OK, where's my S-video?

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OK, where's my S-video?

Post by Sedwick »

I have an NVIDIA GeForce 7350 LE, for which I've just loaded the latest driver. Descent still works, except now I have the annoying but not Earth-shattering situation of having to alt-tab out of and back into the game to get menus again once I've left play. But I've got a system restore point to take care of that.
My main problem is, I was hoping the driver update might solve the issue I have where the card's S-video output (I'm assuming it's an output) gives me nothing. I can't think of any utility I have to open to enable it, so does anyone have any advice? Thanks...
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Post by Krom »

the S-Video/Coax output only works when it is actually connected to a powered on TV. And the nvidia driver control panel for controlling TV output is rather clunky in places. One of the things that it screws up the most often is the output format, make sure it is properly set to North American NTSC or most TVs will not display anything.
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Post by Spidey »

If you boot up with a regular monitor hooked up to the VGA or DVI output, it will be detected as the “primary” display, and you won’t have any output from your S-Video until you go into display properties and select a dual view configuration such as “clone” or “share desktop across 2 monitors”. The system should detect the type of TV you are using.

If you boot with only the TV (not recommended) make sure it is on when you boot. Then the system should detect it and enable the S-Video output.

Good luck with that, Nvidia S-Video drivers suck balls.
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Post by SuperSheep »

I had similar issues getting the TV to work with our lappies. After many hours of fiddling, the only thing found to work was rolling back the video drivers to an earlier release. Using 86.02 now and S-Video works great!
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Post by Sedwick »

Well, I ran some kind of TV setup wizard from the NVIDIA Control Panel while the TV was connected, it made me reboot, and then I saw the bootup screens on the TV! That went to just the wallpaper after Windows finished loading, and it took me a while to realize it set it up as a seperate monitor/desktop space. I've changed it to Clone, and that compensates for the resolution difference by scrolling to keep the mouse pointer in view. The colors kinda suck, but this should serve my needs. Thanks!
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Post by AceCombat »

first and last time i tried to clone a desktop to a tv it FUBAR'ed my driver installation....... :x
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