tyranny; ive never seen nipple on a billboard or in a television ad. i've seen them in magazines, but never billboards
if you look closely at the lingerie ad in that picture, you *can* see her nipple. although the first picture in that isn't a great example, i only put it there because its all i could find
I did notice the breast, but the ad is done so tastefully it really didn't strike me as important. It isn't even that noticeable because of the use of transparency and foliage superimposed in the image. That and the color tones used, the areola & nipple aren't at all distracting from the picture. I'm sure it is a different story if you're standing right next to it however.
I've seen them in Victoria Secret ads on Television. It isn't hard to notice when they're wearing skimpy little garments that are sometimes see through. This is specifically why they use the fast action cut footage where they cut from one picture to the next quickly. It's used because they want to make you think you saw something, but since the pictures change so quickly you're not sure if you saw what you think you saw. The point is you actually did, they just want to peak your interest by confusing you
The thing that strikes me as stupid in this country is that ad probably wouldn't fly. However, if you put a little see through lingerie top on her it would be perfectly acceptable. I find that to be an insulting double standard. Just like body paint. I've seen shows on regular tv or ads and/or a pictorial with like Sports Illustrated supermodels strutting around wearing body paint and it's perfectly fine. Never mind that they're totally naked. It's like if theres something there to detract from people noticing, it's just fine.
Tyranny wrote:
I've seen them in Victoria Secret ads on Television. It isn't hard to notice when they're wearing skimpy little garments that are sometimes see through. This is specifically why they use the fast action cut footage where they cut from one picture to the next quickly. It's used because they want to make you think you saw something, but since the pictures change so quickly you're not sure if you saw what you think you saw. The point is you actually did, they just want to peak your interest by confusing you
A year ago, my dad and I watched Private Ryan together. He NEVER EVER EVER! let me watch stuff like that before and never again since then. It was the saddest movie I ever saw. He said he wanted to show me what war was like and to appreciate what our soldiers face wherever they go. I don't pray....but I wish them safe every single night now. Geez.....what is wrong with this world anyway. Why does such a small group of leaders dictate what happens to thousands and thousands. Don't people doing things that are morally wrong KNOW it's wrong? It's so confusing to me.
I'm prevented (still) from certain shows on TV and where I can go on the internet, so when some kids talk about certain movies like "Sopranos" (we don't have pay channels) I'm somewhat in the dark. I have shows I watch, and don't see what I'm really missing if anything. Private Ryan left an impression on me that I wish I could forget.
I also wonder if keeping me from watching certain things is giving me a false impression of what the world is really like. I do read the news, so I'm not totally stupid.
If you want an impression of what the world is like, go outside. Drive around. Look. Read newspapers (preferably non-biased, but, since you won't find that, at least try reading papers from several different biases). TV is not the place to get an impression of what the world is like. TV studios, though they can make an attempt to portray reality, can never put you in a situation where your life is on the line, they can never truly show you what it is to watch the guy next to you get shot down.
TV, IMHO, is one of the most worthless forms of media ever invented. It's not interactive, like a video game, so you're not actually being forced to think about what to do; you don't get much (if anything) out of it, and you most certainly won't gain much of value from it. If you want to learn about the world, do it by observing the world, not from something like TV. The only thing it's really good for is documentaries, and for breaking news (like when 9/11 occurred).