level of resources I do. I'd still follow Him, I just would have to look harder for information about Him. (Hey, it worked for Melchizedek.)
Very interesting point, Lothar. I somewhat agree with you here, only I believe that God is something that was created by humans to explain the events around them. I believe that the perspective that humans best understand is the human perspective, so when humans see something they can't explain, (the door is open and it wasn't before) they blame it on another human. When the unexplainable isn't something a mere Human could do, they blame it on a human-like creature with superpowers such as god.

So according to your theory, God would speak to the humans and the humans would create religion based on god.

According to my theory, the humans would see and feel things they couldn't explain, and explain it by creating a God entity.

Isn't it fascinating that the same results occur both with and without a God actually being in the picture?
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Post by Suncho »

bash wrote:Wow, look at all the tolerant, free-thinking, bigots.
They're not bigots. =)
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Post by Gooberman »

I dunno Duper, you hardly ever hear a Christian claim that the earth is the center of the universe anymore. Or that the sun revolves around the earth. You don't hear people claim that God causes all objects to eventually come to rest. Even Evolution, that oh-so sacred topic: I would say about half of the Christians I meet believe in evolution. They argue that evolution and creation aren't mutually exclusive. Perhaps. Perhaps this is the counter example. Or...perhaps enough time hasn't transpired to convince every one of evolution. Perhaps it doesn't have enough evidence to support it? Who knows.

Science through time, takes away more and more control from God. Yet at the same time, gives more and more credibility to her existence.

For me, I find it hard to not believe in "God" and likewise believe in Quantum physics. Because it demands randomness in nature. True randomness. Certain things can never be explained or predicted. Randomness is impossible to understand. seems like there has to be *something* there forcing it to take a stance. The history of the subject is fascinating. So many physicists spent their careers trying to disprove it and ended up only giving it more credit. Einstein himself could not bring himself to believe in it.

"God does not play Dice" -Einstein

"Not only does God play Dice, but he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen" -Hawking

Perhaps the theory is wrong.
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Post by Neo »

Suncho wrote:
I know you're not retarded, so why does everything you say sound so stupid?
Neo wrote: Exactly. This is why the Lord God always makes Himself known to mankind, because faith comes by hearing the word of God. After He created man, He commanded him. It isn't revealed to us by flesh and blood, but by the Spirit of God.
So if someone came up with a biological weapon that made everyone in the world forget god or jesus or whoever the hell, god would come down and tell us about it again? Is that what you're saying?
Things I say may sound stupid in D3 chat because I'm either being silly or just kidding, or both. I don't know exactly to what you're referring, so I can answer your question only partially.

No, that's not what I'm saying.
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Post by Neo »

I don't see anything really bad about Gooberman's other post. I don't know why people are giving him such a hard time.

Anyway, a natural man doesn't understand spiritual things, they are foolishness to him, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things.

Taking physics classes doesn't do much. I know that the quantum fields (the ether) are the seven Spirits of God. Like I said, this was not revealed to me by flesh and blood, but by the Spirit of God.

'Religion' makes itself evident as people are seen kneeling down on those kneeling bench things praying the same prayer ten times; religion is evident when the hypocrites call themselves "fathers" and say "your sins are forgiven" but they cannot say "rise and walk." Christianity is just a word. It is a word that is used to describe the followers of the Living One. Christianity is not a 'religion.'

The spirit of the antichrist is in the world now, and many have made stumbling blocks before children and others because they beat people over the head with a Bible and force it down their throats. I notice this is the case with a lot of people (including Descenters) from the "Bible belt." The Lord has said "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea."
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Post by Suncho »

Neo wrote:No, that's not what I'm saying.
So how would people find out about God again?
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Post by Suncho »

Neo wrote:The Lord has said "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Wow! I never realized how violent religion was... I mean... christianity... which is not a religion...
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Post by Suncho »

Neo wrote:'Religion' makes itself evident as people are seen kneeling down on those kneeling bench things praying the same prayer ten times; religion is evident when the hypocrites call themselves "fathers" and say "your sins are forgiven" but they cannot say "rise and walk." Christianity is just a word. It is a word that is used to describe the followers of the Living One. Christianity is not a 'religion.'

Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
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Post by Neo »

dag Suncho, you made like three replies. ;) I never came here to debate or preach, so I'll leave you the best part (otherwise it will just go back and forth). ;)

I'd say that it would be best if this thread just stopped here. We have already stepped over the line by talking about 'religion' on the DBB.
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Post by Duper »


If you read Genisis, God approached Abram .. later Abraham. It's true that most people learn of Jesus by being told. Jesus instructed us to go TELL people. Scripture also tells us that God hid eternity in our hearts, so there is a natural inclenation to find God. Most make god anything they run into. Food, money, descent. ;) Whatever you turn to in your time of need is most likely your god.

There is nothing wrong fundimentally about telling others. That is to say that it does not detract from God's existance. Life in Christ is about sharing, giving, living. Religion is a way of life, however, it's picked up the conotation of "hypocracy".

btw Dedman, Neo is correct in saying there can only be one truth. By definition, Truth is an absolute. It can not be deviated from and thus varying truths is not really possible. Relative truth is very simply a lie and would cause utter chaos. ( I know you said nothing about this).
And if someone TRULEY "believes" they will not abuse someone. They people you know are lieing to themselves. Jesus said that even the demons believe and tremble. That does not mean they will receive forgiveness. Neo is assuming that if you believe then you are living the life. (a correct assumtion)

Anyways, back to topic. .. I haven't seen the movie yet. I'm a bit leary to see a Mel Gibson movie as they typically over the top graphic. (gorey) and I just don't dig that. "The Patriot", and "We Were Soldiers" were both excellent stories, but way WAY too bloody. War is just that and has its element of overt mutalization, but there is nothing that says it's vital for viewers to experiance hair covered skin sliding down the camera lens. :\
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Post by kurupt »

Drakona wrote:You know, part of Christian maturity is tolerating people with whom you disagree in a loving spirit. That's different that tolerating ideas with which you disagree, but it still typically doesn't involve much scissor-stabbing. ;)
exactly. if you beat your wife and kids, chances are you're not one of those people who wanted to be saved, you're one of those people who's parents and society told you christianity is good and you would go to a fiery hell if you didn't believe them. even though i have no religious bones in my body, i'm pretty confident in my stance that christians arent supposed to beat their families. if they truly had the spirit, they wouldn't.

and it is safe to assume this couple was christian, why else would they beat each other, call the police, stab, etc, over a theological point in a christian movie if they weren't christian? being unreligious, having that fight with my date would result in her winning, becuase i truly don't care, i went to see the movie either a.) becuase she wanted to b.) entertainment value or c.) to support mel gibson.

its hard to get passionate about something you don't believe in, and these 2 were passionate beyond reason, so i'd say they are christians, the kinds i previously mentioned.
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Post by bash »

[quote]â??During that argument, they started arguing about the mentality of each otherâ??s parents,â?
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Post by Dedman »

bash wrote:What media bias? It's rarely safe to assume anything. :|
Watch it buddy, CNN is never wrong :D
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Post by bash »

The information CNN provided was not wrong. The information CNN did not provide, however, led the reader to an inaccurate assumption. I wonder if CNN will now make note of all films watched prior to a crime in its articles or only films with Christian content.

As a result of CNN's *sin of omission* many of you have exposed a malevolence toward Christians that has no support. Live and learn. :)
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Post by kurupt »

well, the fact that they were arguing over their parents and not the trinity as previously implied by the first article, it makes my entire post pointless , except for the part about them not being good christians/ ;)
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Post by Duper »

kurupt wrote:its hard to get passionate about something you don't believe in, and these 2 were passionate beyond reason,...

You are quite right; however, they wre outta control. Scripture does not condone this. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians that anger has it's place, but not to sin in thier anger. That is, be controlled and don't do anything stupid. Christians aren't perfect. No one is. If that were the case, the work that Jesus did would be obsoleted. This is where the whole "choice" thing comes in. To paraphrase: "Just because you are given a drivers licence, does not mean it's OK to drive around running people over."
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Post by kurupt »

exactly my point... people who sought out (insert name of god here) and became religious, spiritual, what have you, have already been in this position and have seen the err in their ways... and probably won't beat their families...
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Post by MehYam »


1) Hollywood flick about Christ prompts religious conflict between a couple

2) Mention of this ridiculous story spawns another religious conflict here

Kinda like a virus.
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Post by kurupt »

move over springer, its religion with kurupt and friends!!1

i mean cmon, who wouldnt watch me hosting a show about religion? haha!!
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Post by Lothar »

bash, are you sure that's the right link?
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Post by bash »

Lothar, it was the right link last night but I see now it's pointing to a new story. It's not uncommon for small local newspapers not to have the savvy to archive their stuff and they simply plug in more recent stories to existing links. There doesn't seem to be a search so I guess there is no archive. :( Notice it just says Story6 and no archive coding or date. Sorry, I should have pasted the entire story in. The only significant difference between the local story and the CNN version was the line I quoted, but what a difference it made. Also, both husband and wife claimed there were no scissors involved and there was no stabbing, just some scratches on husband's arm and face.
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Post by Duper »

I noticed that too.. hate it when that happens. :\
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