Descent LAN - St. Petersburg, Russia - 19-20 September 2009

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Descent LAN - St. Petersburg, Russia - 19-20 September 2009

Post by akula65 »

MidiV has announced a Descent LAN in St. Petersburg, Russia on 19-20 September 2009 on the Russian Descent Outpost:

Specific details are given in this thread of the RDO forum: ... 1247732145

Here is a translation of MidiV's initial post:
Greetings all!

I solemnly announce that on 19-20 September 2009 the next Descent LAN party will take place in St. Petersburg for all Descent fans!
We will fight at close quarters, and I will create the program :) .

The following is planned:
Descent 1 Re-Birth (anarchy), Descent 2 Re-Birth (anarchy, hoard), Descent 3 (anarchy, CTF, hoard, Monsterball). If there are more than 6 people, then we will try to play entropy.
If there is the desire (and participants), then we can conduct meetings on two evenings - on Saturday and on Sunday.
On Saturday, for example, Descent 2 & 3, and on Sunday Descent 1 & 3 or however we make arrangements.

I can help those from other cities with hotels - only I need for you to set definite plans by 1 September (at the latest!) and inform me who and when you are arriving and leaving so that spaces can be secured. A hotel is sufficiently inexpensive - from around 1300 roubles (about $41.00 US) a day (a definite price, of course, will be understood closer to September).
I will announce the site of activities at the beginning of September - still earlier if arrangements can be made with the clubs.

So, respected pilots, sharpen your mice and joysticks in order to be fully armed!

All desiring to play are invited.

We will discuss in this thread questions, wishes, and declarations of participation.

A list of those who are 99% sure to play (1% for force majeure):
(this will be redacted according to declarations to play):

MidiV, St. Pete
Sergei (Hukka), St. Pete
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Post by akula65 »

MidiV is getting a little antsy about the apparent lack of interest:
Эээ, что-то непонятно - ау, кто-нибудь на пати приедет или нет? Месяц остался, пора определяться!
Translation: \"Uhhh, I don't get it, is anybody coming to the LAN party or not? One month remains, it's time to make one's position clear!\"

Let him know now if you plan to come.
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Post by akula65 »

Per MidiV on 8 September
Господа, прошу сообщить о своем участии (или не участии) до воскресенья, 13 сентября.
Если до 13 сентября больше никто не проявится - запланированную встречу отменяем из-за отсутствия смысла в ее проведении.
Translation: Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to report concerning your participation (or lack thereof) before Sunday, 13 September.
If nobody shows up by 13 September, the planned meeting will be called off because it won't make any sense to conduct it.
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LAN party cancelled

Post by MidiV »

LAN party canceled due to lack of participants.
Perfection Through Genetics
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