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why are people so unkind

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:49 pm
by roid
i can find no rational nonreligious reason for the existance of EVIL and NASTINESS in this world.


i look at people walking down the street, they are scared. they expect everyone and anyone to be a psycho wanting to hurt them.
"protray an image of strength, lest you BE 'their' target"

but there's no psychos around.

'they' psychos 'they' psychos 'they'

i am walking down the street,

...never psychos around.

i have never met a person who i've hated, that when i get them on their own i can't undersatnd and empathise with them, or just plain tear their evil little masks off; then whenever they see me around from then on: they know they are naked.

everyone's naked.

no-one's got armour. we're all soft and squishy.

there is no heros, no psychos, only masks.
we're all soft and squishy, the people you meet in the street, they are soft and squishy too.
and when the frightened people in the street realise that you TOO are soft and squishy. we burn masks, we can look at strangers in the street and realise:

"yes, we're all in the same boat"

all strangers are friends. hey stranger, what's up.
(★■◆●!!! a psycho! run!)

why bother making enemys, why bother with the shields and masks at all. without weapons, no-one needs shields. no-one needs running shoes.


i can find no rational nonreligious reason for the existance of EVIL and NASTINESS in this world.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:51 pm
by Tetrad
People aren't rational. Duh.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:34 am
by XeonJr

Re: why are people so unkind

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:59 am
by Kyouryuu
roid wrote:i can find no rational nonreligious reason for the existance of EVIL and NASTINESS in this world.
But the world is... LOVE and PEACE! :D

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:42 am
by Grendel
Legacy -- survival of the fittest..

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:21 am
by Krom
*yawn* @ drugs

Re: why are people so unkind

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:14 pm
by De Rigueur
roid wrote:i can find no rational nonreligious reason for the existance of EVIL and NASTINESS in this world.
Hey, welcome to the human condition.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:11 pm
by Testiculese
Animal instinct. Fear what you don't understand, Kill what you fear. Self/family-preservation. It's a big list. Then add religions. Other humans are simply competition, hence dangerous.
Our brains struggle against this, and have done so only successfully enough to build things which which we use to screw each other over. I'd say in a thousand years, we will probably have overcome racism. Probably. Except in the Bible-belt, of course.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:20 pm
by bash
It will come as no shock that I blame the media. You go out and probably 99% of the folks you interact with are upbeat and trying to find happiness. However, the media *mirror* reverses that percentage and promotes the belief that danger is lying in wait for all of us just around the corner. Folks, throw away your TVs. Life is what you make it. If you choose to hate, hate will find you. If you allow yourself to be afraid, fear will be your constant companion. If you're a pain in the azz, don't be surprised when others are a pain in the azz back. You get what you give.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:23 am
by roid
wow i'm taken back. i would've have expected testi and bash to be some of the strongest "get off teh drugs hippy!" voices. thx guys, your tops :D

btw, no drugs* involved.
i just write emotions and ideas more efficiently if i _partially_ throw coherence to the winds like this, i was wondering if i should type it in the art forum, but i wanted discussion so here it is :D

i needed to get the words off my chest.

(haha now that i think back, i had just been watching interpretive dance on tv before writing it)

I QUOTE MYSELF!! wrote:i have never met a person who i've hated, that when i get them on their own i can't undersatnd and empathise with them, or just plain tear their evil little masks off; then whenever they see me around from then on: they know they are naked.
this was the crux. the thing i wanted to put out there. i can't think of any enemy i've ever met who i havn't been able to analyse (and if needs be: rip to shreads) in private, with no detriment to my own ego. am i invincible?
basically, this "enemy who is too great" i am wondering if such a thing even exists AT ALL!

whenever i meet someone i don't like, someone i consider somewhat "evil", if i'm able to i will pull them aside and figure out what the problem is and, i'm not sure if i've ever failed o_O. do i just have a bad or selective memory perhaps?
at the end of it the other person either has a newfound fear/respect for me, we have reached an understanding, and/or has gone into an easily observable denial. i'm uncertain if i've really... ever found... someone evil.
there's always an explanation, always a cause, always underlying motivations.

i think this is the begining of my true search into evil (the journey "fortold" in my supposed personality profile: INFP** :P woooo~~ #waves arms spookily#)
so, anyone been there, done that, already? and can tell their tale about their meeting with a truly unexplainable, truly unredeemable "evil"?


**- The deep commitment of INFPs to the positive and the good causes them to be alert to the negative and the evil, which can take the form of a fascination with the profane. Thus INFPs may live a paradox, drawn toward purity and unity but looking over the shoulder toward the sullied and desecrated.
- Deeply committed to the positive and the good, yet taught to believe there is evil in them, Healers can come to develop a certain fascination with the problem of good and evil, sacred and profane. Healers are drawn toward purity, but can become engrossed with the profane, continuously on the lookout for the wickedness that lurks within them.