The Story of the man with the hat!

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The Story of the man with the hat!

Post by Isaac »

There was once a man with a hat and he had a long way to go. One day he woke up from his giant nest and said, \" i will go a long way, because it is time to go.\" The man with the hat started walking down the long blue road and wore a large green hat to keep the sun from his nose. The man walk over the hills and over the sea and finally came to a large orange mushroom that had hands for feet. The man said, \" I must go on a long way to get where i have to go.\" \"But where would you go to if you got there?\" said the handed, orange, mushroom. \"For if you walk from a place to another where will it get you? Where will you be?\" The man put up his hand and said \"Boom\" and the mushroom fell over! The man continued his quest and walked for many years over the rotten hills and the cabbage carrot fields and found a blue fish with an armadillo hat who asked, \" If you're going that way, you have to ask what's in your way, or you'll never get there in time.\" The man replied, \"If i have gotten there then i will have not needed ask of what's in my way, meaning i am already there!\" \"You speak great wisdom\" said the fish. The man lifted his hand and said, \"boom\" and the fish fell over! The man continued on his way and finally came to a large blue rock with wings and a tail. The man sat on the rock and said, \"This is where i needed to be, but not any more because that was then and this is now.\" \"I agree\" said the winged blue rock with the tail. \"If i go that way i will be there by now but no be there once i get there,\" said the man with the blue hat. \"Then if you stay in one place then you will be everywhere and no where at once!\" The rock said. \"Then it's agreed, that i go no where and everywhere at once!\"
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