
For discussion of life's issues: current events, social trends and personal opinions.

Moderators: Tunnelcat, Jeff250

do you tell the truth on the internet? or are you 'misleading' us now?

are you a smart arse joker?
are you a 'sexual dynamo' skinny freak typing your lies that are only wishes?
do you always represent yourself and your thoughts accurately?
Total votes: 42
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Post by Jeff250 »

What's honesty.net?
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Post by Lothar »

I think he was asking the question "are you honest... on the internet" but he abbreviated it honesty.net

One of my personal rules for debate is that I always argue honestly -- by which I mean, if I say "I believe thing X for reason Y" then reason Y is my real reason for believing thing X. If I believe something for a religious reason, I won't lie to you and cook up a fake philosophical or scientific reason. If I believe something because someone made a good argument, I'll give you that argument, rather than making up some fake religious reasoning.

One thing this means is that if you can shut me down in direct debate, you're very likely to change my mind. If, on the other hand, you're always questioning my motives and ignoring the arguments I give, you're not going to convince me of anything.

Outside of debate, I also try to be honest. I don't go to the point of telling you what I had for breakfast just so you can't accuse me of withholding information, but I do try to give enough information that you can make informed conclusions on whatever topic is being discussed.
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Post by whuppinboy »

i lie about everything i type on the internet, except this.

but then again, how do you know i don't lie about everything i type on the internet, except this?

or do you know i lie or don't lie about everything on the internet, except this?

if you don't KNOW the person typing the response, and you believe what they write, than you're a fool and deserve to be the pitiful naked person sitting in a bean bag chair, watching benny hinn while you are masturbating to your computer screen with a box of kleenex and a jar of vaseline.
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Post by Unix »


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Post by Gooberman »

Sometimes I will pretend to care about issues that I really don't care about if the other side is getting no representation. Other then that I am pretty honest.
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