TV on the PC w/ external DVR

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DBB DemiGod
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TV on the PC w/ external DVR

Post by Birdseye »

I want to watch tv on my 30inch LCD while I also use it for computing by using an external DVR. However, I'm not sure what TV tuner card to buy. I don't need any \"tv tuning\" per se, and I just want what is coming out the DVR I have to then go into my computer and display both sound and video. The channel changing would obviously still be done on my external DVR.

Can this be done? It'd be awesome to watch whatever I want on my computer, with a resizable screen and i could put the \"tv\" wherever i want and do other stuff.
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Post by Krom »

If your DVR has HDMI and your monitor supports HDCP you may be able to do it without using a tuner card at all. The only thing you might have to work for is some way of passing the audio through. Just get a HDMI ---> DVI adapter (HDMI and DVI use identical signaling for video and are compatible). If your monitor has multiple inputs its as simple as pushing the button to switch.

Although that method wouldn't allow you to have a resizable window. Also check and see if your DVR has a firewire port, sometimes you can get them to stream video over that.
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