Good program to create somewhat realistic trumpet/saxophone?

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Good program to create somewhat realistic trumpet/saxophone?

Post by []V[]essenjah »

Well, I know that some people here have probably messed with fruity loops and I've been creating some music for a Fallout New Vegas mod I'm working on. However, I can't seem to figure out how to use the saxophone on this thing. Every time I attempt to create one, I just get simple flat tones. Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to create trumpet and saxophone on a program such as this or of a good program for creating synthetic trumpets? It doesn't have to be perfect, just needs to sound half-decent as it is just background music in a New Vegas nightclub I'm working on.
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Re: Good program to create somewhat realistic trumpet/saxoph

Post by fliptw »

Back in the day, we called it a "MIDI Software". Mess with the reverb and/or chorus perhaps?
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Re: Good program to create somewhat realistic trumpet/saxoph

Post by Ferno »

VSTi insturments. usually found in suites like Ableton Live and Cubase
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Re: Good program to create somewhat realistic trumpet/saxoph

Post by Alter-Fox »

All the synths here are free and many of them are emulators of real instruments -- I know that DSK Saxophones is awesome, and I've used it in at least one song for a large D3 singleplayer mod (I can't remember if I used it in any others). I got this idea that a saxophone would fit well into an outdoor jungle environment :P. He has a brass synth too (I think it includes trumpets), but depending on what you're intending it may not be the best option - I've found it doesn't fit well with any of the music I tried it in. I still highly recommend almost everything on this site though.
If you have access to Sytrus it has some really great brass and wind presets (including some awesome trumpets and an awesome flute), and if not you can look at 3xOSC (which is included in all FL versions), it has some good trumpet sounds too though they're not as good quality as sytrus. Also look at soundfonts and soundfont players -- default midi sound may be bad quality but there are still some very good soundfonts out there. The only drawback is, I think, that the quality that the soundfont can be rendered with will still depend on the power of your soundcard.
One other thing you can try is Directwave - even if you have Fruity edition you get limited access to the full version of it and though you can't download the whole library of sounds there are some good ones that you can get -- look around in the download manager. If you have the Signature bundle (and I think the Producer edition as well), you get all the features of Directwave though you don't get any more actual download content (I suppose it has to be bought separately).
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